Xue an nodded. "Good. Now you're going to die."

Luo 3000 was shocked all over, and then roared with a voice of incomparable shock: "Xue an, you can't kill me too much. What's more, I've given up now. Why do you want to kill me?"

Xue an sneered, "who said you don't have to die if you admit defeat? In front of me, if you kneel down, you will die! "

Luo 3000 was angry, "Xue an, you act so overbearing, really think I'm afraid of you?"

"Domineering?" Xue an looked up to the sky with a long smile. His voice shook the whole field, and everyone changed color.

"Today, I'll show you what real hegemony is."

With Xue an's voice, the seal script, which was the size of a human being, became immensely vast, standing on the heaven and earth, and smashed down towards naluo 3000.

Seeing the Fu Zhuan, which is the same as heaven and earth, Luo Sanqian exclaimed. He couldn't raise any resistance in his heart, so he turned and ran.

He hasn't been out for a few miles.

A multicolored milli light flashed over the seal script, and it hit Luo Sanqian's back directly.

"No!" Luo Sanqian screamed, trying to avoid, but the multicolored milli light did not give him a chance to react, so he directly hit him on the back.

Luo Sanqian was blown out a hundred feet away. After landing, he opened his mouth and spat out a big mouthful of blood.

His eyes had become frightened, and then he said hoarsely, "what is the seal character?"

Xue an stood with a negative hand and said faintly, "I don't know. I just drew a few strokes at random. I didn't expect that you were so vulnerable."

"What?" Luo 3000 was angry, and vomited a big mouthful of blood.

How could he draw such a powerful seal script?

Luo Sanqian would never believe it.

But he didn't know. What Xue an said was true.

Fu Zhuan is a kind of emergency.

All changes are natural.

When Xue an draws it casually, it contains a touch of the law of heaven, and the power of nature is infinite.

This is the reason why Xue an is not bound by any Rune rules.

It's natural that we can't understand these things before we reach the realm of luo3000.

At the moment, his eyes have been lax, can only stare at Xue an with resentment.

"Xue an, don't be complacent. If you kill me, xuewangshan will never let you go!"

After that, Luo Sanqian suddenly spat out a large mouthful of blood. The blood coagulates but does not disperse. It floats in the air and forms a rune. Then it crosses the void in an instant and prints it on Xue an's arm.

"Ha ha, Xue an, you won't be able to get rid of the pursuit from xuewangshan in your whole life! Ha ha, ha ha, er... "

Luo Sanqian seemed to have been strangled by something and looked at it foolishly.

Because Xue an looked down and put his hand on it after he got the seal.

The dark red mark disappeared.

"I didn't want to play this kind of thing! Give it back to you

As soon as Xue an raised his hand, the mark flew back at a very fast speed and directly printed on Luo 3000's forehead.

Luo Sanqian gave out a shrill cry.

"Xue an, what have you done to me?"

Xue an said faintly: "I know that you so-called Tianjiao gods have their own means to protect their lives, so I left a mark in your mind. In this way, even if you are reborn by body, I can find you and kill you again!"

Xue an's words made Luo 3000 fall into an ice cellar.

He had this intention in mind.

So he didn't look very anxious.

But now Xue an's words seemed like cold water, which made him shiver all over.

"You devil! What is the feud between us and you? Why do you want to treat us like this

"What hatred? He he, Lu Yiyue of Sihua City, do you know? "

Hearing this name, Luo 3000 was shocked all over his body, and his eyes were filled with astonishing light.

"You are..."

Xue an nodded. "Yes, I am!"

"No! Isn't that place cut off from the heavens? How could you be a strong man like you? "

Xue an said faintly: "it seems that you know a lot. It's true that I came from there. I want to get back the debt that you xuewangshan committed to Sihua city."

Luo 3000 can't speak any more.

When Xue an flicked his finger, the seal script that had been suspended on Luo 3000's head suddenly fell and smashed it into meat.

Luo Sanqian, who is known as the first Rune of Guiyi, died on the spot.

After all this, Xue an turned his head and looked at the people around him with a faint smile, "say it, how do you want to die? I've done you all today. "

Originally because of Luo 3000's death and fall into shock in these several people smell speech all angry hum.Especially Ye Chongshan, the evil devil.

He grinned grimly. "Xue an, I admit that you are really good, but do you think this can help me? I... "

Xue an slightly frowned, "noisy!"

After that, Xue an stepped out, and the whole person came to Ye Chongshan in an instant and clapped his hands.


Gao ye, who has always resisted directly, has never been able to beat himself up again.

Then he vomited blood again and again in mid air and roared in disbelief, "no way, you..."

Xue an's figure flashed, and he appeared above him again, with a cold face and another blow.

This ye Chongshan is like a ball, and it is smashed into the ground.

With one hand and one fist, ye Chongshan's fierce body, which he was always proud of, was smashed to pieces.

At the moment, he was paralyzed on the ground, unable to move. He could only stare at Xue an in the air, and his eyes flashed with infinite regret.

Until this time, he finally understood how big the gap between himself and this man was.

And I dare to challenge him again and again. I really want to die.

He wanted to beg for mercy, but he couldn't even say anything. He could only look at xue'an with pleading eyes and make a clucking sound from his throat.

Xue an didn't even look at it, just a finger flick.

A sword went straight through his forehead, then shot from behind his head and nailed him to the ground.

Blood oozes out of the ground.

Ye Chongshan's eyes gradually darkened, and there was still a trace of doubt on his face.

I don't seem to believe I'm dead like this.

This evil little Lord, I'm dead.

At this point, only a meal scene, Xue an has killed two peerless Tianjiao.

This is the supreme power, awe the whole audience.

In particular, Li Hanqing, the owner of the red chamber, and Xing dannan, the younger martial sister like the white lotus flower.

At this time, the master and the apprentice were pale, with cold sweat on their heads and their heads bowed. They did not dare to look at Xue an.

But there's always going to be something to come.

Xue an looked at the master and apprentice, and a cold smile appeared on his lips.

"Come on, how are you going to die?"

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