"Big Forgive me, my Lord

The smaller the thousand's voice was shaking, until now she understood that this man was not something he could afford.

Zhai Laodao was also confused at this time.

I haven't seen her for years. Why is Xue an so powerful?

"As I said, no one will leave alive tonight!"

Said Xue an's feet will be forced, the smaller thousand scared to shout.

"Forgive me, my Lord. I'm from the gate of ghosts. If you kill me, there will be no peace in the future."

Zhai Laodao also said at this time: "Xiao an, it doesn't matter if this person killed, but the ghost gate behind her is very difficult to provoke."

Xue an faint smile, "I have a problem, that is, the more difficult it is, the more I want to try."

Say a force under the foot.


The smaller Qian's head is crushed by life.

Zhai Laodao did not expect Xue an to be so decisive.

In hesitation, a layer of black fog appeared on the body of Xiaoqian, which gradually twisted under the moonlight, and finally turned into the appearance of Xiaoqian.

Zhai Lao Dao's face became dignified.

In order to be a ghost in such a short time.

The smaller thousand's soul looks at Xue an with resentment.

"The young master of our Wangui gate is coming to Qingmang. You and the old Zhai will die at that time."

Said the smaller thousand body gradually fade, ready to escape here.

She was filled with resentment at the moment.

Xue an's foot destroyed the body she had so hard to find, which was equivalent to the destruction of decades of Taoism.

But at this time, Xue an light way: "I said, no one can leave here alive tonight! It's the same with ghosts. "

Said Xue an suddenly stretched out his hand, half of his hand then went into the void, and directly caught the smaller thousand who were about to disappear.

The more small thousand at this time to know what is extreme fear, face full of incredible expression.

"Pardon me, my Lord."

This is her last word in the world.

The next second, she was scattered by Xue an's finger, and since then she has become nothing.

I'm scared out of my wits.

The worst.

At the same time, a flame rose from the corpse of niu10000 and Xiaoqian, and in a flash the corpse was burned to nothing.

Zhai Laodao's eyelids were jumping.

Xue an took out a small bottle and threw it to Zhai Laodao.

"What is this?"


Zhai Laodao opened the bottle, and a refreshing aroma diffused.

Zhai Laodao's spirit was so strong that he could tell by his smell that this pill was not ordinary.

He poured out the pill and opened his mouth to swallow it.

Soon, a heat in the stomach.

Zhai Laodao vomited blood stasis, and then felt that the whole person was refreshed and in a better state than ever before.

"Tell me, what's going on?" Xue an sits on the stone bench in the courtyard, looks at Zhai Laodao and says.

"This ghost gate came to me three months ago, in order to get a treasure from me to deal with a dragon that is about to transform in Qingmang mountain."

Xue an nodded. "And then?"

"Then I didn't give it to them. The joke is that this dragon is my master's savior. When my master was dying, he specially asked me to take care of this dragon here. According to the expectation, it would take at least a hundred years for it to take shape."

"But I don't know why. During this period of time, there are signs of metamorphosis. We should know that when the Dragon turns into shape, it is also the weakest time. With the help of the Dragon searching plate, we will have a chance to subdue this dragon."

"Jiaolong That's a spirit animal! Therefore, there are many sects that have moved their minds, and the most important one is the wanguimen. "

Xue an understands.

What these people call Jiaolong should be the one in the black pool of Qingmang mountain.

I didn't expect that after I gave it a demon cultivation skill, it would progress so fast that it was about to transform into a form and cross the robbery.

At this time, Zhai Laodao hesitated and said: "Xiao an, take advantage of the day is not yet light, you quickly take your daughter and friends to go!"

"Go? Why go? "

"These people are not easy to provoke, especially the young master of the ten thousand ghosts gate. It is said that his magic power is unpredictable."

Xue an faint smile, "that I left, how do you do?"

Zhai Laodao looked at the shabby Taoist temple with some deep feelings. "I've been here since I was young. At the beginning, it was my master and I. later, when the master died, I lived alone. After so many years, I also had feelings, so I won't leave!"

"But you are not the same, this matter has nothing to do with you, you will only be implicated here, go quickly, you also take this bank card, now the money, has no meaning to me!" Zhai Laodao said solemnly.

Xue an didn't answer. He just looked at Zhai Laodao and suddenly said, "you suddenly become so formal that I feel very uncomfortable.""I don't know what you've been through these years. Now I can't see through you, but listen to me. Let's go!"

Xue an turned his head and looked at the distance. "Now it's too late to say this. People It's already here

Sure enough, after a while, a noisy voice came from the distance.

Zhai Laodao's expression changed, and then he restored the image of the dirty and ragged old Taoist.

However, it was not the people of the ghost gate, but a team of more than ten people, old and young, men and women, all dressed in mountaineering clothes and equipped.

The leader was a proud looking man. Seeing a slovenly old man sitting in the courtyard, he couldn't help saying, "Hey, old man, stay here for one night, and hurry to clean up the house."

He threw a stack of money to Zhai Laodao.

Zhai Laodao didn't get up, but he just laughed, "I'm sorry, there are donors living in the Taoist temple now. You're late!"

The young man frowned, looked at Xue an, who was sitting on one side, and then said, "do you live here? How much is it for me to move out now? "

Xue an shook his head and held out a finger.

"Ten thousand, right?" Young people do not hesitate.

Xue an light way: "give me 100 million, now I go! Remember I just want cash! "

The young man's face changed abruptly and sneered: "are all the people in the mountains poor and crazy?"

At this time, a middle-aged man stopped the young man, "Feng Shao, the important thing is important."

Feng Shao said nothing with a gloomy face.

The middle-aged man threw a fist at Zhai Laodao, "Taoist priest, since there is no place to live, can we set up a tent near the Taoist temple?"

Zhai Laodao nodded, "this is OK."

The team carried the most top equipment, and soon set up a professional tent next to the Taoist temple.

Zhai Laodao said in a deep voice: "it seems that the water is getting muddy."

Xue an does not agree, just light way: "muddy water, just good catch fish."

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