In the city of bliss.

Xue wants to sit beside the bed with Xue Nian, holding his cheek and looking at an Yan once again falling into a deep sleep.

"Sister, when does mother wake up?" Xue Nian's voice has a trace of crying.

Although Xue Xiang is also very afraid, but at this time she still took out the posture of being a sister, very calm said: "don't worry, mother must be OK! You should wake up soon! "

"Woo hoo, my mother fainted, and my father was not at home. I was so scared!" Xue Nian finally burst into tears.

Xue thought that her nose was sour and her eyes were full of tears, but she still sniffed her nose and pretended to be free and easy: "OK, OK! Dad, isn't that ok! Don't worry. Maybe dad will be back in the next second

It looked like a little adult.

"But I am still afraid! What a bad feeling that day Xue Nian wiped her tears and said with lingering fear.

When he mentioned that day, Xue Xiang could not help but be afraid.

On that day, both of them suddenly felt a strong uneasiness, and then had a premonition that their father was in an extremely dangerous situation.

At that time, they started to cry.

After that, Anyan hastened his cultivation and spent the past with the spirit of a call.

Then the two little girls felt that the sense of uneasiness gradually disappeared.

But immediately, his mother fainted on the ground.

Two little girls know that this is because an Yan recklessly used all the cultivation, the result triggered the seal, and once again fell into a coma.

Therefore, the two together will an Yan to the bed, and then waiting for her mother to wake up in the bed.

But with the passage of time, the day has passed, mother has not woken up, father has not heard.

For the two children who are not six or seven years old, they have been very strong to hold on to now.

"Well, don't be afraid. I'm still here." Xue wanted to comfort him.

But she seems to forget that she was only born six minutes earlier than her sister Xue Nian.

But Xue Nian was very convinced of her sister. After hearing her comfort, she gradually calmed down.

But after a few minutes, Xue Nian's stomach heard a gurgling sound.

"Sister, I'm hungry!"

Xue thought he was a little hungry at this time.

So they began to look for something to eat.

But the last biscuit was destroyed by Xue Nian an hour ago.

Now there is nothing to eat except a snack bag.

As for other snacks, they are stored in an Yan's Mustard ring.

The two of them couldn't open it.

The two sisters looked at them with big eyes and small eyes, and then said with one voice: "how to do?"

"Sister, why don't we go shopping?"

"No, mother is unconscious now. We need to protect her! What if we leave and bad guys come in? Besides, we have no money Think about Xue very long term.

"What about that? Are you so hungry? " Xue Nian said very wrongly.

Xue wants to touch his chin with a small meat hand, pace back and forth in the room, and begin to seriously think about the problem in front of him.

Xue Nian didn't dare to disturb him, so he walked back and forth with Xue Xiang.

Yeah! What shall I do?

Having nothing to eat is a big problem!

Xue Xiang thought about it in his mind. Suddenly, he saw the dough that an Yan used to test on the kitchen chopping board.

"Yes Xue wants to stop suddenly.

Xue Nian, who walked with his head down behind him, was caught off guard and hit Xue Xiang's body, and his nose just hit the back of his head.

"Ah! Sister! Why don't you stop talking? Whine, my nose hurts Xue Nian covered his sour nose and said very wrongly.

Xue Xiang is also grinning to touch the back of his head, but some excited said: "read, I have a way!"

"What can I do?"

"Can we cook our own food?"

"Cook by yourself?"


"But We can't do it

Xue wanted to pat his chest, "can't you learn?"

"But..." Xue Nian still hesitated.

"Gee, when mom and dad cook, I've seen them all. It's very simple. It's not hard! Read, you come and give me a hand

Xue Xiangyue said more excited, immediately roll arms and sleeves ready to do a big.

Although Xue Nian always felt that something was wrong, the hunger was too hard for a snack like her, so she nodded, "OK!"

Just do it.Xue wants to move a small stool first, and then stand on the stool, and start kneading dough.

"Sister, what is this for?"

"Steamed bread!" Xue Xiang said without raising his head.

Soon, Xue Xiang was covered with sweat, but the noodles were actually kneaded into dough by her.

"Sister, you are so good!" Xue Nian was looking at him with eyes on one side and couldn't help admiring.

"That's, not to see who your sister is!" Xue Xiang was very proud.

"Go, add water to the pot!"


In order to eat steaming steamed bread, Xue Nian also began to work hard.

If a scoop of water doesn't move, half of it.

Little by little, Xue Nian finally added half a pot of water to the pot.

"Enough!" Xue wanted to say.

Then he turned out a grate for steaming steamed bread, put it on the pan, and put the steamed bread on it.

But when the fire started, the two girls couldn't help being silly.

Because there is no match in this place, it is impossible to have a lighter.

How can the two of them use this.

But Xue thought, her eyes turned, turned to the bedside and took her mother's pan.

"Sister, what are you going to do?"

"Make a fire?"

"But can this make a fire?"

"You don't mind, I say you can!"

Xue wanted to say, and waved the pan to the stove.

There was no movement.

"Sister, no fire!"

Xue Xiang's face became a little ugly, and he called out to the pan, "Hey, come out for me!"

No movement.

"Don't be silly. I know you're at home. Talk!"

The silence remains.

Xue Xiang's small face tensed up.

"Don't talk, do you? Hum, can you believe that when my father comes back, I'll let him smash you into pieces? "


A lazy voice came from the pan. "What do you want Ben Lei Zun for, kid?"

It was the Lei Zun who was refined into this pan by Xue an.

Xue wanted to point to the stove. "See that stove? I'll wave it later. You can light it for me."

"What? I'm a good nine turn Lei Zun. You let me make a fire? No

"Really not?"

"Joke, who am I? How can I do such a thing? Of course not!"

Xue wanted to nod, "well, when my father comes back, I will tell him you bullied me! What do you think that would be

Lei Zun:.... " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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