There was a sickening smell of blood in the courtyard.

Bai Qing'er looks at with a dull face and can't believe everything in front of her.

Master master Hua Wushuang and several sword slaves who cut the red chamber died like this?

In particular, Hua Wushuang was killed by the blissful goddess.

This kind of fraternity makes Bai Qing'er's heart full of panic.

At this time, the blissful girl turned her head and looked at Bai Qing'er. She raised her mouth full of blood and laughed, "you It seems that they are also from the paradise

Bai qinger usually stays in the Auction Association and seldom goes to the blissful square. Therefore, she is not deeply impressed by her.

Bai Qing'er trembled all over and quickly said in a high voice, "my heavenly daughter, these things have nothing to do with me! I'm here to stop the matchless flower. "

Sword seven also said at this time: "Lady of heaven, this Bai Qing'er has just been blocking flower matchless, these are all I saw with my own eyes!"

The blissful girl took a cold look at Bai Qing'er, and then turned to leave.

Bai Qing'er breathed a sigh and could not help but cast a grateful look to Jian Qi.

The blissful goddess came to Xue an and knelt down on her knees.

"My Lord, I have something to do, please do it!"

Xue an said faintly: "what? Do you want to destroy this paradise

The blissful girl nodded, "blissful place, I will destroy it!"

Xue an smiles, "that's good! Wait for me for a moment, and I'll accompany you on this trip! "

With that, Xue an turned and walked into the bedroom.

Anyan was still lying in bed at this time.

Xue an stood by the bedside and looked at it in a soft voice: "Yan'er, don't worry. When this happens, I'll take you to a place to crack the seal!"

With these words, Xue an releases the divine consciousness of her two daughters.

"Dad, I'm so hungry!" Xue Nian said pitifully.

"Well, we haven't eaten all day!" Xue Xiang also agreed.

Xue an was heartbroken.

"Say what you want! Dad makes it for you

"I want to go back to the pot again!" Xue Nian said with two bright eyes.

"I want steamed fish!" Xue thought not to show weakness.

Xue an smiles, "good! Dad will do it for you now

After that, Xue an opens the mustard ring.

There's a huge amount of food in it.

And because of the characteristics of the mustard ring, the ingredients stored in it will not rot and will always keep fresh when put in.

The kitchen doors and windows have just been damaged.

Xue an just started cooking.

The snow drifts in the courtyard, the blissful heavenly daughter, and Bai Qing'er and others are staring at it.

Who could have thought that the adults who are extremely decisive and have such a warm side?

Especially look at that incomparably skilled appearance, seem to cook skill very good!

With a wave of his hand, a sword Qi wrapped the fresh and tender yellow croaker, and then the light of the sword flickered and the scales fell.

It's silly to watch the snow drift away.

Can sword awn be used to peel fish scales?

In a moment of wonder, I saw this yellow croaker was broken from the middle, the viscera was cut off, and the small spines in the fish were also removed by wisps of sword hair.

Seeing this, the snow drifted away and took a breath of cold air.

She asked herself that if she could peel fish scales with sword spirit, she could barely do it.

But it's so easy to pick fish bones with sword spirit.

That's a hundred times more difficult.

From this point, we can see that Xue an's Kendo is simply beyond her.

At the same time, Xue an waved, and a white flame covered the pork.

In an instant, the pigskin on those difficult to remove the pig hair will disappear.

At the same time, the epidermis is slightly yellow, sending out a slightly burnt fragrance.

Smelling this smell, Bai Qing'er swallowed her saliva secretly, and then stepped back a few steps with a very strange complexion.

She was not attracted by the smell, but when she saw the white flame, she remembered the bodies that had just been burned to pieces.

It always makes her feel strange.


The ingredients are processed and suspended in mid air.

Xue an looks around.

"Eh Where's the pot

Xue Xiang lowered his head with some embarrassment, "Dad, I just wanted to steam steamed bread by myself, but that hateful Lei Zun didn't pay attention when he ignited the fire, and the pot was burned out!"

Xue Nian echoed: "that is, that Lei Zun is simply too hateful!"

Xue an was dumbfounded, then gently rubbed the small head that Xue thought, "silly girl, you can still steam steamed bread?"

"Yes! I've seen my mother steam steamed bread"That's right. The steamed bread made by my sister is big and round

Xue an looked at the two old and strange little girls, funny in the heart, but nodded, "so it is. It's great to think about it!"

"But what now, father? How to cook without a pot Xue Xiang said with some worry.

Xue an smiles, "don't you say that Lei Zun burned your pot? Let him make atonement now

With that, Xue an reached out and said, "come here!"

Is hiding in the corner shivering pan, smell speech quickly flew over.

Then from inside came the flattering voice of Lei Zun.

"My Lord, this is not the case. Listen to my explanation..."

Xue an said faintly: "don't talk nonsense. Now give me honest fried dishes! Do you understand? "



"No problem, my Lord! It's my pleasure to cook for you. "

Lei Jun quickly said, but her heart was crazy to make complaints about it.

I must have made some terrible mistakes in my last life, otherwise how could I fall into this guy's hands?

It's amazing that my nine turn Lei Zun I's fame has finally degenerated into cooking!

Although not willing to do anything in his heart, Lei Zun did not dare to disobey Xue an's order, and obediently turned into a suitable pot, and then the bottom of the pot began to flash a little spark.

"You're a big liar, don't you say you can't ignite? What is this Xue Xiang small face is full of angry said.

"Yes, you are bullying our children!"

Leizun slightly trembled, and then said: "two little ancestors, this is my new thinking out of good!"

Xue an at this time light way: "less nonsense, start!"

Next, people were stunned to see Xue an stir fry the food with sword spirit and Shenhuo with a pot of jiuzhuan leizun.

This meal, not to mention no one after, but at least unprecedented.

Especially when the pungent aroma was emitted, most of the people in the blissful city could smell it.

When looking at the two daughters gobbling food, Xue an this just smile.

Then he said faintly: "the snow flows away, you stay to watch, Muya, you go with me!"

"Yes!" said the blissful girl in a deep voice , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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