
In the sky of the former paradise.

Muya, the goddess of bliss, stands here, waiting anxiously for Xue an's return.

She wanted to follow her into the secret place.

But I didn't expect that later, the secret place would disappear into the invisible.

Helpless, she had to wait outside, at the same time silently prayed for Xue an to return safely.

At this time, only dozens of streamers appeared in the sky. In a flash, they came near.

After the station is set.

These people are tall, fat and thin. They are all kinds of people.

The leader is a ferocious green faced man.

Moya's face sank.

Because she recognized these people.

All of them came from the sect near the blissful square.

For example, this ferocious green faced man is Li Po Tian, the leader of the ghost crying peak thousands of miles away.

What are they doing here?

Muya thought about it for a while, and then she said in a cold voice, "Lord Li, what are you doing here with so many people?"

Li Po Tian was stunned at first when he saw that he was Muya. Then he quickly flattered and said with a smile: "Lady of heaven, we all feel the wave that has just shaken the world, so we come here! Strange, I remember the blissful place is here! Why not? "

Muya said faintly, "why not? Isn't that right?"

With that, Muya pointed to the valley that had been razed to the ground.

"Why How could it be? "

Li Po Tian and these people who come here are all stupid.

Ghost cry peak is a small clan.

There are only two or three hundred disciples. Even Li Po Tian, the leader of the sect, is just a strong man of half step golden immortal.

Therefore, the ghost crying peak relies on the support and help of the blissful place to a great extent.

To put it bluntly, he is equivalent to a dog kept under the gate of blissful square.

But it doesn't stop him from having a good time.

This time, he was having a wedding reception with more than a dozen followers nearby.

Because he just took the concubine of the 38th room.

But I didn't expect that during the banquet, Li Po Tian and others suddenly felt a strong aura fluctuation.

And the location is just from the location of the blissful place.

These people were all surprised.

I don't know what happened.

And then I heard a loud sound from heaven and earth.

Although the huge noise is thousands of miles apart, it still makes Li Po Tian and others shake for it.

Until after a long time.

The voice gradually disappeared,

then Li Po Tian and others could not help but look at each other.

"There's something wrong with the blissful place!"

"Would you like to see it?"

The people of these small clans all shrunk at the smell of their words.

If there is an accident in the blissful square, they will die if they rush to it.

But Li Po Tian said in a deep voice: "if we don't go there, who can bear it in case that the blissful square will settle accounts after autumn?"

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone was silent.


If they all stay in the back.

Who can bear it if the people in the blissful place turn upside down?

"What's more, the blissful place is one of the three days. Who dares to break the ground on Tai Sui's head? I guess it may be an elder who closed up and made the world change! Let's go now, and we can make a good impression in front of the paradise

Although Li Po Tian has a fierce face, he is very careful. This is the reason why he can live so well in the land where many powerful men emerge in the middle region with such low accomplishments.

The people of these small sects all nodded at the speech and thought that Li Po Tian was reasonable.

So this group of talents rushed to the blissful square.

But the more they rush, the more they feel wrong.

Because all the traps along the road were destroyed by violence.

It seems that Lu Ping once went there.

This makes Li Po Tian and others all secretly frightened.

Can already come, that also can be forced to go on.


They came to the Yunwu peak where the blissful square is located.

To their surprise, the huge city that once stood here has disappeared.

Li Po Tian these people look at each other.

"Can't we be wrong?"

"How could it be? I can remember this place for a lifetime, and I can go wrong? "

Li Po Tian's face was as heavy as water. He waved his hand to stop these people's arguments. After flying forward for a while, he saw Muya, the goddess of bliss.

When she told me that the place that had been razed to the ground was the back of the blissful square.

Including Li Po Tian, they all took a breath of cold air.

"God Lady of heaven, this What's going on? Who did it? " Li Po Tian said with difficulty that the whole body's hair stood up, and the inner alertness was mentioned to the highest.If there is any wind and grass, he will not hesitate to turn around and run.

After all, it is not for him to be able to bring the heaven clan like the paradise square to the ground.

They can even crush themselves with one finger.

But the scene still needs to be said. Otherwise, the blissful lady may die now if she stares.

Oh, I'm too hard! Li Po Tian thought of it silently.

Because if you want to be a weak person in this Midland, you have to walk on thin ice all the time, or you may die next.

Muya's eyes gradually brightened. "The man who destroyed this dirty place is a great hero!"

Li Po Tian and these people are all a little stunned.

What's going on?

Why does this sound wrong?

According to the law, shouldn't the blissful lady of heaven and earth grieve for the school?

How can you praise your enemies so much?

These people are confused.

Just then.

The sky suddenly rippled.

Then it broke with a bang.

A dragon chant resounds through the heaven and earth, and then the Dragon formed by the flame will shake out.

The powerful dragon power makes the dream mountain in a hundred thousand miles of silence.

Those ordinary ferocious Warcraft, at the moment, would like to plunge their heads into the soil, and their whole bodies were crawling on the ground, shivering.

And Li Po Tian, these people are directly shocked back more than ten miles by this momentum.

After barely standing still, their faces turned pale as paper, and looked at the man standing on the tap with awe.

The man was standing on the head of the dragon. He was like a God, so he didn't dare to look directly at him.

Li Po Tian's teeth are all gurgling and chattering.

Even some people have been unable to control the panic in their hearts and kneel down in the air.

Xue an just glanced at the group, then looked at Muya and said, "the blissful place has been completely eradicated. From then on, there will be no such sect in this world!"

Hearing this sentence, Li Po Tian and others are in a cold mood.

Sure enough.

Is this man the one who destroyed the blissful place?

When Muya heard this, she burst into tears. Then she bowed down, choked and said, "Muya, thank you for your kindness!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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