"For your own self-interest, you persecute an excellent drillmaster and flee to other countries, but in order to show your prestige, you send elite teams to intercept and kill."

"Every day in the office, the opponent must fight or scold."

"Extravagance and lust, violence and impermanence, do you think you are a qualified soldier?"

This series of questions made the Demeter pale inside, "you Are you trying to rebel? "

Nikita shook his head. "You're wrong, Dmitri. I'm just saving country e!"

"You are not a fool, naturally you also understand what I mean by saying so, otherwise you will not want to run away in a hurry!"

Dmitry's eyes showed despair and said dryly, "Xue Xue an? "

Nikita nodded. "You're smart! So I won't embarrass you. You can finish it yourself

Dmitri's face suddenly became very ugly.

He is really not a fool, otherwise he would not smell danger in the first time after getting the news, and then he would like to escape in a hurry.

Because only people at their level will have a deeper understanding of how terrible Xue an's influence is.

It can be said that if Xue an wants to deal with any country now, he doesn't have to do it himself. With a finger at his fingertips, there will be countless people working for him.

All this is because of xue'an's supreme power and the temptation of his skills.

In today's world, who doesn't want to curry favor with China and kneel and lick Xue an in exchange for a skill that can be used for cultivation?

So when Demetrius knew that Suzanne had been rescued by Xue an, and that she had let others convey her dissatisfaction.

Dmitri understood.

It's over!

Once this news spreads, there will be countless people who have already coveted to kill themselves.

Even if Xue an didn't show the intention of killing himself, those people would not hesitate to kill themselves in order to please Xue an and China.

It was because he understood this that Dmitri wanted to escape in the first place.

Kenikita moved faster than he did, blocking him in the office.

At this time, Dmitri said in despair: "Nikita, I am also a soldier of country E. I promise that I will not appear again. You can let me go."

Nikita shook her head. "Dmitri, if it's someone else, I'll let you go. But who offended you is the first one in the world?"

After hearing this, Demeter suddenly took out his gun and ran forward, trying to take Nikita hostage.

But as soon as he took a step, a bullet went through the French window, went straight into his forehead, and then got out of the back of his head, splashing blood all over the wall.

There was a last trace of terror on Dmitri's face, and then he fell to the ground slowly and died.

Nikita looked at the corpse on the ground and said faintly, "take a picture, then release the news, saying that the commander committed suicide in fear of crime. Then he privately contacted China to express our sincere apology to Mr. Xue from the military of country E


Hand down to busy with the end of the matter.

Nikita looked at the extravagant office and at the broken French window, with a sneering smile on his lips.

"What a fool. Didn't you know Susannah and Mr. Xue before you dealt with her?"

"Still sitting in front of the French windows all day long, is it too late to die?"

Soon, the news of Dmitri's suicide caused a sensation in country E.

But because of his bad comments, many people look at it with a happy attitude.

Of course, it's all propaganda on the surface.

In private, the people of E have expressed their apologies to China more than once, and said that they should never damage the long-standing precious friendship between the two countries because of some black sheep.

However, the Chinese side has not taken this seriously, because the busiest part of China's diplomacy is now.

Every day, they are tired of dealing with the courtship from all sides. They are almost numb.

But when Suzanne, who came back to Zhongdu with Xue an, knew the news, she was shocked and didn't know what to say.

She finally understood what Xue an meant when she said it would soon be different.

He seemed to have expected such a scene.

In the whole process, he didn't even say a word.

Only with supreme prestige, let country e offer the head of Dmitri obediently.

What a domineering effect it has to be.

Suzanne can't help but recall that in that strange world, when Xue an appeared, what attitude the people in that world welcomed.

It was like greeting the most noble gods.

When she returned to Zhongdu, what she saw and heard made Susanna numb.Suzanne felt a trace of real fear from the soldiers who were practicing hard every day and their strength was improving by leaps and bounds.

Because under such soaring strength, China's military strength will soon become the first in the world, and there is no dispute about it.

Suzanne was also shocked by the thriving state of the whole society.

But Suzanne gradually fell in love with the atmosphere.

She also wants to see what kind of height Xue an and Hua Parliament are leading the world to.

Because she was brought back by Xue an, no one dares to treat her slowly.

Soon, she was selected into the army, began to play her own ability, a new instructor.

And this scene is being staged more and more all over China.

Many foreign talents began to cry and cry to enter China, and the rich came in a rush, waving money, just to join the Chinese nationality.

Because these rich people know that China will be the safest place in the world in the future.

And if you can get a cultivation method, it will be a good thing step by step.

As for those girls from abroad, they have made red eyes in order to marry into China.

In the back, as long as you are a Chinese man, someone will marry you.

If you are from Zhongdu or Beijiang, not to mention, as long as you nod, these girls will come in their wedding dresses.

Many bachelors who had no hope of getting married all their lives have found beautiful foreign wives.

Seeing this scene, many people have a sense of deja vu.

It's as if in a few years everything has turned around.

At the same time, Xue an opened the demon family's Secret realm and Qi Yun secret realm, and connected them with the world.

When Jiang Meier led many demon clans to appear in the world, it also caused a stir.

But the real cause of the uproar is Xiaoshui and others from the secret place of Qi.

After seeing these real soldiers, many scholars who are addicted to scientific research are going crazy.

There are also puppets such as Liu Keke of Xianzong. The puppets they used also attracted a burst of surprise.

So countless scholars began to study alchemy, trying to combine the technology of the earth with these ancient mysteries.

For this new exploration, Xue an is also very supportive.

After a period of confusion.

Xue an takes an Yan and others to leave Zhongdu quietly and return to Beijiang.

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