"And if you want to shake my mind in this way, I can only say that you think too much."

With Xue an's voice, the faces of the people around him began to blur.

Jin Xiurong, who sits on the throne, is shrouded by a layer of black gas.

Then came a voice with a trace of panic.

"You How can you control yourself? "

Xue an smiles. "Is it hard? In fact, I have been able to control myself since I came to settle down, but I want to see what will happen next, so I have not intervened! "

Said, Xue an looked at that wearing a red skirt of an Yan, flashed in his eyes a trace of doting and missing.

"Even in this kind of heart demon dream, you are still that silly lovely girl!"

At this time, the whole banquet hall was disintegrating and dissipating, and from the void came a voice with some exasperation.

"I admit that your mind is really strong and tenacious, but there is no impeccable soul in all the heaven and earth."

With the voice, the scene suddenly changed.

Then Xue an came to a living room.

The living room is not big, but it is clean and tidy.

There are also many worthless green plants on the balcony, and some of them have opened tiny flowers, which are gently shaking with the wind outside the window.

Xue an's heart moved, this is his and an Yan's home in Beijiang.

But the living room, which had been full of laughter and laughter, was cold and terrible at the moment.

An Yan, with a big belly, quietly lies on the sofa in the living room. It seems that she has gone to sleep. But even in her sleep, she still holds a picture of Xue an, and her tears slide down from time to time, wetting the pillow.

All of a sudden, an Yan, who was sleeping, choked: "husband, don't leave me!"

Then an Yan suddenly opened his eyes, looked at a place with some doubts, and then the tears fell down, "husband, is it you? Are you really dead as they say? no I don't believe it. You said you wanted me to be the happiest bride in the world. How could you not keep your word? "

With that, an Yan was in tears.

At this time, an Yan suddenly covered his stomach, and his face was white with pain.

And between the legs gradually shed blood.

An Yan was scared to shiver all over, but soon, she recovered her composure, and then took out her mobile phone and dialed a number.

"Xuaner, help me!"

After the connection, she could only say these four words before fainting.


It should have been only a few minutes. Tang xuan'er rushed in and was shocked to see an Yan fainting on the sofa.

But as a nurse, she quickly calmed down and called the emergency call.

After an Yan was finally sent to the hospital, there was no half an hour.

Two daughters were born.

But when the nurse pushed the two new born babies out of the delivery room, Tang Xuaner did not have time to be happy.

Because an Yan because of Xue an's missing, angry, premature delivery of more than half a month, now although gave birth to a child, but there is massive bleeding, is being rescued.

The doctor said very clearly, the success rate of rescue is only half.

Tang xuan'er, as the only person involved in the scene, signed a lot of death notices.

Then she sat in front of the crib, looking at the hair of the two sleeping girls.

She and Xue an are high school classmates, and an Yan is also a good friend.

So she knows everything between Xue an and an Yan.

However, she did not expect that the two people who finally came together would suddenly have this change.

Xue an is missing, an Yan is still in the rescue of dystocia. If the rescue can't come back, will these two little girls become orphans that no one wants?

Tang xuan'er is in a daze.

A little girl suddenly began to cry.

As soon as she cried, the one next to her cried.

Tang xuan'er has never been in love, so when she comes across this background, she tries to appease her in a hurry, but finds that it doesn't work.

I'm in a hurry.

A family member in the same ward knew what had happened, so he said sympathetically, "are you hungry?"

This sentence reminds Tang xuan'er, but she is in a hurry and has no preparation at all.

I had to go and borrow some milk powder from others, and then I bought two bottles in a hurry, and started to feed the two little girls.

Two little girls are also really hungry, after touching the bottle, they began to suck hard.

Tang xuan'er looks at it quietly, and an idea suddenly rises in her heart.

If there is any accident in Anyan, the two girls will be taken care of by themselves.Two little girls after drinking milk, satisfied to sleep.

And an Yan also turned the corner, and lived in the intensive care unit for a day, then miraculously recovered.

When Tang xuan'er carefully holds two little girls to the bedside, let an Yan see.

Anyan couldn't help crying again.

"Thank you, xuan'er." An Yan low said.

Tang xuan'er said with a smile, "it's OK. You and Xue an are my good friends. Besides, how can I die for such a thing?"

Hearing Xue an's words, an Yan was silent again.

Tang xuan'er knew that she had made a mistake and did not speak.

But at this time, a group of people suddenly burst into the ward.

Tang xuan'er was stunned, "who are you? What do you want to do? "

The leader didn't pay attention to her at all, but looked at the two little girls on the crib with an iron complexion, and then said coldly.

"What a shameless slut, you've disgraced the face of settling down!"

"Please go out! This is the ward. If you do this again, I will call the police! " Tang xuan'er said in a stern voice.

"Alarm? Well, then you report it The leader sneered.

Tang Xuaner takes out her mobile phone and really intends to call the police.

An Yan, who was lying on the bed, said: "xuan'er, don't! They are my family! "

Tang xuan'er was stunned.

At this time, an looked pale at the visitor, "an Xue, it's the old lady who sent you!"

It was an Yan's second uncle, an Xue.

An Xue sneered, "yes! She asked me to take you and these two evils back

An Yan shook his head, "I can go with you, but the two daughters must stay!"

An Xue stares at the circle, "an Yan, do you still want to bargain with me at this time?"

An Yan pale smile, "if you don't agree, I will die immediately after I go back! If the reputation of forcing your own granddaughter to death is spread out, will your face be even worse? "

An Xue was stunned, "you..."

Then he hesitated for a moment and nodded, "OK! But you must go with me now

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