"It's dad!"

"Dad's back!"

The two little girls cheered.

Xue an's body shape appeared at their side in an instant, and then picked them up.

"Dad, you're back at last! We are so scared! "

"Yes, Dad, what happened to you? We are both terrified

She said, holding two little girls wronged.

Xue an naturally understood that when he was in the dream, he was almost taken advantage of by the heart demon. That call should be from an Yan and these two little guys.

At the thought, he could not help but feel guilty.

"Sorry, it's dad who scared you! Dad promised that it would not happen again! "

"Mm-hmm!" The two girls nodded together.

"But father, mother is not awake now!" Xue Xiang said with some worry.

Xue an can naturally feel the air from an Yan in the bedroom behind her.

He can see that an Yan is due to excessive use of cultivation, touched the seal, resulting in the concussion of cultivation, and then coma in the past.

It didn't hurt, but it made Xue an very angry.

Yan'er, don't worry, we'll start to find a way to break the seal.

Xue an thought silently.

Then raised his head to see to the flower matchless and so on.

As far as they could see, they could not help but step back.

Because Xue an's presence is just amazing.

What's more, the sky is getting darker now, just like brewing a huge storm, which makes people feel palpitating.

"Dad, it's this fat man who bullies us!"

"Mm-hmm, she also said that she wanted to take us back for training, to be the number one or something like that."

Hearing the two daughters say so, Xue an can no longer restrain the anger in his heart.

"Kneel down!"

The flower is trembling.

She could feel Xue an's soaring momentum.

She had never seen this kind of momentum, even in the owner's body did not have such a strong momentum.

So she retreated in horror.

But at this time, Xue an's voice knelt down, so that she did not even have room to struggle, so she was kneeling on the ground by Xue an's terrible power.


Her knee burst because of the pressure.

Flower matchless face twist, but still strong self calm said: "you How did you come out? My master still has the evil devil young Lord. What about them

Xue an said coldly: "those people have been killed by me!"

"No impossible! How can you kill so many strong men? You must be lying! It must be! " Hua Wushuang exclaimed in disbelief.

At this time, the sword slaves who cut the red chamber ran away.

Xue an didn't even look at them.

The swordsmen were very happy, but at this time, a brilliant sword light was cut across the sky, and then they were cut down from the air like a dragon.

Then the figure of snow drift and blissful goddess appeared in the field.

As soon as the two appeared.

The flower who was still holding the last glimmer of hope was hopeless.

And the several sword slaves who were cut off their hands and feet and fell to the ground from the air screamed with surprise.

"Snow Is the snow drifting away

The snow drifted away and said coldly, "yes, it's me! Are you surprised that I'm still alive? "

The swordsmen trembled, and their eyes were full of fear, staring at the snow drift away.

They can see that the snow that once retreated from Kendo was drifting away. At the moment, the sword power is incomparable. Obviously, it has recovered as before, and is several times stronger than before.

And she can come out alive, also prove that the landlord and Xing dannan have been finished.

These thoughts make these sword slaves who betray the snow and drift away with astonishment and regret.

At this time, the flower matchless, after seeing the blissful heavenly daughter, seemed to see the straw for life, and cried out in a panic: "tiannv, help me!"

The blissful goddess was silent, but looked at Xue an.

Xue an reached for help.

The blissful heavenly daughter then strides to this flower matchless walk.

Seeing this, Xue an silently blocked the divine consciousness of his two daughters.

At this time, the flower was overjoyed, "heavenly daughter, thank you for saving me! This is also for the sake of the development of our blissful place that I will make such a bad strategy... "

At this time, the blissful heavenly daughter had already walked to the flower matchless, looked at her quietly, then shook her head, interrupted her words.

"You are wrong

The expression on Hua Wushuang's face solidified, and then looked at the blissful goddess with incredible eyes."God Lady of heaven, you Can you talk? "

The blissful girl nodded.

Flower matchless eyes flashed a touch of fear, but forced to laugh, "that's just great! The lady of heaven can finally speak! It's not in vain that the Lord of the house and the elders have taken so much trouble! "

"Bother? Have you not given me the power to speak? "

As soon as this sentence came out, Hua Wushuang trembled all over, and her face showed a look of horror.

But the blissful girl did not seem to see it, and then said, "do you know why I said you were wrong?"

Hua Wushuang shook her head.

"The blissful place is not ours, but yours! And I You will be buried with your own hands

With the voice, the blissful goddess slowly raised her hand.

"No No! Lord tiannu, what happened in your home I also heard from my master. It has nothing to do with me! Please don't kill me Hua Wushuang screamed wildly.

There was a cold light in the eyes of the blissful girl, "you all know it, but you have been hiding it from me all the time! Ha ha ha ha ha

The blissful girl gave out a nervous laugh.

This flower matchless also regardless of the pain of the knee, she tried her best, with the strength of her thighs from the ground, turned to run.

The blissful goddess clapped the sky with one hand, but did not stop at all. She stretched forward directly and grasped Hua Wushuang's neck from behind.

Hua Wushuang still wants to scream.

The expressionless fingers of the blissful goddess suddenly thrust in, and then pull them out.


A sound of flesh and blood being torn.

The unparalleled spine was pulled out by the girl students of extreme joy.

Flower matchless all over a soft, absolutely gas dead.

The blissful girl's confused face was covered with blood. She touched it gently with her hand, tasted it at the edge of her mouth, and then giggled.

No one dares to speak.

Everyone was stunned by the bloody scene.

Until a moment later, the snow drifted away and said coldly, "now, are you going to end it by yourself or let me do it?"

These several sword slaves all look despairing, "snow Lord..."

Snow drift nodded, "got it!"

Then she waved her hand.

The sword is like a dragon, which cuts off the throat of these swordsmen in an instant.

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