It's beyond everyone's expectation.

Whether it is blood net mountain or fierce devil Valley, all kept silent on this matter.

This attitude makes the strong men in the whole region wonder.

What's going on?

Are you saying that you are the blood net mountain of Yuanzong and the most fierce devil valley of Tianzong will not bear this tone?

Or Are they afraid?

As soon as this idea came out, many people's minds began to change gradually.

If this is true, Xue an is simply too powerful, and even can be said to be the first person that Yuanzong dare not raise his head with his own strength.

As a result, the city, once a paradise, became more and more prosperous.

Every day, countless strong men come to see Xue an.

But no matter where the strong came here, Xue an never showed up, but lived in that small building all the time.

So the small building around it has become the gathering place of countless powerful people.

But there are still many people who don't think that the people of blood net mountain and evil devil valley will give up.

They watched with cold eyes, trying to see how things would go.

Under the seemingly calm water, there is a turbulent undercurrent.

This day.

The city, which has been renamed the dream city, is still prosperous.

Many of the four powerful people with different thoughts make the restaurants and tea houses in the city prosperous.


In a restaurant just one street away from Xue an's house.

Many practitioners are talking.

"I've been here for ten days, but I haven't even seen this Xue an once. I think that's a bit too big for him!" A young man in splendid clothes said with some indignation.

"Ha ha, are you so impatient after ten days? I've been here for fifteen days, and I've lived in this restaurant for ten days, and the result is not the same? " A middle-aged monk said with a bitter smile.

"If you want me to say, this Lord Xue doesn't dare to show up? After all, he has made many enemies now Another person light way.

"I think it's the same truth, but I don't know why the evil devil Valley and Yuan Zong have been silent this time!"

"Are you afraid?" Asked the young man.

"Ha ha!"

They all shook their heads when they heard the speech.

"Let's not say that Xue an's deeds are all in doubt. Even if he did it, how could Yuanzong xuewangshan be afraid? You know, in this blood net mountain, there is an Immortal King guarding it

Listen to this.

Everyone in the restaurant changed color.

In Guiyi Zhongyu, if you become a powerful golden immortal, you can defend one side and become the leader of a city or a small clan.

If you go one step further and become a half step immortal, you will be a great man in the whole Zhongyu.

This kind of existence is already at the level of town elders of various major sects, and their status is highly respected.

And if you can cross that natural moat and become a true immortal.

That is to say, there are only a few of them in the whole Midland. Even if you stamp one foot, the whole Midland will tremble.

In general, the patriarch of the three days sect is also this cultivation.

But the reason why xuewangshan was honored as Yuanzong was that there were Xianjun in their sect.

Xianjun refers to the existence that has come to the top of the true immortal and contacted with the edge of Daluo.

This kind of existence, this unification is really rare existence.

Even in history, there are not many people who can reach this level.

Once that dream sword Zun, can be called the Immortal King.

"Then why doesn't blood net mountain or evil devil Valley take a stand on this matter?"

"I don't know that, but I always feel that the more peaceful it is, the more frightening it is."

At this moment.

All of a sudden, there was a noise outside.

"Look, what is that?"

When the restaurant heard the words, they all rushed out. When they looked up, they were stunned.

The sky in the distance appeared a colorful glow.

Accompanied by the rays of the sun, it is a palpable aura wave.

"What's going on?"

People are wondering.

You can see that the colorful glow is coming in a flash.

After standing still, people could see that it was a chariot pulled by a double headed dragon.

On the chariot, there stood a young man with flowing clothes, just like a fairy boy.

The young man drove his chariot to the top of the dream city. When he showed his hands, he saw a yellow imperial edict that looked like an imperial edict.

"According to the order of the mountain master, in 10 days' time, xuewangshan will hold a grand ceremony to ask the truth, and then the ranking of the world's heroes will be rearranged! Xue'an is invited to come! "

As soon as this is said.

The whole dream city was shocked by it.

"My God! It's really a grand ceremony! It's a lot of fun"Is there anything strange about the grand ceremony?" The young man asked.

"Oh, how young! Do you know how to ask Zhenbang? It's really the rank of the grand ceremony. I remember the last time it was held 30 years ago, but I didn't expect it to be held again! At that time, all the young heroes from all over the world will gather together. This is a grand gathering once in a lifetime

Listen to the man's explanation.

Many people can't help but look fascinated.

"But it's interesting that Xue an was invited to come to xuewang mountain! Hehe, I guess This grand ceremony is not so simple

At the same time.

The snow rose from the sky and appeared in the sky.

The messenger gave her a smile, "snow girl, you are here, so I'll save time. This grand ceremony also invites you!"

The snow drifted away and nodded slightly.

Then the messenger asked in some doubt, "why doesn't xue'an appear?"

Just at this time, a lazy voice came from the small building, "OK, I know! I'll be there then! "

Seeing Xue an did not come forward to meet him, a look of displeasure flashed on the messenger's face.

As the herald of xuewangshan, he is highly respected no matter where he goes.

No one has ever been so big as Xue an, not even showing his face.

Therefore, he could not help but snort, "xue'an, why don't you come out to welcome Fu Zhao?"

Hearing this, the snow drifted away, her face changed, and she was about to say something.

Hearing Xue an's slight smile from the small building, "welcome Fu Zhao? You deserve it

The messenger's face sank, his heart was angry, and he was about to speak.

Seeing a sword flash across the sky, he cut the Yellow Fu Zhao in the hands of the messenger in two directly.

"If you dare to talk nonsense again, it will be so! Go away

The messenger woke up in a dream and looked down at the Fu Zhao which had been broken in two. His face changed several times, and his eyes flashed with resentment. Then he said coldly, "well, we will wait for you on xuewang mountain!"

After that, he turned to the chariot and left.

Until the chariot had gone far.

People in the city just gradually wake up, and then a burst of commotion.

"Tut, I don't even give the face of xuewangshan! As expected, they are domineering Some people can't help but sigh. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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