Xue an stepped out and came to the sky of the blissful city.


The whole city was in a little commotion.

After all, Xue an's power just now was so amazing that even now, the dark clouds in the sky still haven't dispersed.

Countless people looked up at Xue an, who was standing at the top of the black cloud. They all showed a look of horror.

Xue an light way: "before going, there is still something to do!"

After that, Xue an raised his fist and blew it out.

This fist seems to shake the heaven and the earth, and the dark clouds all over the sky are gathered with this fist crazily and boom to the front.

Located in the center of the city, the blissful building was originally brilliant and prosperous.

However, with Xue an's world shaking fist, many of the strong left behind in the blissful tower screamed in succession, and then rushed out in an instant to resist.

But I can't help it.

These practitioners are too small under xue'an's blow that shakes the world.

Under the mighty fighting style, these strong men even screamed, they all turned into powder.

Then, a groan came out of this solid and incomparable blissful building. It began to disintegrate and crumble. Finally, it turned into smoke and dust and fell to the ground slowly.

All the people in the blissful city are staring at it.

Some people subconsciously take a mouthful.

Because it was a terrible punch.

The blissful tower, which just stood in the center of the city, was directly turned into smoke and dust by this blow.

Even those who are strong in the building are all made into powder.

One punch makes the city startled.

Xue an took back his fist and said faintly, "let's go! The next one is the blissful place

The blissful girl nodded and turned into a streamer to lead the way.

The main peak of Daming Mountain is towering into the clouds, and the mountain situation is continuous, known as the mountain of 100000 Li.

The blissful place is located in this deep mountain.

And after thousands of years of operation, there are all kinds of traps and illusions in the depth of the great dream mountain. If you are not familiar with the road, you will die as soon as you enter it.

So for a long time, this dream mountain has become a forbidden area, no one dares to disturb.

Therefore, there are countless ferocious beasts living in the depths of the mountain.


This group of spirit animals are wandering and eating in the mountains.


There are two streamers above the sky.

Where they passed, all the animals were crawling on the ground, shivering.

Because it's just terrible.

As a spirit animal, he is more sensitive to this momentum, and naturally more frightened.

So Xue an's flying place, animals bow down, this never stop howling big dream mountain, at this moment also become very quiet.

Even the great dream mountain is shaking slightly, as if to meet the arrival of a supreme emperor.

Xue an walked in leisurely.

In the past, there will be bursts of crackling sound, and there are all kinds of flashing light.

Those are the traps and illusions arranged in the air by the blissful square.

It may be an insurmountable barrier for other practitioners.

But for Xue an, it was a small mud pit that he didn't even bother to hide.

Under this kind of violence, Xue an and the blissful goddess went straight to the blissful place, which was hidden in the deepest part of the mountain.


In the distance appeared a magnificent city.

The city stands on the top of the cloud and mist of damongshan, surrounded by a variety of colorful lights.

Among them, there are many kinds of miraculous animals.

Faintly, you can even hear the laughter coming from the city.

It's just like a fairyland.

Blissful place, here we are!


Xue an ran straight to the big city.

Along the way, there was a lot of glitter and explosion.

It can be seen that the magic array of traps here has become so dense that it is inconceivable.

But all this did not hinder him in the least.

His speed did not decrease at all, but he still ran forward leisurely.

There was a roar from the blissful place.

Obviously, Xue an's big formation has already disturbed the people inside.

"Who? How dare you intrude into the forbidden area of my blissful place! Why, my lady? "

With the voice, there is a beautiful middle-aged woman appeared in the air, and then quite surprised to say.

Xue an was standing with his hands down and smiling, "who is she?"

The blissful heavenly daughter stepped forward a few steps and said faintly: "the younger martial sister of Lingxiao, the three elders are flying in the sky."

This Ling Kong at the moment some doubt asks: "heavenly daughter adult, this is how to return a responsibility?"

"Fanqinghuang can be there, please tell her to come out to see me!" said the blissful girl in a soft voiceHearing the name, Lingkong's face was a little ugly.

"Lady of heaven, although you are a saint of our sect, you still need to have the necessary respect for the owner of the house. Can you talk about her name? What's more, if you bring a man back, it's a big taboo of our sect! " He talked in the air with a look of pride.

She does have that qualification.

Because she was the elder in charge of rewarding good and punishing evil.

The blissful goddess snorted coldly and raised her hand to slap.


A few hundred feet away.

By the time she got to her feet, her cheeks were swollen.

"Moya, what do you mean?" Roaring in the air.

The blissful girl said faintly: "nothing, just some accounts. I want to calculate with you."

"You What do you mean

"In just a few decades, have you forgotten what you did to my family?"

The words of the blissful goddess made the whole body shake and exclaimed: "who told you! Is this man? Muya, don't believe in the bewitching of outsiders, and do things that will make relatives hurt and enemies quick

Said, Lingkong face ferocious toward Xue an, "you a mischievous villain, today I must kill you


Xue an snorted and flicked his finger.

Just rushed to the air in front of them, they were directly smashed.

A moment later, an angry roar came from the blissful city. "Muya, are you trying to rebel against foreign enemies

Muya shook her head. "It's not rebellion, it's killing the door."

This cold eight words.

The whole place is full of strong breath.

Each of these breath is very strong, even there is a strong golden immortal.

After the combination, it forms a vast and incomparable momentum, which makes the dream mountain tremble for it.

The blissful goddess was the first to bear the brunt. She was forced to retreat for more than ten miles by her life. Her face turned white and she was dispirited. She was obviously hurt by this momentum.

Xue an coldly smiles, steps out, faces this as vast as the sea breath alone, then drinks lightly.

"Go away!"

At an order.

The vastness between heaven and earth would condense and then burst into pieces.

There were countless murmurs in the blissful place.

The momentum also weakened.

But at the same time, a voice with a third of anger resounded through the world.

"Who is so bold as to come here to disturb my blissful place while I am closed?"

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