It's him!

The faces of all these people changed slightly.

At this moment, the blissful goddess and the snow drifted away, just like a servant, appeared behind Xue an.

Li Hanqing, the owner of the red chamber, was so sad that he lost us the face of beheading the red chamber

The snow flows away, sniffs a burst of sneer, and then silently flushes the chestnut, the cold Qing compares to draw a cut throat posture.

"One of you

Snow drift light way: "master, don't worry, wait for adults to clean up this Luo 3000, it's your turn!"

Luo 3000 looks gloomy, "boy, how many times have you challenged me? Do you really think I dare not kill you?"

Xue an faint smile, "say more useless, hands on it!"

Luo Sanqian snorted coldly, and the mysterious golden runes appeared in his eyes, "this is your own death! You can't blame anyone else

Said, in Luo 3000's body week appears one after another golden Scripture.

Luo Sanqian's eyes narrowed slightly, "close!"

The golden Sutras were instantly united into a golden wheel.

The wheel of the talisman is hanging in the sky, sending out an extremely ancient and powerful momentum.


In a flash, the wheel tore up the sky, took a touch of gold light, and rushed directly to Xue an.

See this scene.

Ye Chongshan, the master of the evil devil and the master of the red chamber, were all shocked.

Especially Ye Chongshan.

He's sixth on the list.

And Luo Sanqian, the director of the grand acting troupe, ranked fifth.

Ye Chongshan is very unconvinced.

But as soon as I saw the talisman today, I knew that the fifth place of luo3000's inquiry list was worthy of its name.

I don't dare to face the mountain again.

What's more, the boy who has been killed again and again?

Thinking of this, ye Chongshan's mouth appeared a cold smile, with the eyes of the dead looking at Xue an.

But it was just then.

Xue an didn't avoid as many people imagined. Instead, he stood in the sky and faced the attack of the golden light wheel calmly.

Seeing that the wheel of Fu is about to meet Xue an, the space that the golden light is stirring is shaking slightly.

Xue an still didn't move.

Are you scared?

People are wondering.

But Xue an reaches out and grabs.

Xue Ansheng seized the wheel which was spinning wildly.

The situation of rotation is also stopped.

Seeing this scene, people were extremely shocked.

Luo Sanqian's face changed wildly. He couldn't believe his eyes.

You should know that Luo Sanqian studied runes since he began to cultivate Taoism.

In addition to his talent, he has been proud of himself for only a hundred years.

So Luo Sanqian was always conceited about his accomplishments.

The golden light wheel is a talisman treasure he has cultivated carefully. It is so powerful that he can cut the golden immortal under his horse.

But today he was caught by this man.

Luo 3000 was naturally shocked.

Xue an looked at the wheel in his hand and said with a faint smile, "it's a delicate gadget, but that's all!"

After that, Xue an suddenly pinched it.

The golden light on the wheel flickered a few times, and then cracked with a crackle.

Hand holding Fu Bao.

How strong and powerful is this?

"Is that all? If you have anything, just let it come out! I took them all today

The indifference in Xue an's words completely angered Luo 3000.

"Boy, I underestimated you! But do you really think that with your strength, you will be able to show off in front of me? "

"Play the magic charm!"

Xue an just showed the strength let Luo 3000 no longer underestimate the heart, directly used his strongest kill move.

Luo 3000's whole body was shining like the sun, and a golden light appeared from his head, soaring into the sky.

In this golden light, there are countless runes rolling and evolving.

Luo Sanqian has pushed his cultivation to the extreme.

In the eyes, there are two mysterious runes.

At the same time.

The runes in the golden light have already evolved, and a huge and incomparable Rune gradually emerges.

As soon as the talisman came out, the void was shocked.

Ye Chongshan and others all retreat.

There was a very dignified look on his face.

Because they think they can't fight it.

"Xue'an, you can make me use this blow. You can be proud! Go to hell Luo Sanqian has a quick drink and points forward.The talisman went straight to xue'an.

And the talisman gradually increased in the middle of the way, until Xue an approached, it had become like a hill, and then straight down.

As far as the golden light can reach, the hidden secret place is shaking, and the space also shows black cracks, as if even the space is about to be smashed.

Such a powerful and unmatched blow made everyone pale.

Only Xue an, standing in the sky, looked up at the talisman which had been smashed down like the top of Mount Tai. He said faintly, "since you are famous for your talisman, then I will destroy you with Rune!"

In a word.

Luo Sanqian laughed, "joke, I'm the number one Rune in all domains. Do you want to win me with Rune? Really... "

The voice stopped abruptly.

Xue an stretched out a single hand, a symbol of emptiness.

A series of extremely mysterious and complicated patterns of runes float in the air in an instant, and then quickly assemble and arrange.

In an instant.

A seal script about the size of a palm has been formed.

As soon as the seal script of this amulet comes out.

Xing dannan almost laughed, and then said with disdain: "it's so noisy, but it turns out to be such a thing. It's really killing me to laugh!"

With that, she turned her head to say something to Luo 3000, but she was surprised to find that her brother Luo was pale and shivering.

At the same time.

A terrifying pressure appeared in the air, shaking the whole audience.

Xing dannan looked up.

There is a colorful milli light in the seal script which is only the size of palm.

As soon as the glimmer of light came out, the golden Rune light that had just covered the whole sky was as if the minister had seen the emperor, and then it was darkened in an instant.

After that, the multicolored light will shine on the magic charm like a hill.

The talisman trembled a few times, then began to disintegrate and melt, and then turned into liquid gold, which was absorbed by the seal script.

In an instant.

Just now, the grand performance talisman, which was just powerful, roared and turned into nothing.

The seal script drawn by Xue an is the size of a man, suspended in the sky, and the colorful light shines all over the sky, and all kinds of visions have evolved.

"Now, are you convinced?" Xue an looked at Luo 3000 who had already shaken into a ball, and said faintly.

Luo 3000's teeth trembled.

As a Fuxiu, he could naturally feel the mystery and strength of this seal script drawn by Xue an.

But what shocked him even more was that such a talisman, which contained a trace of the rules of heaven, was drawn by him.

This gap can no longer be calculated in the way.

"Serve Take your breath Luo 3000 said with great difficulty.

As soon as ye Chongshan said this, he killed Li Hanqing, the owner of the red chamber, including the younger martial sister, Xing dannan. All of them turned pale.

What is the origin of this man.

Unexpectedly, he bowed his head to Tianjiao, the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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