
The vast city of bliss is silent.

All the strong men in the city were staring at this scene.

Standing on the dragon's head, Xue an looked down at the city under his feet and said, "the blissful square has been destroyed. Since then, there is no word for bliss in the world."


Although people had expected it, when Xue an really announced it, everyone was shocked.

How the blissful place exists, it is actually destroyed by this man alone, which sounds like Arabian Nights.

But they couldn't help but disbelieve the facts.

And those who still have a glimmer of prying heart in their hearts are pale at the moment, with cold sweat all over their bodies, and dare not have the slightest idea of disobedience.

Many practitioners who observe this situation can not help but sigh.

The man standing on top of the Dragon wiped out the blissful place with one man's power. As powerful as he could, the oppressed man in the city did not dare to look up.

This kind of invincible power is almost unprecedented, and people dare not look directly at it.

At this time, Xue an in the sky has seen an Yan standing in the courtyard.

He smiles, dragon landing, and then steps into the courtyard.

"Yan'er!" Xue an said lightly.

An Yan looked at Xue an carefully. Seeing that he was safe and sound, the big stone in his heart fell to the ground. Then he couldn't help laughing: "husband, you..."

After the words have not been said, Xue an has already held her in his arms.

An Yan shivered all over, then whined, "a lot of people..."

Xue an hears the speech and looks around the courtyard.

The snow drifted away. Bai Qing'er, the seven swordsmen and others all bowed their heads and retreated silently.

There was a look of gloom in Muya's eyes, but she also withdrew respectfully.

Xue an and an Yan were left in the courtyard.

At the same time, the Dragon hovered in the air, then suddenly turned into pieces and disappeared between heaven and earth.

This naturally caused a stir among the city's strong men.

Because many people think the dragon is real.

I didn't expect it was condensed by Xue an.

But how can such a condensed false dragon have such a powerful dragon power?

In the eyes of these strong men, Xue an's image is more and more tall and mysterious.

But Xue an didn't have time to pay attention to these. He quietly held an Yan, put his chin on her head, and said in a soft voice, "Yan'er, it's hard for you!"

Anyan buried his head in xue'an's arms and said in a stuffy voice, "husband, I was really scared that day."

When he said this, Anyan recalled the scene of that day.

The intense uneasiness made her shiver.

Xue an hugged her with heartache, "OK, I'm not afraid! Isn't it OK for me? And I promise you, it will never happen again! "


An Yan Ying way, at the same time, her stomach suddenly came to grunt.

Xue an ha ha a smile, "hungry?"

Anyan some blushed nodded, "a little bit!"

"Fool, why don't you get something to eat when you wake up?"

"I'm not worried about you. I want to wait for you to come back!" An Yan said.

Xue an slightly Zheng, and then take a deep breath, "say, what do you want to eat, my husband will do it for you!"

At this time, Xue Nian suddenly put his head out of the window and said, "Dad, I still want to eat braised pork with soy sauce!"

Xue thought that some helplessness also followed to poke out the head, "silly Niannian, I didn't tell you not to poke out the head?"

"But I want to eat braised pork with soy sauce."

And an Yan then ah a, "you two little girls, from when to hide behind the window?"

"Hee hee, ever since my father hugged you! But mom, we didn't see anything, just hiding behind the window Xue wants to blink innocent big eyes to say.

An Yan blushed cheek and spat, "you two little girls, I won't beat you!"

As she said that, she was ready to fight.

The two little girls ran away laughing.

At the same time, Xue Nian didn't forget to turn back and shout, "Dad, remember the braised pork, oh!"

Xue an laughed, "is a plate enough?"

"Enough! Thank you, Dad! Good father

Then Xue an then turned to look at hiding in the corner, is meditating, can't see me, can't see my pan.

As far as I can see, the pan trembled and quickly changed into a cooking pot.

Then Lei Zun's flattering voice came out of it, "my Lord, it's my pleasure to cook for you. Do you think I'm satisfied with this form? If I'm not satisfied, I'll change it. "

When Xue an and his family are enjoying a warm everyday life.

The news of the destruction of the blissful square by Xue an spread like a hurricane, like a heavy bomb, which completely shocked the whole central region.At the beginning, people's first reaction to the news was disbelief.

After all, it sounds fantastic.

But later, when it was confirmed that it was true, people were all silent.

One case is destroyed by one person.

It is not that this kind of thing has not happened, but it is generally aimed at the small clan.

There has never been a precedent for the Tianzong school such as the blissful square.

But it's just the beginning.

Then, what happened in the dream collection spread wildly.

Ye Chongshan, the young master of the evil devil Valley, killed Li Hanqing, the leader of the red chamber, and Xing dannan, the strong man in the sect.

Any of these people are the most powerful people in the world.

All of them were destroyed by Xue an alone.

For a while, public opinion was boiling.

Many people shake their heads in secret.

Think this Xue an is too arrogant.

Because he is equivalent to offending three Tianzong with his own strength.

Oh, it's supposed to be two big Tianzong.

Because one of them has been destroyed.

And the owner of the red chamber has also fallen, so it is abandoned.

But the evil devil Valley alone is enough to make people scared.

After all, the evil devil Valley is known as the first in three days. It is even said that the strength of the evil devil Valley is stronger than that of the combination of chopped red mansion and blissful square.

Now that the little master of evil devil has been destroyed, how can the evil devil Valley give up?

These people were shocked by Xue an's audacity.

Another message came.

Luo Sanqian, a disciple of Yuanzong xuewangshan, who was the fifth in Zhenbang and called the first person of Guiyi Zhuyu rune, also fell into the great dream collection.

Murderer, Xue an!

Hearing the news, all of us lost our words.

Yuanzong, xuewangshan, luo3000!

Every name is a god like existence.

But also died in Xue an's hand.

This can't be described with arrogance.

This is almost equivalent to a hole in the sky.

At the same time, rumors spread.

Many families began to suspect that Xue an was not the only one to do these things.

After all, if all these things were done by him, how rebellious was his cultivation?

If there is such a rebellious cultivation, why did he not show up before?

In short, the whole situation began to become more and more complex, and countless people turned their eyes to the blood net mountain and the evil devil Valley, waiting for the reaction of these two major sects. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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