
In the vast space, a star boat suddenly rowed by, and then passed the stars with the speed of space-time transition.

The star boat, which appears to be very large on earth, is as small as floating dust in the vast universe.

Xue an alone in the control of the star boat, his face also showed a trace of fatigue.

He has urged the cultivation and has been on the road for three months in a row.

If other Jinxian, it is estimated that they would have died because of overdraft.

That's why Xue an can hold on to now.

Anyan and her two daughters are not in the star boat.

Xue an is well aware of the danger of traveling in this space. Even if there is a starboat, it is not safe.

So Xue an let them into the Fubao building to escape.

This Fu Bao building is a relic of the real immortal. Even if there is something wrong with the star boat, it can resist outside interference.

In the past three months, Xue an looked at every star he passed, but found no living planet.

This makes Xue an feel a little strange.

If in that prosperous star region, almost every star can be pregnant with life.

Only the stars near the earth are dead.

If the dead starry sky is like a desert, then the earth is the only oasis in the desert.

This strange phenomenon raised a little doubt in Xue an's heart.

Did someone do it on purpose, or was it?

If someone deliberately for it, then the means of this person is really earth shaking.

Because he didn't have a star map around him, and he didn't have a star array to transmit, he had to use this stupid way to cross the void.

Of course, when xue'an recovers from daroshio, he can cross the sky in flesh. At that time, it will be more convenient to walk in the sky.

At this time, the star boat has sailed into a calm sea of stars.

The stars are shining and beautiful outside.

Seeing this, Xue an releases Fubao building.

As soon as Anyan and her two daughters came out, they were shocked by the beautiful scenery outside.

After a long time, an Yan sighed: "it's really spectacular!"

Xue an smelled the speech and said with a smile, "I'll take you to Tianhe to have a look. There are tens of millions of stars gathered together. The light is like smoke, and the starfish is like dust. That's the real spectacular!"

"Mm-hmm! Husband, where are we now? Is it far from the earth? " An Yan asked.

"Yes, but it's not!"


"From a human point of view, we are now very far away from the earth, but on a cosmic scale, we may not be out of the door yet."

An Yan smell speech mouth slightly open, "so big?"

"You..." Xue an is going to say something with a smile.

Suddenly, the star boat began to shake violently.

Then Xue an saw a huge black star in front of the star boat.

"Go back to the building!" Xue an said in a deep voice and immediately began to concentrate on controlling the star boat.

An Yan man is worried, looks at Xue an, then turns around and takes two daughters to get into Fubao small building.

Although she was worried about xue'an, she knew that she could not help xue'an by staying outside. Instead, she would distract xue'an.

When he saw his wife and daughter entering the Fubao building, Xue an was slightly relieved and began to take full control of the star boat.

This star has a strong attraction, attracting the star boat to keep approaching. If it is not controlled, the result is likely to be a crash.

Xue an urged his whole body to cultivate, and the whole star boat was covered with layers of golden light, fully resisting the attraction of the stars.


The star boat gradually calmed down, quietly suspended in the sky above the stars.

Xue an breathed a sigh of relief, began to look at the dark star, and then frowned.

He had never seen such a strange star.

The whole body exudes an ominous stillness, just like a dying person.

The point is that even xue'an couldn't see through the black fog that enveloped the star.

Just then, at the edge of the star, a light suddenly appeared above the surface formed by the black fog.

At first, the light was very dim, but then it began to rise sharply. Finally, the light exploded, and the flame shock wave swept over a large area, forming a huge spot on the black fog.

After the flame dispersed and the light converged, a huge mushroom cloud appeared on the surface of the black fog, and the stirred black fog formed a huge vortex.

Xue an looks at it quietly and suddenly gives a light Yi.

The light of the explosion It's like a nuclear bomb.

And when the black fog was stirred, xue'an sensed that there was life on the planet.This discovery made Xue an a little excited.

After three months of traveling, I finally met a living planet.

But the explosion just reminded Xue an that the star is obviously not simple.

Therefore, after a little meditation, Xue an put the Fubao building in.

Then a simplified version of the small star array was built in the starboat.

This array can be used for short distance transmission.

After all this, Xue an flies out of the star boat, points his hand to draw some hidden runes, and hides the star boat.

The reason why we didn't store the starboat together was that it was a retreat for Xue enliu. If there was any danger on the planet, it could be directly transmitted back through the star array.

Although Xue an is now a Jinxian cultivation, the vast universe is really too big, and the universe is just the name of a large known star field.

And there are many unknown star regions.

Among them, there are countless dangers and mysteries.

What's more, it's always right to be cautious.

After dealing with everything, Xue an gave a light drink, and his whole body was covered with layers of swords. Then he fell straight down and flew towards the black star.

In an instant.

Xue an fell into this black fog.

See these black fog instantly boil up, and then rush to rush to, want to devour Xue an.

But he was hanged by the sword before he got close.

But the more it falls, the more dense the black fog becomes.

In the end, it even became as if it were the essence, making Xue an's fall slow.

Looking at these black fog like tides, Xue an frowned slightly and his sword flashed in his eyes.

A sword went straight down, and with a bang it split a road.

But then the black fog tried to gather around.

Xue an has taken advantage of this opportunity to fall straight down, instantly disappeared in the black fog.

After falling down again, Xue an suddenly felt light all over, and then there was a little light in front of him.

Before Xue an could react, the light quickly increased.


Xue an felt that as soon as the whole person was loose, the black fog had disappeared completely, but a scene of wonder appeared in front of him.

I saw a strange red light between heaven and earth.

The color is like a desert sunset.

From the perspective of the polar eyes, the ground is also bare, just like a dead zone.

High in the wind, although the air mixed with a strange smell, but can breathe.

At the same time, Xue an also felt a slight numbness all over her body.

Xue an's heart moved, it was radiation!

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