The snow drifts away already don't want to hear this white lotus like younger martial sister to say more nonsense.

I saw her cut out with one sword.

Xing dannan's eyes showed a look of resentment, and then rolled on the ground to avoid the sword.

Then the whole Mermaid jumped up and flew straight to the distant sky.

She did not believe that she could not escape with her own cultivation.

The snow drifted away, took a deep breath, and suddenly cut it out with a sword.

The sword went straight to Xing dannan.

Xing dannan didn't turn his head. He sidestepped away from the sword. He was secretly happy in his heart, but suddenly found his chest cold.

She looked down and saw a blade on her chest.

Then she lost her strength and fell from the air.

The snow drifted slowly to her side. Looking at Xing dannan, who was constantly vomiting blood in her mouth, she said faintly: "your cultivation has surpassed me, but your mood is far from keeping up. Even if I don't kill you, within ten years, you will be possessed and die!"

Xing dannan moved the corners of his mouth, and then tried his best to say: "I I don't accept it! "

With that, the light in her eyes was gone and she died.

Snow drift stood beside her, stood quietly for a moment, then turned away.

At this point, all the people who broke into the great dream were dead.

"Let's go in and see what's good in this collection. It's worth so many people to keep on doing this!" Xue an light said, leading the snow drift and the blissful goddess then stepped into the palace.

I saw inside the magnificent, all kinds of treasures placed in the whole hall.

Such a situation let these two see the big field, the pride of heaven's daughter is also one of the shock.

Xue an just lightly glanced at, then continued to go inside.

Through the first floor of the main hall, there is a slightly smaller palace.

But the treasures inside are more valuable than those outside.

Xue an is still unmoved.

Xue an and his party went through the seven story hall.

Each of the seven floors of the hall is full of precious treasures.

And each layer is more scarce and precious.

Especially in the seventh layer, the ground has been covered by a variety of very high-quality fairy crystal.

If you change this scene to other ordinary practitioners, you can't even move.

But Xue an didn't even look straight through the palace.

Then he opened a door.

There was no longer a palace, but a bare hill.

On the hill stood a crooked thatched cottage.

The thatched cottage looked as if it could be blown down by a gust of wind, and it was out of place with these magnificent palaces.

When Xue an and his three men stepped into the hill.

The palace behind suddenly began to shake violently, and then collapsed and turned into powder.

Both the blissful goddess and the snow drifter were stunned.

Xue an said lightly: "there are traps in front of you. If a cultivator enters it and is confused by those treasures, he will stay there forever."

Hearing Xue an's words, the two women can't help but be shocked.

Fortunately, although they were also shocked by the treasures inside, they did not have greed.

Or you have to pay for it.

"What about the remains?" Asked the snow drift.

Xue an laughed and looked up at the thatched cottage on the top of the mountain.

"It's in there!"

Two people looked at this crooked cottage that seemed to fall at any time. They were all speechless for a moment.

What rare treasures can be found in this?

But when they got to the hut.

The snow drifted away, and all of a sudden, his eyes were shocked.

"This sword meaning..."

She could feel that there was a powerful sword in the hut.

At this time, I heard an old voice coming from the thatched cottage.

"Come in! I've been waiting for you too long! "

The snow drifted away with a look of awe and awe.

Xue an laughed, then pushed the door and walked into the hut.

It looks different from the outside.

The thatched cottage is very spacious.

But it is such a spacious room, but there is no decoration.

Yes, just the little Futon in the middle of the room, and the skinny old man on the futon like a skeleton.

Although the old man was skinny and bony, his eyes were as bright as stars, which made him dare not look directly at him.

He first looked at the snow drift and the blissful goddess and gave a smile.

"I didn't expect to see the descendants of Xie Zhanhong and Chu Lele!"

Hear these two names.

The snow drift and the blissful goddess were all shocked.Because these two people mentioned by the old man were the founders of their ancestral clan.

But that was thousands of years ago.

Xue Liuli said respectfully, "are you Fang xianjue, the great dream sword?"

"Dream sword respect Fang xianjue?" The old man said a few words about the name, then pulled the corners of his mouth and showed a smile.

It's just that he's thin as a skeleton, which makes this smile terrible.

"Thousands of years! If you don't mention it, even I have forgotten my name! "


Heard the speculation confirmed.

Although has already had the psychological preparation, but this snow drift still can't help but change color for it.

We should know that this dream sword Zun has been active for 7000 years.

Although he was known as the first true immortal at that time, he had the strength to win the throne.

But not yet.

And as long as it's true, it will fall.

Some real immortals can live for 5000 years by various means, which is a very terrible existence.

I didn't expect that this dream sword Zun could survive till now.

She was naturally shocked.

After whispering a few words, Fang xianjue turned his eyes to Xue an, who had been standing quietly beside him.

"Young man, you are the only one of the three that I can't see through! You Who is it? "

Xue an laughed, and then looked at everything around him in his spare time. "He blocked the secret state with his own cultivation, trapped the demons in it, and at the same time sealed up his body and mind. It's hard for you to live to this day!"

The words made Fang xianjue's eyes shine, and an invisible sword power enveloped the audience.

The snow drift and the blissful Goddess All snorted and retreated.

Xue an, however, felt nothing but the breeze.

Fang xianjue stares at Xue an, "young man, who are you? Why do you know so much? "

Xue an light smile, stretched out his hand to show a group of black gas.

"This This is... " Fang xianjue was stunned at first, then exclaimed.

Xue an nodded, "yes, that's the demon outside the domain. It has been killed by me!"

Fang xianjue took a deep breath, and the light in his eyes flashed. He shielded the snow drift and the blissful goddess.

Xue an said faintly: "I'm very curious. You're so painstaking, but you're just staying here. It's impossible for you to break through. So What are you doing for? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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