Looking at the two little sisters, her eyelids beat wildly and her face became more and more gloomy.

She never dreamed that these two six or seven year old girls would be so fierce that even the sword slaves who killed the red chamber were not their opponents.

"What a bunch of rubbish, not even two children! No wonder you cut down the red chamber, and now it's more and more dilapidated! " Flower no bipolar for the acrid said.

All the swordsmen showed a look of shame and indignation.

In particular, the sword that Xue Nian patted and flew out was even more furious. He jumped up from the ground and wanted to start.

And the flower matchless at this time is also ready, intend to rush forward to the two do not know the sky and earth of the little girl to catch up a good lesson.

But at this time, there was a cry of great anxiety in the distance.

"Stop it! Matchless elder martial sister, stop

Hearing this cry, Hua Wushuang was stunned and turned to look.

See a flying horse across the air to, and then a body fell in the field.

At the sight of this man, Hua Wushuang's face changed slightly, and then coldly said, "Bai Qing'er, what do you mean by your flustered letting me stop?"

That's right.

This is the white Qing'er that Xue an once saw in xuanlei City auction house.

She is not only a leader of the auction guild, but also a disciple of the blissful square.

After xuanlei city's farewell, she first returned to the Auction Association. After passing on the news, the people of the Auction Association attached great importance to it, and immediately sent people to follow Bai qinger to Wandan city to contact Xue an.

But they came a little late.

After arriving at Wandan City, Xue an and Jian Qi have left here.

Bai qinger understood that Xue an should have come to the paradise city.

So she came after her.

But because there were some trivial things on the way delayed for a while, so I didn't arrive at the blissful city until today.

After entering the city, Bai qinger went to the blissful building first.

Although Bai qinger's talent and roots are not outstanding in the blissful square, she is now in a detached position in the Auction Association. As soon as she appeared in the blissful building, she was warmly received by these younger martial sisters.

But she didn't see the master master sister Hua matchless.

However, Bai Qing'er didn't care too much at that time. She was also a little tired during the journey, so she prepared to drink some tea, and then went to look for the incomparable flower.

But as she was drinking tea, she inquired about her recent experience and heard that her elder martial sister went to arrest a pair of twin sisters.

She had just drunk the tea before she could swallow it, then all the tea was sprayed out.

Then she pulled the collar of the little junior sister who reported the news and asked what was going on.

The little younger martial sister was frightened by her appearance, and she told the story of the whole thing.

When I heard that Xue an had brought people into the great dream heritage collection.

The elder martial sister thought that Xue an would never come back again, so she went to catch the twins who followed him.

Bai Qing'er looks very white. She throws down this little sister and turns around and runs outside.

The little sister didn't understand what was going on.

But immediately, Bai qinger went back and forth and roared, "get me a horse! And where is that little building? "

Soon, someone brought a flying horse, and then the little sister trembled to point out the direction.

Bai Qing'er drove his horse without hesitation.

When she just came to a place not far away from here, she heard the words of her master sister Hua matchless.

Bai Qing'er was so scared that she almost didn't faint. In a hurry, she simply called out and rushed over.

After landing, she saw that Xue Xiang and Xue Nian were not damaged, so she took a breath, then turned her head and said to Hua Wushuang, whose face was gloomy.

"Elder martial sister, this pair of little sisters can't touch!"

"Oh? Why do you say that? " Flower matchless sneer way.

At this time, Xue Xiang and Xue Nian also recognized Bai Qing'er and couldn't help shouting: "are you the sister at the auction?"

Bai Qing'er smiles at the two little girls, and then says with a solemn expression: "because their two fathers, that is Xue an, can't be provoked by anyone!"

Hua matchless listened to a burst of sneer, "who can't be provoked? Tut Tut, why don't I believe that? "

Bai Qing'er sighed, "at the beginning, I didn't believe it, but later I did!"

With that, Bai Qing'er narrated the scene he had seen with his own eyes in xuanlei City, as well as all kinds of things Xue an had done in Wandan city.

Flower matchless after hearing, the face color is also a number of changes.

But then she laughed.

"It sounds really powerful, but it doesn't seem to work any more! Because the peerless strongman in your mouth has entered the dream collection, and is waiting for him in it. But the joint hanging of santianzong and yuanzongluo3000, I don't believe he can survive in this situation! "Originally thought that his words could make the flower matchless move Bai Qing'er stunned, and then said in a panic: "elder martial sister, don't you think so? There were many people like you, but then they all died miserably

"Shut up! Am I a senior sister or are you a senior sister? " Flower matchless scolds.

Bai Qing'er was speechless by this sentence.

Hua Wushuang sneered and said, "I think you are scared out of courage by Xue an! What's more, I don't mean to deal with these two girls alone. My master, Lingxiao elder, also told me so! Do you still want to disobey the elder

Bai qinger's face changes.

At this time, Hua wushuangchong said in a cold voice, "don't start now, when will you wait?"

The swordsmen looked at each other and rushed up.

Xue Xiang and Xue Nian have no fear, holding a pan and fighting with this group of people.

And that sword seven is regardless of the body's injury, also joined the battle group.

But Xue Xiang and Xue Nian can't be as relaxed as they were just now.

After all, no matter how powerful their magic weapons are, they are only children of six or seven years old.

Therefore, in the face of these wary swordsmen, but a few face-to-face, they are suppressed and have no strength to fight back.

Hua Wushuang looked at it with pride.

Bai Qing'er can't help but rush into the battle group to stop all this.

Just then, the sky suddenly darkened.

Then from the air came a voice of cold anger.

"How dare you bully my daughter? Today, all of you must die!"

Everyone shivered and looked up.

We can see that in the clear sky, we don't know when it has been shrouded by the terrible air.

The sky is dark and the earth is dark.

In such a terrifying situation, a figure appeared in the sky, and his eyes were burning with anger.

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