Qin yuan immediately took out a card with gold characters on a black background and handed it respectfully.

"Master Xue, this card is a little of my heart. I don't respect it!"

Xue an also didn't refuse, took it and put it in his pocket. Then he said to the two girls who watched TV from afar: "go, go home with Dad!"

At this time, Qin yuan suddenly turned pale, his body swayed, he spat out blood and fell on the sofa.

"Grandfather Qin Yu was so shocked that he rushed over.

Qin yuan's eyes were blank, even his breath became weak.

"What's wrong with my grandfather?" Qin Yu was in a hurry.

Hua Xingyu rushed forward to Qin yuan to pulse, and then locked his brow.

"If there is no pulse of master Qin, and Yang Qi is weak, it is a sign of death!"

Qin Yu yelled at Xue an, "what's going on? Didn't you say save my grandfather

Xue an said faintly: "he has been possessed by a fierce ghost for so long, and his Yang Qi has been exhausted! As soon as the devil goes, he will die soon! "

"What about that? Master Hua, is my grandfather still alive? " Qin Yu's tears came out.

Hua Xingyu shook his head, "now this situation, even if there is a century old ginseng, also can't hang his tone! Prepare for the aftermath

Qin Yu knelt down in front of Xue an and said, "Xue Sir, please help me! As long as you save my grandfather, I promise you anything

Xue an looks calm. He doesn't like Qin Yu.

He also knows what happened today. This girl must have made it.

But at this time, Xue wanted to secretly pull Xue an's clothes, and then whispered: "Baba, this sister is so poor!"

Xue an only in the face of his two daughters, only a gentle face.

"What are you going to do

Xue Nian, who was concentrating on eating oranges, suddenly said, "Baba, please help this sister. She is crying so ugly!"

Qin Yu couldn't laugh or cry.

But for Xue an, his daughter's words were the imperial edict. He took out the Peiyuan pill which was refined with the remaining medicine residue, "it's OK to eat it!"

At the sight of the Peiyuan pill, Hua Xingyu's eyes widened and his breath became short.

"This This

Hua Tingting has some doubts, "grandfather, what's the matter?"

"Can I have a look at this pill?" Hua Xingyu seems to see a child with a beloved toy.

Xue an nodded and threw the pill away.

Hua Xingyu catches it in a hurry and looks at the Peiyuan pill greedily. After a meeting, he is surprised again and again.

"The means of heaven and man are really the means of heaven and man!"

Then Hua Xingyu bowed his hand to Xue an and said, "Mr. Xue, I have been steeped in medical practice all my life. I have never taken anyone, that is, Gao Shen. I don't accept it. But today, I believe it!"

"Oh, you are a good judge of goods!" Xue an Dao.

After a few minutes, Qin yuan's face, which was as white as paper, became ruddy again.

Soon, Qin yuan returned to normal.

Not only that, even the wrinkles on the face and white hair are less than half.

If the former Qin yuan was an old man in his seventies, now he looks like a middle-aged man in his fifties.

Such wonders also excited huaxingyu.

As for Hua Tingting, she is stupid.


If before today, someone said to Hua Tingting that someone could do it with a humble pill.

Hua Tingting must think that this person is a liar.

Can now happen in front of their own real scene, but let Hua Tingting have nothing to say.

The Three Outlooks established by science from small to large collapsed.

Think of all the ridicule I've just made to xue'an.

Hua Tingting's face can't stop the fever.

She couldn't help but peek at xue'an.

At this time, Hua Tingting discovered that.

How handsome this man is!

The main reason is that xue'an has a spirit of not being angry and self-confident, which makes his whole person like an emperor on the throne, and makes people dare not approach easily.

Hua Tingting's heart beat can't help but speed up.

At the moment, Qin yuan deeply saluted xue'an after knowing what had just happened and what was happening to him.

"Mr. Xue! From today on, if there is anything, as long as you say, Longtai group will go all out and dare not to be slighted! "

Qin Yu and Hua Tingting couldn't help but change their color.

Only Hua Xingyu looks at Qin yuan with envy.

He knew that was not enough.

As for the Peiyuan pill just now, Hua Xingyu believes that if it appears in Zhongdu, or is known by those aristocratic families, it will definitely set off a bloody storm.After all, it can make a white haired old man younger. Hua Xingyu asked himself that he couldn't do it, neither could the high doctor in Zhongdu, nor even the master of medical ethics in the whole world.

Now Qin yuan is to give Long Tai Group directly to Xue an, also not too much.

After all, compared with life, wealth is nothing!

But Xue an just nodded slightly.

"I see."

Then Xue an said to Qin Yu, "you just said that as long as I save your grandfather, can you do anything?"

Qin Yu was so nervous that he said, "yes!"

"Well, you drive us home!"

Qin Yu was relieved, but he was a little disappointed.

"Master, master, have you forgotten our bet? You said that as long as I lose, you will take me or my granddaughter as a disciple! "

Xue an light said: "is it? I said that? "

Hua Xingyu nodded, "I said so!"

"But I've changed my mind now. You're too old, and your granddaughter The medical qualification is too poor! And it's stupid Then Xue an left.

Hua Tingting stood in place, she has not been said to be stupid in this life.

"Grandfather, don't pay attention to him. What's the matter with that?"

Hua Xingyu shook his head, and Chong Qinyuan arched his hand and left the room.

When he came to the hospital, he looked at the green green which was incompatible with the cold winter. Hua Xingyu sighed: "Tingting, you don't understand. This man's origin may be more powerful than we imagined!"

Hua Tingting is silent.

Hua Xingyu picked a leaf casually, "in this life, I can see such means, see such a character, I huaxingyu is not a white living! It's a pity that it's still predestined! "

Qin Yu drove xue'an and his daughter back to the community.

The people in the community are all oppressed by this heroic Maybach, all secretly watching in the distance.

When Xue an was about to get off the bus, he suddenly said, "have you offended people?"

Qin Yu immediately understood, "Mr. Xue, you mean..."

"That fierce ghost has been manipulated!" Xue an got out of the car and left.

Qin Yu sat in the car for a moment, then took out his mobile phone and dialed the phone.

"Laohei, order people to start to investigate, the old man's disease, is someone behind the back!"

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