With the voice, a woman with an imaginary body appeared in the sky of the blissful square.

Behind her, a dozen elders lined up.

The one who had just been smashed by Xue an was also among them.

This woman can't see how old she is, but her figure is a perfect S-curve. If a person with a little less determination, she will sink into it and never get rid of it.

It can be seen how terrible this man's enchantment is.

The one who came here is the owner of the blissful place, who is known as fan Qinghuang, who has been known as the number one enchanting artist for thousands of years.


The fan Qinghuang stood in the sky with a grim look. "My friend, why do I hate you? Why do you want to come here? And instigate the relationship between the virgin and our school? "

Xue an sniffed and chuckled, "instigate? No, I just can't stand your behavior, so I'll come and join in the fun. "

At this time, Muya said coldly, "fan Qinghuang, why don't you dare to appear in your body? Instead, hide behind and bluff me with a virtual image

"Muya! I know why you have so much resentment against us! But you have to believe that we are true to you! Your Vatican fetishism is extremely scarce and powerful. It would be a great waste if you were trapped in those boring Family Customs. That's why we'll take such a bad strategy to help you achieve the supreme success! You must understand our good intentions! "

"Good intentions?" This Muya looked up to the sky with a long smile, but with the laughter, her eyes shed blood and tears.

"My father is honest and kind to others, my mother is gentle and virtuous, and my sister is dignified and virtuous. I had such a perfect family, but you destroyed all this life for the sake of a Vajra! How dare you say it's for my good? "

Muya's voice did not have any waves, but it made people feel bloody.

"Muya, if you want to become an immortal, it's necessary to break away from the world. Those boring family feelings and joy are just illusory. You..."

"Go to your mother's immortal ancestor!" Moya hissed and roared.

"Do you know what I went through that night?"

"I'm like a dead dog, hiding in the secret room, listening to my dearest sister dying of torture!"

"And the bodies of my parents are lying in the courtyard, getting cold!"

"But their death, to your mouth, but only get a boring and vain?"

The breath of the blissful goddess fluctuates, and the light in her eyes is bright. At the same time, a strange fragrance covers the whole paradise.

"This This is! " Fan Qinghuang was stunned slightly.

At the same time, the blissful goddess has been crazy to jump on it.

"I want you to die! I want you to pay for my sister and my parents! "


The blissful goddess clapped it with one hand.

The virtual images of fan Qinghuang and these elders were all smashed with one hand.

But then, a crystal like light curtain appeared in the sky above the blissful square, and there were various rule runes on it.

Muya's palm did not even stir up a ripple, but was offset by the light curtain.

"No use! Moya, listen to my advice. Your talent can be said to be the best since the establishment of the school. As long as you are willing to bow down, then I can tilt the resources of the whole paradise to you. In time, you will not only be a real immortal, but also may even impact on the position of the supreme great Luo! "

"At that time, you must have a long life. How happy the world will be

Muya, however, seemed not to have heard it. She was still pounding wildly.

But her attack could not shake the curtain of light.

At this time, Xue an said faintly: "OK! Stop it

This sentence brought Moya out of her madness.

At the moment, her hands have been the shock of the light curtain to make blood blurred, but the smell is more and more strong.

"Big My Lord

Looking at the light curtain, Xue an said faintly: "this mountain protecting array connects the spirit pulse of the whole damongshan mountain! You can't help it! "

Moya looked desperate.

Under that light curtain, fan Qinghuang's figure gradually emerged, and then said in a cold voice, "man, your eyes are good!"

Xue an smile, "thanks for your praise, but others can't do anything, I'll try it!"

With that, Xue an raised his fist and blew it out.


After a big bang.

A ripple appeared on the light screen, and even the whole blissful square was shaking slightly.

But even so, the light curtain is still tenacious, even more bright and bright.

"No use! A hundred thousand miles of dayongshan, the deep spiritual pulse, is not human power can shake! In front of the mountain protection array, even if the real immortal comes here, he has to do nothing! "

Fanqinghuang stands proud and looks at Xue an through the light curtain with disdain.

Seeing that even Xue an didn't open the mountain protection battle, Muya's face became more and more desperate.But at this time, Xue an laughed.

"Do you really think that with this layer of tortoise shell, you can block me?"

"Well, today, I'll show you what real power is."

After that, Xue an stepped out and came to the sky of 90000 Li.

They all looked up.

At this moment, the sky is full of stars, and the moon is full of lights.

Xue an stood before the full moon, as if the ancient god had come into the world.

What is he going to do?

Fan Qinghuang and all the people in the paradise changed their faces and didn't understand what Xue an was going to do.

At the same time.

See Xue an step out, hands empty grip a mountain, and then suddenly a light drink.

"Get up for me!"


After a roar like a giant dragon, a mountain with a foot of ten thousand feet was shaken by Xue Ansheng and then pulled up.

All the people in the paradise are stupid.

Fan Qinghuang, in particular, looks at Xue an, who has pulled up a mountain, with a blank brain.

Although it is said that immortals can move mountains and fill the sea, it is very difficult for even Jinxian to do so.

It is possible that only by becoming a true immortal, or even a strong one above the true immortal, can we really move mountains and fill the sea with vast changes.

Therefore, when fan Qinghuang saw this scene, she was shocked by the idea.

Is it possible that Is this man a real immortal?

At the same time.

Xue Antai rose from the mountain, and then said faintly, "this gift, I hope you like it!"

With that, the mountain of ten thousand feet fell into the blissful square.

Look at the mountain that is getting closer and closer.

Countless people in the blissful place all screamed.


As soon as the voice dropped, I heard a loud bang.

This is the peak of the mountain.

This time.

The crystal like light curtain flickered wildly for a few times, then gradually faded down.


Just a crack.

At last, the curtain of light could not bear such a heavy blow and broke into pieces.

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