The power of radiation contained in this heaven and earth is so strong that even Xue an, who is a golden immortal, feels it.

But it was in such an environment, which was absolutely unsuitable for human existence, that Xue an noticed signs of life in the wilderness in the distance, and seemed to be fighting.

Xue an flies in the sky and comes to the fighting place in the blink of an eye.

This is a low valley.

In the valley, a boy who is no more than 11 or 12 years old is fighting with some animals that look like wolves.

The fight had obviously lasted for a while, for the boy had already been scarred.

At this time, the boy suddenly cut out a knife and drove the wolves in front of him. Then he stepped back a few steps breathlessly. His eyes were fierce and he was shaking slightly.

It's obviously too much.

These wolves are not the same as the wolves on earth. First of all, they are much thinner, but their fur color shows a metallic luster. A pair of wolf eyes are full of cunning and cruel light.

Seeing the little boy like this, the wolves opened their formation and approached slowly.

There was a lot of organization in the operation.

Obviously, these wolves are not ordinary animals, and a group of intelligent creatures.

By this time, the boy had retreated to the edge of the valley, and the wolves had surrounded him. Then they all put out their tongues and looked salivating.


From the nearest wolf suddenly jump, straight at the little boy, and in the air, the wolf a wave of wolf's claws, a wind will break through the air to fly to the little boy.

The boy had obviously lost his strength, but he was still on the side of his head.


The hard rock was cut deep by the wind.

There was a bloodstain on the boy's cheek.

This is the result that he hid slowly and was swept by the tail of Li Feng.

But the boy did not have time to be glad, because the devil wolf had rushed to the front, and opened his mouth, ran to the little boy's neck and bit it.

Under the desperate situation, the little boy gave a sharp roar. The knife in his hand showed a faint red halo, and then he cut it out.


The demon wolf screamed, a wolf leg was cut off, the stinking blood splashed down on the ground, making a nourishing sound of corrosion.

But instead of repelling the demon wolf, the knife aroused its ferocity. With a roar, he opened his mouth and spat out a blade of wind.

At this time, the little boy was at the end of his tether, and even had no strength to dodge. He could not help but look at despair in his eyes.

But at this time, the demon wolf suddenly flew out, and then exploded into a blood mist in mid air.

When the little boy was stunned, Xue an's figure appeared in the field.

Xue Angang has been watching from afar.

He appreciated the little boy's bravery, but the knife he used finally surprised Xue an.

Because he can be sure that the little boy has absolutely no accomplishments.

Then the knife he made would be interesting.

At this time, the boy looked at xue'an in a daze, and his eyes flashed with astonishment and incomprehension.

I don't seem to understand why this well-dressed, clean man who looks like a big man in the city wants to save himself.

Xue an takes a glance at the wolves.

The death of the demon wolf just now scared the rest of the demon wolves.

But these demon wolves are obviously not willing to, so they all linger around not far away, as if looking for new opportunities to take advantage of.

Seeing this, Xue an smiles faintly and flashes a sword light.

These originally covetous demonic wolves, as if to see something extremely terrible existence, howled and wanted to run away.

But the sword light swept through the whole scene in an instant.

The wolves were shocked, and then their heads were cut down and their dead bodies fell to the ground.

With one blow, the wolves were wiped out.

Seeing this, the boy's mouth opened slightly, and he could not believe his eyes.

At least a dozen strong men, or three first-class soldiers can destroy the wolf pack.

It was killed by this man.

Is it possible that Is he a warrior of second or higher rank?

The boy is in consternation.

Xue an looked at him and said in a voice with a trace of Divinity: "what's your name?"

There are too many races in the sky, and the language is very complicated. Therefore, after meeting each other, Xue an uses the voice containing a trace of divinity to communicate, which can ensure that the other party can understand and save a lot of trouble.

The boy was stunned, and then quickly said, "my name is Artu."

The voice was full of respect.

Xue an nodded, "ah Tu Where is this? ""My Lord, this is the South Mine wilderness of Heshan Town!" Although Tu wondered why Xue an asked such a strange question, he still answered it seriously.

"Heshan Town..." Xue an smiles.

It seems that there is not only life but also civilization in this bad environment.

At this time, Xue an looked at the boy again.

His clothes were ragged, he was thin and small, and his face was dirty, but his eyes were full of vivid luster.

What attracted Xue an in particular was the knife in his hand.

The boy just took this knife to cut off the front paw of a demon wolf.

But Xue an can see at a glance that this is an ordinary knife with very rough workmanship, which is not a magic weapon blade at all.

However, judging from the thin and winding linen on the handle, as well as the precious and heavy appearance of artuna, it seems that this knife is still his very important property.

At this time, Artu saw Xue an staring at himself and did not speak. After a while, he bit his teeth and pointed to the corpses of the demon wolves on the ground.

"My Lord, I can help you peel off the skin of these evil wolves, and you only need to give me a wolf skin as a reward!"

As if afraid of Xue an's refusal, Artu said quickly, "my Lord, my skirting skills are among the best in Heshan Town. These evil wolves are killed by you, and there are no other scars on them. So as long as you peel them properly, you can sell them for a good price."

Of course, xue'an didn't care about these so-called devil wolf skins, but he moved slightly in his heart and nodded, "OK!"

Ah TU was overjoyed. "Thank you, Lord!"

After that, he began to skin these demon wolves.

As he said, his skinning technique is really first-class.

First of all, the blood in these wolf corpses is drained, and then the skin and flesh are separated skillfully with a knife.

The movement is like flowing clouds and flowing water, and the speed is extremely fast.

It's just a meal.

These wolves were skinned.

Tu's face sparkled with excitement.

Such a good demon wolf skin, take back will be able to exchange a lot of useful things, such as grade 3 pure water! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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