"You How do you know that? Who the hell are you? " A voice full of panic came from the black fog.

"It doesn't matter who I am! What matters is that you are dead today! "

There was a flash in Xue an's eyes.

The black fog wanted to escape, but was shocked to find that it could not move at all.

Then Xue an put out his hand, directly into the black fog, and suddenly grasped it.


The black fog dissipated.

Xue an's hand showed a monster with only one eye.

The monster felt the threat of death, and could not help but cry out in fear: "Lord, spare your life! Forgive me, my Lord

But Xue an didn't pay any attention to his plea for mercy and crushed it.


The invisible shock waves spread.

An incomparable thought poured into xue'an's sea of knowledge, which made him a little lost in his mind.

It was not until a moment later that he gradually regained consciousness.

This strange insect is from the outside of the universe.

This is a kind of strange existence which is neither human nor immortal but not divine.

But among the heaven and the myriad realms, those Dara are the most powerful immortal kings, and they are quite afraid of them.

Although these psychodemons are very fragile, they are very good at grasping the mind and constructing a very real dream of heart demons.

If you are careless, you will end up dead.

In the endless years, there are countless strong people falling under this little extraterritorial devil.

Xue an, who was once an immortal, almost fell in love with this thing.

This is also the reason why Xue an did not hesitate to crush this foreign heart demon.

Because once this thing spreads, the consequences are simply unimaginable.

At the same time, Xue an also got a lot of useful information from the remaining mind of this demon.

For example, the great dream sword Zun thousands of years ago didn't fall because of the impact on the big Luo, as the rumor goes.

But fell into the dream of this heart demon.

But this dream sword Zun was very decisive. At the last moment, he realized that something was wrong, so he exhausted all his accomplishments and closed himself up.

So the Exorcist was trapped in the secret place together and could not go out any more.

But this foreign demon is very cunning.

The opening of the once-in-a-thousand-year dream is a trap set by this heart demon.

What he wanted was to find a parasite among these intruders.

And this demon is smart.

He knew that if all the monks were destroyed, he would soon make this legacy a Jedi that no one dared to come.

Therefore, he has been hiding behind the scenes, and even gives some benefits to the visitors.

It was in this kind of long flow that he persisted until now, until he met Xue an.

This heart demon took a fancy to xue'an's mind at a glance, and then made full efforts to parasitize xue'an.

In the end, it was discovered by Xue an and turned into powder.

After sorting out the context, Xue an's mouth appeared a faint smile.

"This time it was a blessing in disguise. I actually made up for the last defect in my mood! And gained the power of the heart demon, and will never be trapped by the heart demon again

Then Xue an moved in her heart and closed her eyes.

At present, Xue an has completely controlled this heritage.

So he can see what's going on with the people who came into the collection.

A moment later, he was slightly stunned, "is that so?"

With that, Xue an's figure disappeared in place.

At the moment, the blissful goddess has fallen into endless despair.

At the moment she walked into the collection.

She was terrified to find that she had returned to that nightmarish night again.

Once she had her parents and sister.

The whole family lives happily together.

It was the happiest time of her short life.

But everything, it was changed that night.

That day, she was sitting in the house with her sister.

All of a sudden, a fire broke out in the direction of the front yard, and the sound of killing came faintly.

The sound shocked her and her sister. I don't know what happened.

Just then, her parents rushed over, covered in blood.

"Moya, run!"

This is the last word Muya heard from her father.

The next moment.

The man who had never done anything bad in his whole life was cut into two sections with one sword.

Blood splashed and the body fell to the ground.

"Master Muya's mother moaned and tried to rush forward, but she had just taken a few steps when an invisible force smashed her chest flat.Her mother vomited blood and fell to the ground, opened a pair of unwilling eyes, looked at the sisters, and then died.

Muya, the blissful goddess, was staring at all this, her brain was blank and her whole body was shaking irresistibly.

These nightmarish scenes reappear in front of her, so that she even has no resistance, and is quickly controlled by the dream.

At this time, the sound of grim smile was heard in the distance.

Her sister grabbed her and dragged her into the closet, where she kept her valuables.

"Whatever happens, don't make any noise, OK?"

Moya can still remember the expression on her sister's face when she said this.

It was an indescribable calm in the face of the coming calamity.

Muya was so scared that she didn't even have time to respond. The door of the secret room was heavily closed.

Muya reluctantly stood in this room which could only accommodate a girl like her. She was shivering all over, but she did not dare to make any sound.

Because she heard the tramp of footsteps outside, and then the banter of a group of men.

"Tut Tut, good luck, there is such a tender one here!"

"It's so watery, brothers. Let it out today!"

Then came the angry voice of her sister, "what are you going to do?"

But then, the angry voice was drowned by the man's silver smile.

And then came the sound of clothes being torn, as well as sister's scream.

Muya is small, but she knows what's going on outside.

The fear from the heart made her tremble, then covered her mouth with tears.

Because these are the memories that she blocked in the bottom of her heart and dare not touch at ordinary times.

Now, facing all this again, the blissful goddess feels that she is about to lose her grip.

Her eyes were becoming slack and dull.

That is full of ear sister's scream, and the man's silver laughter, constitute a hell Overture, let her slowly fall into the abyss.

At this moment.

The blissful girl suddenly heard a sigh.

"Want to know what's going on?"

Muya was stunned.

Then the door of the chamber disappeared.

Xue an stands in front of her, light way: "I take you to see the truth of the matter."

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