"Get up! It's all the people in the blissful place who take their own blame. They can't blame others! "

The voice just fell, Xue an slightly surprised Yi.

Because a strong smell filled the whole world.

Muya, kneeling in the air, was shining and rising.

In an instant.

This Muya has completed the transformation that others can't imagine.

Look up later.

Eye wave is just a random flow, let Li Po Tian these people completely stay in place.

Xue'an's mouth showed a faint smile, "your talent is really good. After you untie your heart knot, you actually upgrade your charming bone again, from Brahman's to Brahman's true one! It's your destiny

Although there is only one more real word, the gap is just like heaven and earth.

Before the Muya also need to deliberately display, in order to show the power of the Vatican.

But now it's a real love to Brahman.

Her words and deeds, a breath, that charm will be all the time.

In addition, this kind of fannai's fetishism can be regarded as a medium-sized talent root bone in the world of heaven and earth.

So Xue an nodded and praised.

The Muya stood up, felt her own change in silence, and then gave Xue an a bright smile.

All the credit, my Lord

Plop! Plop!

Li Po Tian, there are several people directly fall from the air.

Even if Li Po Tian, but also reluctantly support, just did not show too much ugliness.

It's all because Muya's smile is so charming.

That kind of amorous feelings has gone beyond the bearing range of ordinary practitioners.

Even the strong golden immortal will be infected and controlled unconsciously.

This is the power of the fanaticism.

But all this had no effect on xue'an.

He smiles. "Well, it's time to go back."

Seeing Xue an as calm as usual, a touch of disappointment flashed in Moya's eyes, but she immediately nodded with a smile.


"Come on, this dragon can still gather for an hour, enough to catch up."


Muya ascended the dragon, then the Dragon soared up and disappeared into the sky.

Until we can't see the dragon.

Li Po Tian, these talents have a breath.

"My God, who is this man? How could it be so powerful? "

"What's more, his dragon is obviously condensed by secret arts, but the dragon's power is incomparable, which makes people dare not look directly at him."

"But why did he destroy the blissful place? What's more, why is the blissful goddess so respectful to her? "

These people began to talk.

Li Po Tian, however, stood in the sky not far away, his face pale and his whole body trembled slightly.

"Lord Li Feng, what's wrong with you? Why don't you talk? "

"That is to say, the master Li Feng has great wisdom. You have to make an opinion on this matter?"

They said.

Li Po day but as if not heard, still staring at the ground somewhere.

These people looked at each other, and then all rushed to the past, looking in the direction of Li Po Tian's sight.

"Strange, there seems to be nothing strange there?"

"Yes, there is nothing but this gigantic pit."

These people are suspicious.

Li Po Tian took a deep breath, and then said in an astringent voice, "do you know how this pit came from?"

These people were stunned.

"Master Li Feng, you don't have to sell the key any more, just say it quickly!" Someone said impatiently.

Li Po Tian Qiang said calmly, "don't you find that this big pit is newly formed?"

"So what?"

Li broke the day to smile bitterly, "how? Look at the blissful place here

The crowd turned their heads and looked at the paradise, which had been razed to the ground.

"Do you see that? The blissful place was once located at the top of Yunwu peak, which was next to an abyss. But now it has become a flat land, but But look at the trace in the distance

Li Po Tian began to tremble uncontrollably.

It seems that some of the people in Cong Bai's face are hesitant to follow the direction of Li Zhibo.

Only a few really stupid, but also a face inexplicable said: "did not see what to ah? What's the matter? "

"Fool, don't you realize that the blissful place was smashed to the ground by a mountain? And this big pit with a radius of 100 Li is the trace left after someone pulled out the high mountains here! "After listening to Li Po Tian's explanation.

Everyone is stupid.

Can someone really move mountains and rivers?

If it's hearsay from others, they may not believe it.

But in front of me, the pit stands still.

In addition, the blissful place, one of the three days sect, has also been destroyed.

This shows that everything is true.

Think of it.

The faces of the group turned pale.

Who is the man just standing on top of the dragon? How could it be so powerful?

Is it possible that Is he a real immortal?

As soon as the idea came out, these people felt their throats tighten and their hair stood on end.

What a fairy!

That's the existence at the top of oneness.

But can let a true immortal boldly hand, and exterminate a Tianzong, what secret will this have?

This is where I read it.

Li Po Tian was the first one who could not help it. "You guys, I'm really sorry. I suddenly feel ill, so I don't want to entertain you any more. Moreover, I'm supposed to have to cultivate myself for a period of time. Therefore, ghost crying peak will be closed for three months! Farewell

Then he turned and left without hesitation.

The rest of the people looked at each other and scattered.

In a flash, it became empty again.

Until after a long time.

The space suddenly fluctuates, and then a bloody figure emerges.

He carefully inspected the pit and the flat paradise, and flew into the sky to see what he was looking for.

For a long time.

A hoarse and ugly voice came from the bloody figure.

"He can pull up the mountain and destroy all the secret places. He can't be underestimated. He may even be the true immortal's cultivation. He should report this matter to you as soon as possible!"

With that, his figure gradually faded and finally disappeared in place.

At the same time.

In the city of bliss, the atmosphere was a little different.

Xue an blows the blissful building into powder, which naturally shakes the strong in the city.

And then these people know what's going on.

He also knew that Xue an was going to kill the blissful place.

It always sounds strange.

Because that's one of the three days.

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