"But why on earth is this?" An Yan looks a little white, can't help but ask.

Xue an looked out of the window and said faintly, "because in the eyes of the strong men of the great religion, if you want to become an immortal, you have to cut off all kinds of feelings, and you can't have any contamination! And in their view, ordinary people are ants, which is not worth mentioning

An Yan's face became very ugly, because she was surprised by Xue an's words.

"Of course, there are many families who are kind to others! This world of heaven and earth is originally a place where light and darkness, good and evil mix together. After a long time, you will know! "

"Well!" An Yan should a, and then some caress of Xue an waist that piece of wound.

"Does it still hurt?"

Xue an exaggerated backward suction air conditioning, "of course it hurts!"

"I'm sorry, husband. I shouldn't have been so rude!" An Yan spat out the tongue to say.

Xue an came to an Yan's ear and whispered, "how do you intend to compensate me?"

An Yan face a red, voice if mosquito Na said: "daughter can be in it!"

Xue an's mouth appeared a narrow smile, and then quietly said something.

An Yan's face is full of blush instantly, then white Xue an eye, light spat way: "hooligan! bad guy! Pooh

Xue an was amused by an Yan's three companies.

When Xue an and his party went to xuewangshan.

The news that the grand ceremony of asking for truth is about to be held has also been thoroughly spread, and the whole Guiyi is a sensation.

Countless families and practitioners were shocked by it.

After all, it is the supreme blood net mountain of Yuanzong school.

This grand ceremony of asking truth is a rare event in 100 years, which naturally attracted numerous young talents to attend.

If you can win a good place on the list of asking truth, you can say that you will become famous all the time.

Under this temptation, all the major families, including those ancient cultists who had not been born for a long time, sent their successors.

So the heavenly road to xuewangshan becomes lively and extraordinary in an instant.

There are countless chariots and boats flying over the sky, some of them even have to be hundreds of thousands of feet in size, and there are all kinds of rare animals and animals to ride on.

Compared with these, the crane chariot seems a little thin and shabby.

Moya, who was driving, didn't feel embarrassed at all.

Because at this moment, her heart is full of joy.

She could see, of course, that Xue an had no fancy for her.

But as long as she can do something for adults, Muya will feel happy from the bottom of her heart.

What's more, xue'an is now in the chariot behind him.

Muya was satisfied to be together at such a close distance.

Three days went on like this.

There are more and more boats and chariots on the sky road, and they are more and more crowded.

However, Muya's driving skills are very skilled, so she is only a little slower and has not been affected much.

But just as they were marching, there was a loud bang from behind.

Moya turned to look.

I saw a huge spaceship with hundreds of feet in length rushing over at a crazy speed.

The speed of the chariots was so fast that they dodged the boats.

Muya also can't help but be surprised, subconsciously want to dodge.

At this time, from behind the chariot came the indifferent voice of xue'an.

"Leave it alone! Go as you should! "

"Yes Muya was shocked at the speech and answered without hesitation. Then she continued to drive without dodging.

At the same time, the big ship had rushed forward, and from above came a woman's cry.

"The broken chariot ahead, get out of the way quickly!"

Muya didn't hear it. She didn't drive.

Helpless, the giant spaceship began to slow down.

In the end, the ship was able to stop just a few dozen feet away from hitting.

Then came a woman's angry cry from above.

"In front of you, are you deaf? Or pretending not to hear? Let you get out of the way, why don't you? "

Muya glanced at the boat and saw a girl in purple standing on the bow.

Although some distance away, but still can see the girl's face on the brutal color.

"Get out of the way, why let me out of the way? Is this your family's way? " Muya replied with no politeness.

The girl in purple was tongue tied, immediately looked at Muya, and then sneered.

"The little servant girl from where is really sharp teeth and sharp mouth. Isn't the master in charge of it?"

At this time, Xue an raised his eyes and took a look at the boat and the girl in purple standing on the bow of the boat. He said, "my servant girl, you can also comment on it?""You..." It is a girl in purple.

At this time, only listen to her body came a girl voice with a trace of calm, "Min son, don't be rude, back to one side!"

The girl, who was called min'er, didn't dare to disobey. She only glared at xue'an and Muya with hatred, and then dropped her hand to one side.

Then there is a strong red dress, valiant woman appeared in the bow, first to Xue an and others a fist.

"I'm very sorry. My younger sister has been spoiled and surly since childhood. Please forgive me a lot."

Xue an is not sure.

Muya sneered: "do you know how to act as a good person? What if we were just hit by your big ship

Xue an was dumbfounded.

This Muya had never said a word, but who would have thought that she would be so fierce after jiekaixinjie.

The woman in red, however, had a heavy complexion and was displeased in her heart.

In her opinion, what kind of identity he was, and fortunately, he was rebuffed by a small servant girl who drove the car.

This made her very dissatisfied.

And he looked down on Xue an.

He thinks that this man even his own little servant girls are not well disciplined, resulting in his eyes have no dignity, such etiquette, obviously not the son of a big family.

At the thought, she could not help but chill her voice.

"If we do, we will pay as much as we can for the Huayu temple!"

"Compensation? Hehe, it's light to say, this is to meet us, if you run into other people, how can you do if you run into someone else? Are you going to pay for it? " Muya continued without mercy.

One side of the girl in purple can't help it anymore, "elder martial sister, what's the matter with this kind of poverty? Do not see what their own skills, driving such a dilapidated would like to go to the blood net mountain to participate in the true ceremony? When it's wishful thinking, you can laugh

Xue an's eyes grew cold.

At this time, I saw the curtain lift, an Yan also came out.

"Husband, what happened?"

Xue an said faintly: "it's OK!"

But the woman in red standing on the bow of the boat was shocked when she saw an Yan.

Because she saw the bracelet on Anyan's wrist.

"This bracelet It seems to be the personal belongings of Bai Qing ER and Bai Da Zhang of the Auction Association. "

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