Fang xianjue gave a bitter smile, and then said, "young man, your cultivation should be good, but this matter is of great importance, and you can't touch it at all! If you really want to know, you need to inherit my mantle! "

"Oh? Inherit your mantle? " Xue an faint smile, a wisp of sword will emerge around Xue an's body.

The sword spirit is like snow, and Xue an is like an immortal.

Fang xianjue's whole body was shocked, and his eyes showed a color of incomparable fright, "this sword meaning Oh, my God

"Now, you still let me inherit your mantle?" Xue an said lightly.

Fang xianjue showed a look of embarrassment, and then said: "master, you It's not the same person? "

Xue an nodded slightly.

Fang xianjue's face was excited. "Finally! I've been waiting for thousands of years

With that, Fang xianjue's skin began to swell like a balloon, and the flesh and blood on his face began to plump rapidly.

In an instant.

The old man, who was just as thin as a skeleton, turned into a dignified middle-aged man.

Seeing this, Xue an's eyes were shining, but he didn't say anything.

Fang xianjue bowed to Xue an respectfully. "Master, after thousands of years of waiting, I have finally come to you!"

Xue an nodded slightly, "now tell me, what are you waiting for?"

Fang xianjue was silent for a moment, and then sighed: "master, this matter matters a lot. After I learned about it, I wanted to solve it by myself, so I was desperate to attack the situation of Da Luo. However, as a result of God's will, I was infected by the evil spirit outside the domain, and I was about to die and die, and the evil spirit would return to one. I had no choice but to exhaust my cultivation and build this secret state, which trapped me and this demon together. "

Xue an listens quietly.

Fang xianjue then said: "then I have been waiting here for thousands of years. The palaces in front of me are just a small trial. What I want is to find a man who can pass through the dream of the devil and not be seduced by foreign things to inherit my mantle, and then start to solve this problem! But I didn't expect that the elder appeared! "

"What is the matter you are talking about?" Xue an said lightly.

Fang xianjue took a deep breath. The light in his eyes flashed, and he passed away a divine thought.

"This matter is of great importance. If you are not careful, it will be a big disaster involving a wide range of people. Therefore, I will tell you the cause and effect with my mind! I hope you can turn the tide back and save all the people! "

Fang xianjue said sincerely.

Xue an accepted the idea and read the message.

Then he was silent.

This silence made Fang xianjue look dignified and said, "master, I know that this matter is very important, and I am not going to let you bear it all. I will give you all my accomplishments in kendo, which is a little help to you."

The voice has just dropped.

Xue an looked up and laughed, "OK! That's wonderful! Ha ha ha

This laughter made Fang xianjue a little confused.

"Master, you What's the matter with you? "

Fang xianjue Sheng was afraid that Xue an was stimulated by something, so he quickly asked.

Xue an stopped laughing and then gave Fang xianjue a fist. "My friend, thank you for your information. This matter is very important to me! And don't worry, it's mine! "

Fang xianjue was still at a loss.

Xue an is a little excited.

Because Fang xianjue told him that the news was really important.

Yan'er, even if your seal can't be completely lifted, it will be greatly improved! Xue an thought.

Although Fang xianjue didn't know why Xue an was so excited, he had no reason to think that this man could solve the matter, so a huge stone which had been in his mind for thousands of years had fallen to the ground.

Just when Fang xianjue had just let out a breath, one of his hands suddenly began to wither.

That's right.

It's literally withering.

Just full of flesh and blood reappeared and became skin and bone.

Seeing this scene, Xue an was slightly stunned and wanted to take out the pills.

Fang xianjue waved his hand, "no! It's a miracle that I can hold on to this time! Any pills are useless to me! "

"And before I fall, I'm very satisfied to be able to entrust this big event in my heart to my predecessors!"

Xue an looked at Fang xianjue, who began to grow old rapidly, and his expression could not help but become a little solemn.

Thousands of years of waiting, only for a belief.

And this belief has nothing to do with him, but it involves the world.

This kind of mind and tenacity, let Xue an also can't help moving for it.

At this time, Fang xianjue had removed the shield, and then said to the snow, "since you are the descendant of Xie Zhanhong and the person around the elder, I will pass on the sword skill to you!"The snow drifted away, and I never dreamed of such a thing.

"Come forward!" At this time, the speed of Fang xianjue's old age became faster and faster.

It seems that the time that has been overstocked for thousands of years is running over him rapidly.

The snow drifted away and looked at Xue an in a daze.

Xue an sighed and nodded.

The snow drifted away from here and came forward.

Fang xianjue suddenly took her hand.

When the snow drifted away, I felt that although the hand was thin, it was extremely powerful.

"Stick to the heart of the sword!" Fang xianjue gave a sharp drink.

The snow drifted away subconsciously and began to abide by his heart according to Fang xianjue's instructions.

Fang xianjue's eyes showed a touch of amazing color.

"It's Tongming sword heart. God, I've been fighting with you all my life. In the end, you're pretty good. You've found me such a successor!"

Fang xianjue burst into laughter, and then began to urge the cultivation to pass on to xueliuli.

When the snow drifted away, I felt a shock all over my body. In the sea of knowledge, countless strong Jue swordsmanship and true solutions on Kendo appeared.

All kinds of subtleties made her indulge in it immediately.

Xue an looks at it quietly.

Fang xianjue's body is disintegrating at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But even so, he did not hesitate to transmit all his accomplishments in his life.


The repair is finished.

The snow drifted away and sat cross legged and began to contemplate with closed eyes.

But Fang xianjue has already entered the situation where the oil is exhausted and the lamp is dry.

He tried his best to raise his head to see Xue an, but he could not.

Xue'an seemed to feel his thoughts, appeared in front of him in an instant, and then gently lifted him up.

Fang xianjue wanted to laugh.

But as soon as the corner of his mouth was pulled up, the whole human body suddenly turned into fly ash and disappeared in its original place.

This scene was just seen by the snow drift who opened his eyes.

She was stunned slightly, then fell to her knees with a plop, and cried out in a choked voice, "master!"

The sound of master's call was sincere.

Although she and Fang xianjue were only masked for the first time, this gift from Fang xianjue was too expensive.

It's so valuable that she can pay it back in her whole life.

Xue an also stood in the same place and looked at Fang xianjue, who was turned into powder, and whispered: "who is the first to realize the big dream? I know myself all my life!"

"You are worthy of the name of sword reverence!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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