But more people looked at each other, and then they all quietly left the big dream city.

Because in their opinion, Xue an is dead this time.

Since ancient times, no one has been able to survive after offending xuewangshan.

Although Xue an is powerful, he can't speak with his own hand. In addition, there are even immortal kings in xuewang mountain. Naturally, many people think that Xue an will die without life.

As a result, the great dream city soon became empty, and the once prosperous scene was no longer seen.

Such a contrast can not help but let an Yan for its teeth cold, and very angry.

Xue an just laughs.

"It's human nature to pursue advantages and avoid disadvantages. We don't need to pay attention to these grassy cultivators."

"But husband, these guys have changed a little too fast. They just want to come forward with flattery on their faces, but now they run faster than rabbits!" Anyan is still a little angry.

Xue an rubbed her head with a smile, "OK, don't be angry. When I pull out the blood net mountain, do you believe these people will come faster than anyone else?"

"Well, we can't take care of these guys at that time. We'll try to get them out of here!" An Yan said with great vigour.

Xue an pinched her face and was about to speak.

Xueliuli comes in with Jianqi.

"Why, are you going An Yan see two people carrying luggage, can't help but some not good gas said.

The snow drifts away to see a little surprised, then just understand how to return a responsibility, can't help but smile: "madam, the grace of the Lord to me is like the sea, how can I leave at this time? But now that the red chamber is decapitated, I have to go back and straighten it up first, and then I will go straight to the grand ceremony of asking truth, and then we will gather there! "

Hearing the explanation of snow drifting away, an Yan realized that she had misunderstood her and could not help but feel a little embarrassed.

"Well, I'm sorry I thought you were going to leave because you were afraid

Xue Liuli smiles, then turns to give a deep salute to Xue an, "my Lord, I'll take a step first, wait until I get to the grand ceremony of asking truth, and then follow the adults."

Xue an nodded. "Go on!"

The snow drifted away and they left.

Anyan asked, "husband, when are we going to start?"

"Start tomorrow!"

The next day.

On the crane mountain, he boarded a chariot to take his family to the chariot.

Muya, the goddess of bliss, fluttered forward and worshipped Yingying.

"My Lord!"

Xue an was slightly stunned.

Because at this time, Muya had taken off her usual white dress and put on a blue one. Her charming skills had been restrained, and she looked like a pretty maid.

"You are..."

"My Lord, I will drive for you." Moya whispered.

Xue an light way: "you come to drive for me?"

"Yes! My Lord, the blood net mountain is far away from here. It will be inconvenient for those who have not been there. It happens that I have been there once, and it is most suitable for me to drive a bus. "

After that, Muya looks at Xue an with bright eyes.

Xue an began to smile, then nodded, "OK! It's just that you've been wronged! "

Muya looked happy. "It's my honor to serve you."

After that, xue'an and his family boarded the crane chariot, while Muya took the whip and drove to the sky.

In the chariot, Anyan looks suspiciously at Muya who is driving in front of her, and then looks back at Xue an, who looks at her nose, her mouth and her heart.



"It seems that It's a little suspicious! "

"What's suspicious?"

"What do you say?"

An Yan youyou said, the hand then stretched to Xue an's waist, and then seized his a trace of flesh, suddenly a twist.

Xue an takes a breath of cold air.

Don't look at Xue an's body now, but under an Yan's "magic claws", she still grins with pain.

Xue an dare not use cultivation, otherwise, how to do if you hurt an Yan?

So we can only resist.

"Yan'er, what do you think is suspicious? I don't understand Xue an blinked, seemingly innocent.

"Well, don't play silly with me! What happened to Muya? Why are you willing to drive

"Wronged!" Xue an called out to hit the sky.

"How dare you complain?" An Yan can't help but twist the meat to turn half a circle.

Xue an felt a drop of cold sweat fall from his forehead.

The two girls looked at xue'an with sympathetic eyes not far away, and then whispered.

"Poor father"Yes! I was bullied by my mother again, and I can't fight back! "

"Say, what's going on? Did you take advantage of my coma when you saw that the girl was beautiful and deliberately colluded with others An Yan seems to be a hair blowing kitten, open teeth and claws said.

Xue an sighed, "all right, all right, I say, I say! But can you just let go? I think that piece of meat is about to fall off

An Yan a listen to hurry to release the hand, and then look at Xue an's waist, a piece of flesh has been green.

An Yan saw the situation was also bluffing a jump, and then infinite regret said: "pain, husband, I'm sorry, I don't think it's using much strength? Why is it so twisted? "

Xue an grinned, "can it not hurt? I haven't used much strength. If you exert more force, you'll pull this piece of meat off me! "

Anyan was a little embarrassed, and rushed to blow air on Xue an's skin.

"What are you doing?" Asked Xue an.

"Isn't it always like this when I was a kid? Be touched painful words, blow a blow, do not ache! Is it very effective? "

Xue an was a little embarrassed, but nodded, "well, it's really good!"

At this time, Anyan suddenly thought of something, suddenly sat up straight, mouth pouted up old high, "hum, you almost distracted the topic again, quickly and honestly explain, what's the matter with this little girl?"

Xue an stretched out his hand and gently stroked Anyan's long hair. He said in a soft voice, "I will tell you if you don't ask me! In fact, this little girl is very poor. "

With that, Xue an told the story of Muya.

After hearing this, Anyan's tears whirled in her eyes.

"These people in the blissful place are so bad! How pitiful the little girl is

Xue an sighed, "yes, do you know why there are so many amazing talents and roots in the world, but few people can really become great powers?"


"Because those enviable talents and roots are actually their shackles, and this shackle has been carried by them since they were born! Although the practice of the blissful place is extreme, many of the sects in the world of heaven and earth are even more cruel and merciless than this. Even if some star heaven sect finds a strong talent, they will directly kill the whole world! "

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