Say it.

The crack in the secret place which was broken by Xue an quickly closed and repaired.

In a flash, it's back to normal.

In order to make Chu's music more and more powerful.

"Strong one, since you came in, I have been quietly repairing the damaged space. Now, the connection between heaven and earth and unity has been cut off by me. You can't go out! And in this secret place, I am an omnipotent God

At the end of the day, Chu Lele gave out a loud laugh.

Along with fan Qinghuang and others are also showing proud cruel smile.

Under the pressure of Chu Lele, Xue an's sword whirled wildly and tried to resist. But as Chu Lele said, she was almost omnipotent in this secret place.

Therefore, Xue an's sword is gradually shrinking, momentum has been suppressed to the lowest.

"Now kneel down and beg for mercy. I can consider leaving a trace of your spirit! Only occupy your body. " Chu Lele's eyes were full of greed.

Because Xue an's physical body is too strong, if he can take possession of it, he can leave this ghost place, and even further attack the supreme heaven.

Xue an smiles.

"Dare you say you are omnipotent

"Today, I'll show you what the real omnipotence is!"

After that, Xue an's sword suddenly stagnated, and then condensed into a crystal lotus.

The lotus appeared.

The momentum that had been suppressed began to climb.

Then he did not wait for Chu Lele to react.

Xue an's eyes, suddenly emerged a white and red two kinds of flame.

Then he stepped forward and said in a cold voice, "broken!"

With Xue an's voice, two flames burst out from Xue an's eyes, and combined with the sword like lotus flowers all over his body, they turned into an endless sea of fire, and rushed to Chu Lele and others.

Chu Lele was stunned slightly, and then said with a grim smile, "kill me if you are a little bit of a bug!"

There was a violent fluctuation in the secret world, which began to weaken the attack of the sea of fire.

"Xue an, do you dare to show off your skills? Go to hell Chu Lele laughed wildly.

At the moment, Xue quietly stands in the middle of the endless sea of fire, surrounded by lotus flowers, just like a God.

Then he said faintly: "the flame coagulates the dragon, rises!"


Originally distinct red and white flames interweave together, and then quickly condense into a flame dragon that people dare not look directly at.

I can see that the dragon body color is red and white, delicate and lifelike, but only the position of the dragon head is a blur.

At the same time.

The lotus flower of the sword full of heaven and earth rushed into the dragon's head, and the dragon head began to condense quickly.

In a flash.

A wild dragon with a sword as its head and two flames as its body appears between heaven and earth. A pair of dragon eyes look down on Chu Lele and others.

As far as Longwei can reach, the space is making a sound of fragmentation.

At last Chu Lele could not keep calm and said: "this How could that be possible! "

She found that she could no longer control the world like she had just done.

When she was watched by Longmu, a strong sense of danger rose in her heart.

It made her shudder all over.

Xue an yawned a little bored at this time, "well, this is the end of the matter! Burn this place

At an order.

The Dragon sent out a sound of dragon chanting which shocked the world. Chu Lele could barely support it.

But fan Qinghuang and others have even stood unsteadily.

Then the Dragon opened his mouth and spat out, and a ball of nearly transparent gold flame appeared between heaven and earth.

Although far apart.

But Chu Lele could still feel the terrible heat on the golden flame.

It seems that just a look at it is enough to make their own men burn in general.

"This is..." Chu Lele is suspicious.

This group of gold flame then exploded, covering Chu Lele and fan Qinghuang thoroughly.


Fanqinghuang and the elders struggled to escape.

But the golden flame is so terrible.

As far as the scope is concerned, it is like the scorching sun melting gold and burning all things.

Therefore, the elders did not even support a breath, so they were burned to nothing.

Fan Qinghuang supported for a little longer, but she only had time to send out a final scream, and her whole body began to burn down a little bit.

"Master save me!" Fan Qinghuang screamed wildly.

At this time, Chu Lele was too busy to open a boundary in the air, which was not affected by Jin Yan for the time being.

Therefore, in the face of her grandson's call for help, she can only help watching.Finally, fan Qinghuang screamed in despair, and the whole person collapsed completely and turned into nothingness.

"Xue an, you have a cruel heart!" Chu Lele roared bitterly.

Xue an said lightly: "aren't you the happiest place that pays attention to cutting off all kinds of emotions and becoming immortals? How can we not get rid of the fear of death now? "

Chu Lele was stunned by this sentence. At this moment, the flame dragon wagged its tail.

The huge dragon tail directly hit Chu Lele's boundary.

She screamed, and the border broke, and then the golden flame covered her whole body.

Although Chu Lele was highly trained, she was not the opponent of the burning sky and golden flame. However, her body began to collapse and burn out after a few breaths.

Finally, after Chu Lele gave out his last scream.

Her whole body disappeared completely.

The Dragon bent down, Xue an stepped up and stood on the sky, overlooking the secret place covered by boundless golden flame, and gave a cold smile.

"I know you're not dead, because this world is the result of your own cultivation. As long as this secret place is not damaged, you will always exist, right?"

As soon as this sentence came out, heaven and earth shook, and then a cold voice came from the void.

"Xue an, you didn't kill too much. Now you have wiped out the people in my blissful place. What else do you want?"

"I don't want to do anything. I just look at you and kill you!"

"Xue an, I admit that you are really strong enough, but I am the only one holding this place. You can't destroy me!" Chu Yueyue said coldly.

Xue an faint smile, "Oh? Is it? But in front of me, nothing can't be destroyed

"You What do you want to do? " Chu Lele's voice showed a touch of panic.

Xue an waved his hand, and the dragon under his feet stretched across the sky and covered the sky with golden flame.

"Since you are the only one holding the heaven and earth, I will destroy it!"

After that, the endless golden flame filled the whole secret place and began to burn out everything.

In front of this powerful golden flame, the heaven and earth began to shake violently, and the sound of continuous cracking came.

This is a sign that the origin of the secret place has begun to be damaged.

"Xue an, I was wrong! Please give me a chance, I will never dare to do it again Finally, Chu Lele was afraid and began to shout for mercy.

Xue an said faintly: "this is what you have imposed on others! Burn up the sky


As far as the golden flame can reach.

The secret land is broken. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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