The master and apprentice trembled, and their faces were full of despair.

Li Hanqing said in an astringent voice, "Xue an, why do you have to kill all of them? I cut the red chamber and you have no hatred, can you let us go? "

Xue an smiles, "I'm not going to kill you. There are others who want to kill you!"

, Xue An turned to see the snow drift, "leaving, the two people handed over to you, kill and cut, and you has the final say!"

Hear Xue an's words.

The snow flows away slightly a Zheng, and then nodded, "yes!"

But Li Hanqing and Xing dannan's faces turned white gradually.

Because what they had done to snow drift was enough for them to die several times.

"Exile..." Li Hanqing swallowed a mouthful of saliva and cried out with a strong smile.

The snow drifts away and looks at this once tall building lord adult.

She is not the master of xueliuliu, but the master of the red chamber who was killed by various means.

It was also under her control that she gradually declined.

Even reduced to the present situation of the last three days.

And this person usually envies the virtuous and envies the ability, repels the dissidents.

The reason why Xue Liuliu was excluded from the position of betrayal is that she is not Li Hanqing.

Think of here, the snow flow away cold smile.

"My Lord, have you ever thought that you also have today?"

Li Hanqing's face turned white, but as soon as she turned her eyes, she began to worry. Then she said in a deep voice, "xue'an, what you just said is true? Since you have left the matter to the snow drifter, you can't intervene any more! "

Xue an nodded. "That's nature."

Li Hanqing's eyes flashed with joy, "very good! Snow drift away, said more useless, now if you have the ability to kill me! Otherwise I still have to go. "

After that, Li Hanqing raised her feet and was about to leave.

Xing dannan was also full of shock and fear, but when he saw his master doing so, he immediately understood.

Xue Angang just said that the matter was left to xueliuliu to handle.

But with her gradually regressive cultivation, even herself can surpass her, not to mention her master.

Although the cultivation of the master of the red chamber is the weakest among the sect leaders of the three days sect, it can not be matched by snow drift.

Thinking like this, Xing dannan can't help but feel relieved, and then quite proud to see the snow flow away, lift his feet to follow Li Hanqing.

At this time, the snow flow away cold hum, raise hand is a sword cut.

The light of the sword just blocks Li Hanqing's way.

"What do you mean, drifting snow? Do you want to compete with me? " Li Hanqing snorted coldly.

The snow drifted away, slowly pulled out his sword and said, "yes! Since the Lord has handed you over to me, I will take care of you both! "

"Looking for death!" Li Hanqing was furious.

What she was afraid of was Xue an, not the snow drifter who had been a disciple of her own. Therefore, she snorted coldly and raised her hand with two red lights as light as peach powder.

As the owner of the red chamber, Li Hanqing naturally has its own uniqueness.

This red light shows that her method of cutting red heart is quite good.

But the two red lights had just reached the middle of the way, and the snow drifted away, and the sword came out boldly.

The sword light is not so cold, but the right strike is at the weakest point of the two records of red light.


The two red lights were cut out by a sword.

This Li Hanqing is one of the shock, some incredible.

How could this blow be easily broken by the drifting snow?

Now, it's your turn to pick up my sword

After that, she cut it out with a sword.

A bright sword light cut straight to Li Hanqing.

Li Hanqing finally saw the clue and screamed with fear.

"When did your Kendo recover?"

With that, she could dodge the sword.

But the snow drifted away and did not give her a chance to breathe.

The sword is like snow, covering it completely.

Li Hanqing finally understood why Xue an would give her two people to this snow drift.

Because her Kendo not only recovered, but also more than ever!

Li Hanqing felt deep despair and regret.

At the beginning, she dared to treat the snow drift like that. She felt that her sword skill had turned back, and there was no possibility of recovery, and the whole person was abandoned.

However, she did not expect that the snow flow had not only recovered, but also reached an incredible height.

At this time, Li Hanqing couldn't dodge and was cut off by a sword.

She gave a painful roar, just about to say something.Xing dannan, who was standing behind her, suddenly pulled out his sword and stabbed her back.

Xing dannan is good at cultivation, especially the sword in her hand is a peerless blade.

Therefore, caught off guard, Li Hanqing was directly passed by the sword.

Even though she is a gold fairy.

But by a sword through the heart, the whole person or Qi machine chaos.

At the same time, her hands and feet were cut off by the snow.

This Li Hanqing fell to the ground, a pair of eyes staring at Xing dannan, "why!"

Xing dannan released his sword and covered his mouth with sadness. "Master, I blame you for being so cruel to elder martial sister. I once advised you several times, but you insisted on not listening. So I have to show my attitude now!"

Hearing this, Li Hanqing spat out a big mouthful of blood, just want to say something.

Xing dannan's eyes twinkled with cold light, and the withered chestnut was directly smashed by a light pink light.

Until the moment of death, she was still looking at Xing dannan with incomparable resentment.

But Xing dannan didn't care at all.

After confirming that Li Hanqing is dead, she kneels down gently with guilt and regret on her face.

"Elder martial sister, the reason why I treated you so much when I was in the school was because of the command of Li Hanqing. I was forced to do so! Will you spare me once, for the sake of our former classmates? "

When he said this, Xing dannan pleaded.

With her deceptive appearance, she is very charming.

If you don't know the truth, you will be confused.

Snow drift away has been silent, standing in the sky quietly watching.

After a dead silence.

Xing dannan's eyes gradually showed the color of fear, opening his mouth is trying to say something.

"Xing dannan, do you know I didn't want to kill you just now

Xing dannan heart a song, and then incomparably flattering smile: "elder martial sister is naturally hurt younger martial sister."

"Snow drift shook his head," but now I change my mind

The smile on Xing dannan's face solidified.

"Once I thought you would treat me like that just out of jealousy. Now I know that people like you are just bad!"

"No, elder martial sister, listen to my explanation, I really..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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