Xue an?

Hua Xingyu frowned. I have never heard of such a young doctor.

Hua Xingyu looks at her granddaughter Hua Tingting.

Hua Tingting is the vice president of the largest hospital in Beijiang. If there is a famous young doctor, she must know her.

Hua Tingting, of course, doesn't know Xue an. She looks at Xue an for a long time, and then asks with some disdain: "Mr. Xue, which medical school did you graduate from? Northern medicine? Rehab? Or Yale School of medicine? "

What Hua Tingting said is one of the top medical schools in the world.

The young men and women who came with Hua Xingyu are the top students of these medical schools.

But Xue an just faint smile, "not! I didn't go to medical school. "

"Who is your master Hua Xingyu then asked.

There are many medical experts hidden in the folk in China. If Xue an is their descendant, it should not be underestimated.

Xue an shook his head. "No! I'm not a doctor! "

"Not a doctor?" Hua Tingting looks more and more disdainful.

"How can I hear that someone has threatened to save Mr. Qin's life if he can offer the right price! Is this a liar

This is obviously very heavy, has been directly accused of Xue an is a liar.

But Xue an was not moved by it. He still sat there without any expression.

Hua Xingyu said to Qin yuan at this time: "Mr. Qin, I think you look ruddy, with clear pupils and full of middle breath. You don't look like a sick person. Can you take a look at it with your hand?"

Qin yuan hesitated, but Qin Yu couldn't help saying, "grandfather, master Hua is also kind-hearted. Please let him have a look."

Hua Xingyu put his hand on Qin yuan's pulse gate, closed the door and pondered for a long time. Then he said with a smile, "master Qin, I think you can live to be at least 100 years old!"

This makes a lot of people laugh.

As for Xue an, it seems that he has been forgotten.

Qin yuan sighed, "I don't want to be 100 years old. I just want to live till yu'er gets married."

Qin Yu turned red and bowed his head.

But at this time, a voice came out of time.

"I thought that being called a master has two sons, but it's just so!"

The laughter stopped abruptly.

Hua Xingyu's face was gloomy. Hua Tingting frowned and said impatiently, "don't play those tricks in the world. I tell you, if you cheat in the name of a doctor again, be careful that I will send you to prison."

Hua Xingyu waved her hand and stopped Hua Tingting from going on. Then she stared at Xue an and said, "you say I'm just like this. OK, what's your profound opinion?"

Xue an nodded. "Yes, but what if I win you?"

"If you can beat me in the way of medicine, I will kneel down and worship you as a teacher!" Hua Xingyu sneered.

Xue an shook her head.

"What? Afraid? "

"No, I don't want to take you as an apprentice. You are too old! If it's your granddaughter, I can think about it! "

This makes Hua Tingting's pretty face cold, and Hua Xingyu's apprentices are not good.

Xue an turns to look at Qin yuan. "Although you can't see any symptoms in you, there is one symptom. Do you dream every night?"

Qin yuan nodded.

Hua Tingting sneered, "if this is sick, then almost everyone is ill."

Xue an glances at Hua Tingting, and Hua Tingting feels cold all over her body. The words behind her can't go on.

"Do you always dream of someone who tells you how many days you can live?"

Qin yuan's face changed greatly.

Xue an's words directly hit the biggest secret that he has buried in his heart for more than a year.

That's why he went to the doctor all day.

Because almost every night, he would dream of the same woman, and then the woman would tell herself in the dream that she could live a few days.

That's why Qin yuan was so moved when Xue an said he could only live for three days in the herbal medicine market.

Because the woman in red made it clear that he would die in three days.

Seeing the great change of Qin yuan's face, Hua Xingyu was also somewhat surprised.

Did you really get this kid right?

Hua Tingting is a little dismissive.

"Mr. Qin, according to the current medical theory, everyone dreams. It's just as common as breathing. You may be under too much pressure that you always have the same dream. You don't have to worry about it. Don't be used by some charlatans with ulterior motives because of this. "

Xue an said lightly: "do you know why I know you dream every night? Because the woman in red is on your back now

As soon as he said this, not only did Qin yuan turn pale, but Qin Yu also got goose bumps all over his body.At this time, Hua Tingting put her heart down and said with a sneer, "after a long time of fighting, she turned out to be a villain! If you can see that people dream, and love can be yuan, you may see a woman in red, that is pure nonsense! Don't believe him. He's a liar. "

As a person with higher medical education abroad, she even looked down on the national doctors, let alone such a trick.

But at this time, Xue an faint smile.

"A mere mortal is a mere mortal. Today, I will let you see what a real expert is!"

Then Xue an suddenly waved his hand and drank lightly.


All the people present felt that the room was suddenly dark, and then they saw a very frightening scene.

On Qin yuan's back, a woman in red with dishevelled hair was lying down.

This kind of scene, let the timid Hua Tingting scream. Hua Xingyu and others are pale.

Qin yuan was more plopping down on his knees, "Sir, help me!"

And lying on his back, the ghost in red suddenly rushed out, and went straight to Hua Tingting, who had been scared silly.

It's just around the corner.

Hua Tingting was so scared that she didn't even dare to move.

At this time, Xue an light said: "just a fierce ghost, dare to be bold in front of me?"

Then Xue an's right hand suddenly grabbed, and the ghost in red gave out a shrill howl, and then turned into black smoke and was firmly grasped by Xue an.

In the black fog, Xue an, standing with his hands down, was like a God.

"Now, do you believe it?" Xue an said lightly.

Hua Xing fell down on his knees with a splash of rain. "Excuse me, sir. We have no eyes! Please forgive me, sir

Xue an said faintly: "crack!"

The black smoke fell apart in response to the sound, and then turned into nothing in a flame!

The room was calm. Hua Tingting was frightened and her face was pale. Qin Yu was no better.

Only Xue an, patting his hands, seems to have completed a trivial matter.

"Old man Qin, the matter is finished, check out!"

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