In the next few days, the xue'an family did not even go out of the house, enjoying a warm and sweet time in this small house.

Until this day, Tang xuan'er returned to Beijiang with Xiaosha.


Villa Tianzi No.1.

Xiao Sha said: "boss, take me with you. In case someone is looking for something, I can beat him for you."

Xue an shook his head. "No, you have more important tasks to stay here."

"More important tasks?" Xiao Sha is a little confused.

Xue an nodded, then looked around the whole villa, light way: "is here!"

Xiao Sha and Tang xuan'er look at each other, and they are all confused. They don't understand what Xue an's words mean.


Xue an went to the door of the villa, looked up at the distant Yunmeng lake, slowly stretched out his hand, palm upward, and said faintly: "another day Change the ground


At his command, the hill under the people's feet suddenly shook, and then began to increase.

The Yunmeng Lake in the distance was surging wildly, and a group of spring water was springing up in the center of the lake, and the area of the lake began to increase rapidly.

In short, the environment around villa Tianzi No.1 began to change dramatically.

Tang xuan'er and Xiao Sha are a little bit stunned.

And Xue an is quietly watching all this.

When Xue an just moved into the villa, because of the bad fengshui, he once forced the hill to be raised and transformed.

But at that time, Xue an's accomplishments were far from restored to the present level.

It is impossible to have such a magnificent power of changing the world.

If Song Yi, who is studying Fengshui technique, is here, he will probably surprise his chin.

Because what Xue an is doing now is a top-level geomantic skill that can absorb heaven, earth, mountains and rivers in one hand.

A moment later.

The upheaval gradually stopped.

If you look at this villa, it has changed a lot.

Originally not a tall hill, it has become towering.

And that originally small Yunmeng lake has become misty, and there is a pool of spring water in the middle of the lake.

The water was dense, turned into countless white fog and floated over the lake.

Xue an lifted his foot into the void and pointed to it. The white fog turned into a white line and was led to the hill.

The hill was slightly shaken, moistened by the white fog, and gradually showed the luster of jade.

Tang xuan'er and Xiao Sha feel the aura around them has reached an incredible level.

At a time of horror.

Xue an stood in the middle of the air and whispered, "mountains and rivers are the array!"


These mists turned into countless white lines, forming a very complex set of seal characters, and then fell down, covering the hill completely.

The hill, however, attracted the spirit of the earth that had been accumulating for tens of thousands of years. In an instant, the whole mountain became as bright as jade.

It's a battle.

Including Yunmeng lake, the surrounding area of Tianzi No.1 villa is covered by a thick layer of fog, which makes it a world of its own.

And if someone wants to break in, they have to fight against the mountains and rivers here, otherwise they can't enter at all.

However, Xue an was still not at ease, and added many runes to the array. He was barely satisfied until he refined the heaven and earth into a solid existence.

Then Xue an falls back to the ground and releases Anqing, who is still sleeping in Fubao building.

At the moment, Anqing has been completely covered by a layer of cocoon, and along with a long breath, the cocoon also flickers with faint fluorescence.

"Qing'er..." An Yan can't help but be moved.

Xue an said lightly: "she's OK, but she still needs to sleep for some time! And here is the protection of the array I set up. It's very safe! Let her stay here

An Yan slightly hesitated, and then gently nodded.

Xue an laughed, "don't worry, we're not going back here! It may not be long before we can come back and have a look. "

"Well!" An Yan should a, and then pick up the sleeping Anqing to the villa.

Xue an turns to look at Xiao Sha and Tang xuan'er.

"Little sand!"


"After I go, you should take care of this world and protect Xuaner Mengxue and others. If someone comes to make trouble..."

Don't wait for Xue an to finish, small sand face showed a obliteration meaning, "boss, don't worry, if someone dares to disturb, kill no amnesty!"

Xue an nodded, and then looked at Tang xuan'er. "Xuan'er, now the aura of this world is more and more strong. I've got through the underground spiritual pulse here. You need to practice well. After all, if you want to avoid trouble, you need to have enough strength firstTang xuan'er's eyes were slightly red, "yes!"

At this time, an Yan settled down and her sister anqing came out with two little girls.

Xue an looks around the villa and suddenly raises his hand and waves a sword.


An incomparable sword fell into the mountains and sea, and then dissipated into the invisible.

"I'll leave another sword to guard here, which will protect this place from worry!"

After that, Xue an released the boat which had been captured from the true God of heaven on that day.

The hundreds of boats have now become one.

Once released, it floats in the high altitude, the golden light flickers, people dare not look directly.

"Yan'er, let's go!"

Xue an said, led an Yan and two daughters boarded the starfish boat.

Tang xuan'er and Xiao Sha look up.

I saw the star boat flying off at a very fast speed. In an instant, it disappeared in the sight of the two people.

After a meeting, Xiao Sha shook his head and sighed, "the boss is the boss. It's really domineering!"

But xuan'er's eyes were slightly red, and she turned to the villa and didn't dare to look at it again.

At the same time.

Xue an controls the star boat, has arrived at the top of the sky, and then goes up into space.

An Yan and two little girls stood in front of the porthole made by the secret method, looking at the blue star below with shock.

Xue an faint smile, "good-looking?"

"Mm-hmm! How beautiful

"Ha ha, sit tight. We're going to go." Xue an said, and began to use his own cultivation to motivate the star boat.

See the star boat slowly turn direction, the space in front of a ripple, and then suddenly flash a very bright light, the star boat will disappear in place.

At the same time.

The strong men all over the world felt something and looked up at the sky one after another.

Europe, in the dark castle.

Fan Mengxue, who was sitting on the dark throne, suddenly looked up at the flash on the dome, and his eyes gradually showed tears.

"Xue an Be careful all the way

And in Zhongdu.

The fire phoenix members who are practicing hard also look up.

"The drillmaster left!" Zhou Daniu's face is full of awe.

Zou Yi nodded, "yes! I really want to follow the instructor to see what the outside world looks like

There was a moment of silence.

Then Cheng Hao said in a deep voice: "if you want to go to the outside world, you have to be strong enough, so we have to train harder, understand?"

"Understand!" All members responded.

The whole world is restless because of Xue an's leaving.

But soon, everything gradually quieted down.

The world is back on track, and in the distant starry sky, Xue an is driving the star boat to shuttle. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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