"I hope you'll be able to hold on to your own opinions."

With that, an Meng turned and left.

An Yan said: "this is my cousin. She always talks acrimoniously. Don't pay attention to her."

Then an Yan led Xue an into the banquet hall.

At the moment, the banquet hall has been full of people from the rich families in Zhongdu, which is very lively.

When an Yan led Xue an in, it immediately attracted many people's eyes.

The men were whispering in the distance.

"Isn't this miss Ann? Who is the man next to him

"I heard that this lady ANN has a boyfriend at school? Maybe this is it, but how to dress like a bumpkin

"Ha ha, you look at that hairstyle, have a good laugh!"

"My God, it's really shameful that he dares to wear such a junk suit."

All these comments reached Xue an's ears.

He stood there awkwardly, his hands and feet simply did not know how to put them.

At this time, an Yan gently held his hand, and then gave him a smile.

Xue an takes a deep breath, feels the warmth of Anyan's palm, and slowly calms down.

Just then.

In the banquet hall, the door leading to the residence was pushed open, and then an Yan's grandmother, Mrs. Jin, who had been in charge of settling down for decades, was surrounded and walked in.

At the sight of the elegant and elegant old lady, people in the banquet hall rose to greet her.

"I wish the old lady happiness and longevity

"Lucky old lady!"

These blessings come and go.

The old lady nodded with a smile on her face.

But when her eyes pay attention to an Yan and Xue an not far away, the smile on her face is a cold.

Especially when she saw an Yan and Xue an holding the hands, eyelids are beating a few times.


The old lady King took the chair.

Then there are many young people who have settled down to celebrate their birthday.

An Meng was the first one to rush out. What she presented was an exquisite Hetian jade carving with exquisite workmanship and materials. What's more, what she carved was a longevity peach, which means a lot.

Mrs. King nodded with satisfaction. "My dream has come true."

"Hee hee, it's the granddaughter's duty to celebrate grandma's birthday."

Said, she then demonstration general looked at an Yan.

An Yan took a deep breath and led Xue an to come forward, "Grandma! This is my boyfriend Xue an. These are gifts he specially bought for you. I wish you good health and long life With that, someone put the gifts bought by Anyan and xue'an in front of the stage.

Although they are all exquisite luxury goods, they are far from the Hotan jade carving of an Meng.

As soon as an Yan Chong Xue an winks, Xue an's whole body trembles, and finally wakes up from the confusion. Then she takes a step forward and bows down and says, "younger Xue an, I wish the old lady good luck and health!"

There was no response.

This old lady Jin Xiurong leaned on the chair and lifted a cup of tea with a heavy face.

The atmosphere fell into an awkward silence.

A lot of people began to whisper.

An Meng is showing a trace of sneer.

Only Xue an, still bowing.

An's face changed and she was waiting to speak.

Mrs. Jin suddenly threw her teacup to the ground. The sound of the broken porcelain shocked many people.

Xue an was closer, and the hot tea in the cup splashed on her face.

At this time, the old lady yelled, "give me a birthday? Ha ha, what qualifications do you have for me to celebrate my birthday

Hearing this roar, Xue an raised his head, his face full of blank color.

At this time, an Yan rushed forward, "grandma, I..."

"Shut up Jin Xiurong was furious and pointed to an Yan's nose and roared.

"You don't know how to be shameless. How dare you take these dubious men back to celebrate my birthday? You really want to piss me off

With tears in her aggrieved eyes, an Yan could only explain in a low voice: "grandma, this is my college classmate, he is not..."

"Enough! Safety Jin Xiurong was livid.

An Yan's second uncle stepped forward and said lightly: "Xue an, Beijiang town people, parents died early, an orphan, living on work study program!"

I heard the introduction.

There was a commotion in the banquet hall.

"Oh, my God, it's from the countryside. It's an orphan!"

"Tut! This lady Ann's eyes are too poor! Even such a man

In these comments.

Jin Xiurong's face was iron green, "Anyan, did you hear that? What are you talking about? ""What is your identity? What is our identity? You found me such a man? You didn't mean to piss me off. What am I

Anyan also wants to explain.

But Jin Xiurong looked at Xue an on one side, and said in a gloomy tone: "Xue, don't think I can't guess the idea of you lowly pariah! You just want to visit us through an Yan, but I tell you! That's absolutely impossible! If we settle down, we will never let people like you succeed! "

With that, Jin Xiurong roared to the people around him: "what are you doing? Throw out this guy and all the things he sent me

When a servant comes forward, he has to do it.

An Yan step forward, block in front of Xue an, although eyes with tears, but still unshakeable said: "no way!"

Jin Xiurong was stunned.

In her impression, her eldest granddaughter's temperament has always been very weak.

I didn't expect that today, for a man, I dare to defy my orders.

This made her even more angry, and screamed, "what are you doing? Lock up this dead girl, and then throw this man out!"

Several female security guards who settled down said in a deep voice: "Miss, you've offended me!"

Then he grabbed an Yan's arm and dragged him back to the house.

Jin Xiurong said grimly with a smile: "shut this dead girl into the house, and tonight I will betroth her to Chi's house!"

Anyan struggled, but it didn't help at all.

And a few bodyguards in black came forward to surround Xue an.

Seeing this, an Yan showed a look of panic and yelled: "Xue an, let's go! Don't let them catch you! They will kill... "

After the words did not say, is obviously covered by the mouth.

Several bodyguards in black came forward slowly.

But when they winked at each other and were ready to do it.

Xue an, who had been holding down her head and said nothing, suddenly sighed.

"I have to admit that this demon dream is real enough!"

"But from the moment I entered the banquet hall, I knew that the memory had been tampered with!"

"In fact, the first time I came to settle down, I didn't see Jin Xiurong at all!"

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