Although it is said that Xue an shows the strength is enough to be shocking.

But a person to kill a clan, this always sounds like some unreliable.

Therefore, the atmosphere of blissful city at the moment is very strange.

Many powerful families have their eyes on this small building where an Yan lives.

But no one dares to get closer.

Because the snow drifted away, sitting on the top of the building with his knees crossed, he was thinking with his eyes closed.

But it is such a person that makes the city's strong dare not cross the thunder.

Because just now there is a defiant person across the limits of the small building, but his feet have just landed.

Then several sharp swords flew across the sky and killed them instantly on the spot.

Then there were several people who wanted to rush past, and all of them were splashed with blood on the spot.

Among them, there is even a man who has been famous for a long time.

But it didn't make it through.

This result makes many in the dark peep strong people for fear.

But that doesn't make everyone retreat.

They were all watching and waiting.

Time goes by.

Xue an hasn't come back yet.

The atmosphere in the small building has gradually become dignified.

Bai Qing'er helps the sword seven to bandage the wound, and then looks at the snow drifting away from the top of the small building, and sighs slightly.

"I don't know when the Lord will be back!"

Jian Qi's expression was also dignified, "I know that there are many strong people in the blissful place. The current owner of the place, fan Qinghuang, is a strong one. Is it a bit rash for you to go here?"

Bai Qing'er shook his head when he heard the speech, "don't use your own ideas to speculate about adults. In my opinion, adults will win. It's just a matter of time."

Sword seven smell speech slightly a Zheng, "you seem to have confidence in adults!"

Bai Qing'er nodded seriously, "of course! If you've ever seen the whole scene of adults hanging and beating, I'm sure you'll have the same idea as me

"And there seems to be an indescribable temperament in adults, as if there is nothing difficult to him in the whole world!"

Jian Qi was a little silent when he heard his words.

She didn't see with her own eyes how Xue an used to shock the audience.

But from Bai qinger's words, we can also hear that Xue an is extraordinary.

And in the bedroom, two little girls will move two small stools to sit by the bed, quietly waiting for an Yan to wake up.

That kind of dignified atmosphere also infects these two little girls, let their small faces all stretch tight.

Suddenly, Xue Nian whispered: "sister, I saw that my mother's finger just moved once!"

"Well? Why didn't I see it? "

"Really! Don't believe it

The two little girls widened their eyes and looked at them quietly.

But after five minutes, I didn't see anything.

Xue wanted to rub his astringent eyes, "silly read, you are wrong!"

"No way, how can I read it wrong! Mother's hand clearly moved! Oh! Sister, look, it's really moving

Xue Nian called out.

Xue wanted to quickly loosen his hands and knead his eyes and looked at the past, but after a while he still got nothing.

Xue wanted to knock on Xue Nian's head, "don't you make such a joke with me again!"

"Elder sister, I didn't joke with you. It's obvious that I'm moving!" Xue Nian is full of grievances.

"Who is it clearly?"

"Oh, sister, I really didn't lie to you!"

"Who am I really not?"

"If you do this again, I will ignore you!" Xue Nian was a little angry.

"Hee hee, who asked you to play a trick on me first?"

Two little girls are fighting here.

An Yan who was lying on the bed suddenly moved.

This two little girls all saw, immediately rushed over.

"Sister, I didn't lie to you." Xue Nian did not forget to say a word.

At this time, an Yan's eyes slowly open.

The two little girls scrambled to get their heads together.

"Mom, are you awake at last?"

Anyan's eyes were full of confusion, until after a moment, it gradually returned to normal.

Then, smiling, he reached out and stroked the cheeks of the two girls.

"Silly girl, have you two been guarding here all the time?"

The two little girls nodded, "mm-hmm!"

"How long have I been in a coma?" An Yan asked.

Xue Nian started counting with his fingers.

Xue thought but said without hesitation: "Mom, you have been in a coma for five days!"

"What? So long? What do you do with your meals? " An Yan was surprised and asked quickly.

"At the beginning, we had snacks, but after all, we were hungry all day! I was so hungry at that time! My sister said that she wanted to steam steamed bread, so I helped her to make a fire. But that Lei Zun was so angry that she burned all the pots. Then Dad came back. The stewed pork and steamed fish that dad made for us were delicious. I didn't eat so delicious braised pork andXue Nian talks about the running account. When it comes to braised pork, he can't help but take a mouthful of saliva.

Anyan quickly asked, "did your father come back? Where is he now

Xue Niang was about to talk. Xue Xiang covered her mouth. "Shut up, you're too wordy!"

Then Xue wanted to turn her head and say to Anyan, "Mom. My father took her sister away and said he was going to deal with a bad guy

Anyan heard the mist.

She got up and got out of bed and went outside.

At this time, Bai qinger and Jian Qi are in the courtyard.

As soon as I saw an Yan come out.

Two people are also surprised, quickly came to salute.

"Madame, you are awake!"

An Yan can't care about the side of, straight to the point asked: "where is Xue an?"

The two men looked at each other, and then Bai qinger said, "madam, don't worry. The adults have taken the blissful tiannv to eradicate the blissful square!"

"Blissful place..."

Although I don't know exactly what's going on, Anyan knows that the blissful place is one of the three days.

Such a powerful sect.

My husband went alone.

An Yan took a deep breath, "how long has he been there?"

"Come on It's going to be a whole day

Ann looks a little pale.

If it had been, she would not have been so worried.

But that day's foreboding let an Yan to now still have the lingering fear.

So she was really worried.

At the same time.

Many of the city's strong also began to talk.

"It's nearly twelve hours! This Xue an hasn't come back yet! I think it's a little bit of a suspension

"Who said no! Although this man is powerful, is the blissful place vegetarian? He dares to go alone. He's looking for death himself

Among these comments, there are cynics, calm analysts and regretful people.

But without exception.

None of these people had too much confidence in Xue an's future.

But it was just then.

A strong wave came from the sky.

They all looked up.

Just listen to a dragon sing through the sky.

After that, a red and white dragon with a jade like head flew into the sky and fell over the paradise city.

As far as Longwei can reach, the whole paradise city is shaking.

But standing on the dragon head, the white dress wins the snow, stands arrogantly, is not Xue an, who is it? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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