"Don't open the door!" Zhai Laodao is in a great hurry.

The smaller Qianhe niu10000 stepped back and watched calmly.

Xue an came out slowly from the door with a trace of helplessness on his face.

"It's interesting not to sleep at night, but to fight and kill people?"

Zhai Laodao said in a hurry: "Xue an, these two guys are not ordinary people. You are just an ordinary person. It has nothing to do with you!"

Then Zhai Laodao looked at Xiaoqian and said in a deep voice, "you can see that he is just a mortal. Let them go!"

The smaller the thousand, but a sarcastic smile on his face: "do you think that there will be anyone alive tonight?"

Zhai Laodao was shocked, "you You... "

But at this time, Xue an clapped his hands and said with approval: "that's right. No one can leave here alive tonight!"

Zhai Laodao is crazy.

This guy, early or late, will come at this time, and up to now, he still talks nonsense.

The smaller the thousand, but very interested in looking at Xue an, "you are an interesting man, for a while I don't mind playing with you first, and then let you die!"

"Sorry, I mind!" Xue an said lightly.

"The more small thousand's face is gloomy down," Auntie, this is to look up to you, you don't give face shameless! "

Xue an shook her head and held out two fingers. "You've made two mistakes!"

"Oh? Which two? "

"First, you are not my aunt. Secondly, when I say that no one can leave, I mean the two of you. You can't leave tonight! "

This made several people present a little surprised.

Xiaoqian and niu10000 looked at each other, and then made a burst of laughter.

"Ouch, I'm really laughing. There are all kinds of people these days. An ordinary person who has no skills can't let us go?" The smaller, the more sarcastic.

Zhai Laodao looked dignified. He slowly got up and seriously said, "Xue an, take people with you. I'll deal with the two of them! Come on

Xue an did not agree, but looked up at the moon hanging in the sky like a jade plate.

At the moment, the moon is like water, and the spring breeze is blowing the pear tree, which makes people feel that the beauty of the night is beyond words.

"This kind of moonlight is more suitable for talking about life with girls than fighting and killing, so you two are really disappointing!" Xue an said lightly.

"No nonsense, big piece, kill him! There must be something wrong with this guy's head The smaller the channel.

The big King Kong ox ten thousand smelled the speech and grinned grimly. As soon as he exerted his right arm, his muscles twisted like dragons and snakes, and then he rushed over.

Xue an didn't move.

As if scared silly, look or so indifferent.

A sneer appeared in the corner of cattle's mouth.

It's estimated that this blow will wipe out the dregs of this boy.

He has already smelled the fragrance of a woman in the room. After cleaning up these two guys, he can have a good vent.

Thinking of this, Niu 10000's heart is hot, the strength in his hands has increased by three points.

Xue an's fist is about to hit in the face.

The smaller the thousand even lazy to see the results, in her opinion, this man is dead.

But at this critical moment, Xue an's hand suddenly stretched out and blocked in front of the cow's ten thousand fists.


There was a dull noise.

The expected brain burst did not appear, on the contrary, there was a clear click.

Then came the cry of pain from Niu 10000.

Xue'an's silk didn't move, only his hair was swayed by Niu 10000's fist. But Niu Wan's fist hit xue'an's back as if it had hit a wall of copper.

Let Niu 10000's arm smash fracture directly.

Cattle ten thousand startled, subconsciously turned to run.

Xue an sighed slightly, "this moonlight, killing people is really disappointing, but you send it to the door yourself, can't blame others!"

With that, he punched out.

It's an unskilled punch, not even a child.

But it was such a blow that Niu Wan couldn't dodge at all and hit Niu 10000's back directly.

Ten thousand cattle did not move, but came from his body like firecrackers.

After a burst of crackling, all the bones of cattle 10000 were smashed, and only relying on muscle memory did not move.

Xue an walked slowly past him and breathed a little.

Ten thousand cattle fell down and died.

It took 27 seconds from the beginning to the end.

The smaller the winner was, the less his eyes almost didn't stare out.

Xue an at this time toward her forest smile, "now, it's your turn!"

The smaller Qian felt as if he had been watched by a Tyrannosaurus Rex, and his muscles were stiff with extreme fear.She retreated as fast as she could, hoping to escape as soon as possible.

But she no matter how fast back.

Xue an will always follow her in front of her.

The smaller the thousand, like a beast forced into a desperate situation, whines with grief, and then uses all his life's learning to try to kill this terrible man.

But all her actions, like a child dancing a sword, are useless to Xue an.

At this time, the smaller Qian had retreated to the side of the courtyard wall.

She bit her teeth and screamed.

"Ghosts At night

A gust of wind blew, and the moon disappeared.

Everything around was covered with thick black fog.

Ghosts walk in the dark fog, emitting an ominous smell.

It's a secret technique that she uses to squeeze her vitality.

That's going to save her five years.

But the effect is excellent.

At least this terrible man, shrouded in black fog.

The smaller the thousand long breath, in the heart some happy.

The man was terrible, but he was trapped by himself and died in the night.

The reason why we are so determined is that the smaller the thousand, we have not seen the people who can survive the night walk of ghosts.

No matter whether this person is a real person or a carefree person, even if he is a man of heaven, he will only die if he is caught by a hundred ghosts at night!

Zhai Laodao roared and thought to come to save Xue an.

Xiaoqian sneered: "Zhai old man, is this the mortal you say? If it's my great aunt, I'll almost catch you! "

Zhai just wanted to say something.

In the dark fog like a giant egg, a hand suddenly stretched out.

A slender, delicate hand.

The smaller, the more stunned.

Then the hand suddenly tore.

The thick black fog was torn apart by life.

Xue an expression indifferent appeared in front of the smaller thousand, a smile, "very interesting, but useless!"

The smaller the thousand scared, he turned and ran.

Run as hard as you can.

But she didn't even turn over the top of the wall, she was grabbed by Xue an's ankle, and then suddenly fell to the ground.


The smaller he was, the more he broke half of his bones.

Also want to look up when, Xue an stepped on her head, light said: "don't move!"

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