An Yan nodded, "you go out first, I want to talk to her!"

An Xue took a look at Tang xuan'er and hesitated, "I'll only give you three minutes!"

After that, he led people out of the ward.

"Yan'er..." Tang xuan'er said.

Anyan gently shook his head, "let me hold them!"

Tang xuan'er, with a sour nose, puts two little girls in an Yan's arms.

In spite of the pain of the wound, an Yan held two daughters and burst into tears.

Then she choked and said, "xuan'er, the older one is Xuexiang, and the younger is xuenian!"

Tang xuan'er also cried, "Yan'er..."

An Yan gently kisses two little girls on the forehead, and then holds Tang xuan'er's hand. "Xuan'er, I know it's very difficult, but I really don't have anyone else to trust now, so I can only ask you to take care of these two little girls!"

Tang Xuaner nodded forcefully, "don't worry, I will take good care of them! I swear

At this time, an Xue's impatient voice came from outside, "hurry up!"

Anyan stroked her two daughters' cheeks and whispered, "you two should listen to aunt xuan'er and wait for me and dad to come back! Do you know? "


An Yan was pushed into another ambulance by an Xue and others, and then drove away from the hospital.

Tang xuan'er is about to leave, pushing two little girls.

But it was just then.

Several men in black returned and entered the ward.

Tang xuan'er was stunned, "what are you doing?"

The leading man's face was gloomy, "little girl, it's none of your business. Get out of the way!"

Tang xuan'er was startled, suddenly understood something, and then protected the two cribs behind her.

"You You are so cruel that you won't let go of two newly born children? "

"Ha ha, it said that these two children are evil, and the evil seed must die! Get out of the way now, or even you will die together

Although Tang xuan'er was frightened, she did not waver at all.

The men in black winked at each other and were about to go forward.

Xue an, who has been watching all this as an onlooker, is finally out of control.

In fact, from the very beginning, he looked at all this from a ghostly perspective.

He has no body and cannot interfere with anything in this dream.

Can only quietly in the side to watch.

All this happened after Xue an disappeared.

At that time, Anyan had been pregnant for more than seven months. As a result, because of Xue an's disappearance, she gave birth prematurely and almost died on the operating table.

But it was only four years later that Xue an learned from Tang xuan'er after her rebirth.

He once asked an Yan, an Yan also simply said a few words, but deliberately avoided talking about what happened.

Until this time, Xue an really witnessed the whole process.

At the beginning, Xue an was still awake.

But when he saw an Yan holding his two daughters, he heard her heartbroken words.

Xue an had already burst into tears unconsciously.

And from the moment he shed tears.

From the void came the sound of joy.

Then an invisible giant hand begins to intervene and dominate the changes of dreams.


When I saw someone dare to do something to their two daughters who were just born.

Xue an could no longer keep calm and his mind began to fluctuate violently.

"Die for me!"

Xue an roared. Under the fierce anger, the men in black were burned to ashes.

But at the moment when these men in black disappeared.

The dream changed again.

Xue an was in a trance and then appeared outside the operating room.

At the moment, he squatted on the floor of the corridor, shaking all over.


The door to the operating room was pushed open.

A doctor came out.

"Who are the family members?"

Xue an stood up and looked at the doctor blankly.

"The woman has died because of massive bleeding."

"The two children died after they were born because of the lack of oxygen for a long time."

"Mother and son die! Please forgive me

This speech is like a hammer, let Xue an whole body huge shock, a mouth then vomited out a big mouthful of blood.

"No No way, no way! Yan'er will not leave me! She said, wait for me to make her the happiest person in the world

Said Xue an, trembling.The doctor's eyes flashed an imperceptible red awn, and then said with a mechanical voice: "mother and son die, do you want the body? If you don't, throw it away

Xue an didn't seem to hear, but looked at the doctor blankly.

At this time, behind Xue an, the black fog loomed, and then gradually condensed into a dagger with a strong ominous smell.

The dagger silently cuts open the space and stabs Xue an's back.

Heart demon blade.

Once stabbed, Xue an's state of mind will be completely broken and become the slave of the heart demon.

At the same time.

In the city of bliss.

An Yan, who is studying cooking hard, is suddenly shocked, and a strong sense of foreboding comes to her heart.

This kind of feeling lets an Yan look big change.

And is playing on one side to think about reading is also a Leng, and then burst into tears.

"It's dad!"

"Something happened to Dad!"

An Yan's mind was shocked, but quickly calmed down, and then recklessly urged cultivation.

In an instant, her whole body was once again covered by the shackles of seal.

But at the moment when the whole body's breath was sealed off, an Yan put all his accomplishments into practice and passed away a divine thought.

This divination is very simple, only two words.


But these two simple words, but in an instant through the space barrier, the heart demon's barrier, directly reached the dream in Xue an's heart.

Xue an was shocked.

Had been completely occupied by the confusion of the eyes instantly clear.

At this time, the heart demon's blade has been hit by Xue an's back.

Xue an snorted coldly and directly put his back on his hand.

The heart demon's blade is firmly clamped by it.

The black fog that controls the blade quivers, and then comes an incredible sound.

"What's going on? How can you be awake?"

At the moment, Xue an's heart is full of surprise and anger.

If it wasn't just that call, I might have caught the heart demon's way.

So with a sudden force, he clipped the blade of the heart demon completely, and then said coldly.

"You are not left over by the great dream sword master. It is impossible for him to refine such a powerful heart demon as you with his cultivation of Da Luo!"

"If I'm right, you should be a demon from outside the universe! Am I right? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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