"Now tell me, do it or not?" Xue wanted to say.

"What have I done in my last life? You've offended Xue Lei Zun began to howl.

But the situation is better than the people.

He had to give in.

"Come on Leizun said powerless.

Xue thought that only then satisfied nodded, "this is good! When my father comes back, I'll ask him to buy you sugar

Lei Zun almost didn't vomit blood.

As an existence that has survived for thousands of years, I was praised as good by a child?

But he did not dare to offend the little ancestor, so he had to grit his teeth.

At this time, Xue wanted to wave the pan in his hand.

A ray of thunder went straight to the stove.

Xue Nian applauded and applauded, "sister is so powerful!"

As soon as the voice dropped, I heard a boom.

The firewood in the stove instantly turned into powder, and the pot was also burned to nothingness by the high temperature of that moment.

The two sisters looked at it stupidly, until after a long time, they issued a wail.

"Our steamed bread!"

"It's all your fault. I let you light the fire. Who told you to burn the pot for me?" Xue Xiang gnashed his teeth in anger.

"Yes, you pay for our steamed bread!" Xue Nian said with tears.

Lei Zun called out, "heaven and earth conscience, this is not what I should do! And I've tried my best to compress the thunder light to a minimum. Who knows this thing is so unfixed? "

"No matter, you have to pay for our steamed bread anyway!"

Just when two little girls broke up with Lei Zun about steamed bread.

The door was suddenly pushed open, and then Jian Qi staggered in.

Two little girls were scared, "sword seven sister, what's the matter with you?"

At the moment, Jian Qi looks pale and is bleeding along the corner of his mouth.

"Let's go!" Jian Qi yelled hoarsely.

The two girls don't know what's going on.

I heard a few sneers coming from the hospital.

"Go? Do you think you can go today? "

The seven faces of the sword turned white and said in a cold voice: "the flower is matchless. If you act like this, are you afraid that my lady will settle accounts with you when she comes back?"

"Miss, ha ha! Do you think your lady can come back? "

With the voice, the doors and windows collapsed, showing a group of people in the courtyard.

Standing at the front is the elder martial sister in charge of teaching in the blissful square. She is incomparable.

And standing behind her were the six sword slaves who had killed the red chamber.

"Tut Tut, they are really two beauties. If we adjust them a little, they will definitely be the number one in the future of our blissful building." Hua Wushuang looks at Xue Xiang and Xue Nian, tut admires her, and her eyes flash with greed.

And these two little swords don't have anything to do with them

"Innocent? Ha ha, it's so funny! Do you really think I don't know? They should be Xue an's family! Ha ha, but don't worry. Even Xue an will not be able to return this time! "

"You're talking nonsense, our father will be OK!" Xue wanted to come out of Jian Qi's back and shout.

"That's it, you fat man, big villain! Don't speak ill of your father Xue Nian perfectly mends the knife.

The flower does not have double eyelid straight jump, complexion moment is gloomy cold, "fat Dun, you actually say I am fat Dun?"

"My sister is right! You are a fat man Xue Xiang made up another knife.

The flower is matchless. It's crazy.

She is very proud of her plump figure, but today she is called fat.

How could she stand it.

"Take these two little bitches back to me, and I will teach them well! Let them understand what respect is Hua Wushuang called out with gnashing teeth.

Although these six sword slaves were not from the blissful place, Li Hanqing, the owner of the red chamber, had ordered them to be killed before they left.

Let's get them to work together.

So after hearing this, the six people looked at each other.

The sword sighed, "old seven, give up! It's impossible for snow to come back! The evil little Lord, yuan zongluo 3000, and the Lingxiao elder of the blissful place. How can the snow drift be their opponent

"Yes! Give up! As long as you give up resistance, we can still fight together! " Sword two also added.

Sword seven miserably smile, "fight together? What a joke! It's as if you weren't the one who attacked me when I wasn't prepared. "

"And it's impossible for me to give up! Come on! Either you die or I die today

Seven horizontal swords in front of the sword, not yield.

The faces of the six men were getting deeper and deeper, and they knew that they could no longer persuade them."Sword seven elder sister, we help you beat these villains!" I want to step forward and stand beside Xue Jian.

"Yes, we help you!" Xue Nian's small face is full of perseverance and stands together.

"Two swords."

The flower matchless smell speech then burst into a sneer, "it is really two children who don't know how to live or die, catch up!"

At an order, the six sword slaves rushed up.

The primary goal is to target Jian Qi, which is already at the end of its tether.

They didn't pay attention to Xue Xiang and Xue Nian at all.

In their opinion, as long as the sword is knocked down seven times, the rest will be easy to handle.

Jian Qi takes a deep breath when he sees the situation and intends to fight hard.

At this time, I saw Xue want to shout out, "Lei Zun, your chance to redeem yourself is coming!"

A lazy voice came from the pan, "don't worry, I'll take it! That's what I'm good at! "

Xue wanted to wave the pan in his hand and smashed it to the opposite side.

The nearest one is Jianer.

She didn't take this seriously at all. She even thought Xue wanted to be funny on purpose, so a cold smile appeared in the corner of her mouth, "child, you..."

Before the words fell, a bright thunder came out of the pan and hit the sword two directly.

The two swords were caught off guard and had no time to react, so they were struck by the thunder.

Although her cultivation is good, but in front of the thunder light released by the nine turn Lei Zun, she still fell into a big fall.

She was blackened and smoky, and fell to the ground with a plop.

Xue thought that the blow was like a rock shattering, which shocked the whole audience.

At the same time, Xue Nian was not willing to be outdone. He pulled down the very small pan hanging from his neck and called out, "now


Xue Nian's hand also showed a green wood pan.

Then he took a picture of a person in front of him.

Although the pan in Xue Nian's hand did not have Lei Zun's spirit, it was also a very powerful treasure.

What's more, this one is not on guard against Xue Nian, so this one happened to be on the waist of this person.


This blow directly flies the bat out. After landing, he opens his mouth and spits out a mouthful of blood.

At this time, people can see that it is the one who is photographed flying out.

Now, the whole audience is dumbfounded.

"And the two little girls are not satisfied with it

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