With the voice.

The parents who died miserably, the elder sister who was abused to death, and the villain with black napkin.

All of these images appear in front of Muya.

Then she saw that behind all these pictures, there was a group of people standing in the sky overlooking everything.

See this group of people.

Moya was completely stunned.

Xue an said faintly: "do you see clearly? It is the group of people in the blissful workshop who started everything. "

"You are a man who is infatuated with Brahman, so since the day you were born, these people in the blissful place have been spying on you."

"But your situation is very special, because your ingratitude is so deep that it can't be revealed at ordinary times."

"You can't activate your talent in your whole life unless you are stimulated to cut off the dust completely."

"So these people came up with this trick, and completely cut your dust off!"

"But these people play too much, causing you to be stimulated too deeply, the spirit is damaged. Although your accomplishments and enchanting skills may be the best in the history of blissful fairyland, you will never be able to speak again! "

"Now, do you understand?"

Xue an is omniscient in this dream after controlling the heart demon, so he can see through all the illusions at a glance.

Hearing Xue an's words, Muya's expression changed, and around her, those pictures began to fade away and return to nothingness.

And her appearance began to recover.

Xue an quietly looked at, "now, you know what to do next!"

Muya is silent for a moment, then salutes Xue an deeply.

Xue an smiles, "I'll give you another ride!"

After that, Xue an snapped his finger.

Muya felt that her surroundings had changed and she came to the blissful place.

And Lingxiao, who followed himself into the collection, is sitting on the throne of the master of the workshop, full of excitement and joy.

It was not until she saw Muya that she was shocked, and then she came back from her illusions.

"My lady! Fortunately you're here! Otherwise, I might be in a dream and never wake up again Lingxiao said happily.

Muya didn't speak, just looked at her quietly.

"Lady, what's wrong with you?" Lingxiao still has some doubts.

Before the words fell, Muya suddenly reached out and grabbed Lingxiao's neck directly.

Lingxiao didn't react at all and was pinched into the air.

"Lady of heaven, you..." Lingxiao wants to struggle, but finds that she can't shake Muya Fen Fen Fen.

At the moment, Muya was like a wounded beast, roaring, opening his mouth and biting off.

This is biting on Lingxiao's neck.

And raw raw and bite off a piece of meat.

The whole body of Lingxiao was shaking with pain, and then, as if he understood something, he roared in despair: "Lady of heaven, all the people in your family were ordered to be killed by the owner of the house! It's nothing to do with me, ah, ah

The screams stopped abruptly.

Because Muya tore Lingxiao's throat.

Blood mixed with the air in her lungs spewed out, splashing Muya's face.

Lingxiao's eyes are full of despair, and then Guanghua gradually darkens, and finally becomes a corpse.

After seeing Lingxiao die.

Muya fell to her knees, let out an unbearable cry, and finally began to speak.

"Father, mother, sister! I will avenge you

Xue an then appeared beside her, and could not help sighing.

Hearing the sound, Muya turned to see xue'an, and then kowtowed to the ground, "the grace of the Lord, Muya will never forget!"

Xue an smiles, "it's just a piece of cake!"

At this moment.

The figure of snow drifting out of the void.

But at the moment, the proud girl, all over the body scars, shape extremely tired.

Only one eye is full of brilliant sword meaning.

When she saw xue'an and Muya, she was stunned, and then said, "my Lord!"

Xue an looked at her a few eyes, and then some surprised said: "you actually have the heart of the sword clear?"

"Snow drift away nodded," I have explored the heart of the barrier

This sentence is very understatement, but only those who have experienced it will know how difficult it is.

In this heart demon dream, the snow drifted away several times, almost destroying the heart of the sword and becoming a walking corpse.

But at the last moment, she recited the eight words that Xue an gave her.

Stick to the heart of the sword and never forget the original.

Finally, he killed all the demons and turned the tables successfully.

Xue an nodded approvingly, "well done! From then on, your Kendo cultivation will take a long time. "Snow drift respectfully toward Xue an bow salute, "everything depends on the help of adults."

Xue an noncommittal smile, and then light way: "the matter here, also should do a break!"

With that, Xue an suddenly stamped his foot.

The whole dream void began to vibrate, then cracks appeared, and finally burst apart.

Then a magnificent palace appeared.

On the square in front of the palace stood several people.

These people look at all around in a daze.

The first reaction came from the blood network mountain Luo 3000, he also met his own heart demon.

However, before he came into this legacy, he had already made preparations, so he successfully killed the heart demon.

However, Xing dannan, the younger martial sister who cut the red chamber, was more troublesome, but finally, with the help of Luo 3000, she successfully got rid of the trouble of dreams.

But then Luo Sanqian found that he could not get out.

All that you see is void.

At the beginning, Luo Sanqian didn't care too much, but when he used all kinds of methods and could not break the void, he began to be a little flustered.

Something's wrong!

It is said that as long as you break through the heart demon dream, you can enter this legacy.

But how could you be trapped in the void this time?

Under this kind of doubt, Luo Sanqian became more and more anxious.

Just as he began to feel hopeless, there was a huge earthquake in the void, and then he was in front of a magnificent palace.

He's not the only one in the field at the moment.

Ye Chongshan, the young master of fierce demon Valley, is also covered with blood and looks at the palace in front of him.

He also met his own demons.

However, the people in the evil devil Valley stress the polarity of destroying emotions.

Therefore, ye Chongshan is just fighting in his dream.

So when he suddenly came out of the dream, he also looked at the scene in front of him.

Encounter similar and this cut red chamber Li Hanqing.

They all stood in a daze for a moment, then shivered and rushed to the palace.

At the front of the line is still Luo Sanqian, the great acting director.

His eyes were red with excitement at the moment.

As long as the first one breaks into this palace, all the remains will be mine!

The two people who followed were not willing to be outdone and rushed forward.

However, Luo Sanqian was only a few feet away from the palace gate.

A sword light came from all over the world and directly cut in front of Luo 3000.

If Luo Qiansheng stopped his body, the sword might have to make him fall on the spot.

Luo 3000 took a breath of cold air and was shocked.

At the same time.

A calm voice sounded, "I said, blood net mountain I am dead, and you, is the first one!"

With the voice, Xue an's body slowly emerged in the air, just like the emperor of nine days, overlooking the people at his feet.

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