The woman in red was shocked, and she could not help asking, "where did the bracelet on your wrist come from?"

An Yan slightly a Zheng, raised his hand to see a look, can't help but smile: "you say this, this is a gift from a friend of mine."

The woman in red took a deep breath, "dare you ask if this friend's surname is Bai?"

An Yan nodded, "yes! Is there a problem? "

After being confirmed, the woman in red was shocked and congratulated secretly.

So it is.

Fortunately, I look carefully, otherwise I will be in trouble.

The woman in red is Gan Jing, and the girl in purple is her junior sister, named shuimin. They are all from Huayu temple in Guiyi western regions.

The most powerful place of the Auction Association happened to be in the western regions.

If that's all, it's not enough for Ganjing to be so valued.

But their sect is different from other sects.

The reason why they are called Huayu temple is that they are rich in jade seal script and jade slips.

For Fu Xiu, a good jade seal script can make them even more powerful.

The use of jade slips is even greater.

The inheritance of martial arts between schools and the records of various deeds need jade slips to complete.

Because of this, Huayu temple is so rich.

But because of this, the auction association is very important to the jade temple.

Because at least 80% of the jade seal script and jade slips produced by their Huayu temple are eaten by the auction guild.

It can be said that if there was no auction guild, the sect economy of Huayu temple would collapse instantly.

Therefore, when Gan Jing heard an Yan saying that she was a friend with Bai Qing'er, her attitude changed dramatically.

"It turned out to be a friend of the white palm club. I'm so sorry that we were so rude just now."

Said, Gan Jing also pulled his younger sister water min together to bow to Xue an and others to make amends.

This attitude left Muya speechless.

An Yan blinks his eyes, although some inexplicable, but Anyan is also born in a wealthy family, to deal with this small scene is no surprise.

"Come on, get up! Pay attention later. "

Gan Jing just stood up.

Anyan then turned to go.

Gan Jing quickly stopped her, "girl, please stop!"

"Well? Is there anything else? " An Yan light way.

Gan Jing said sincerely, "since you are a friend of the white palm society, you are also a distinguished guest of our Huayu temple. If you don't mind, please go on the boat and talk about it, so that we can express our apology."

An Yan slightly a frown, she does not know these people, naturally do not want to go.

"I don't think it's necessary."

"This girl, if you let Baizhang know that we let her friend go like this, she will blame us. So please get on the boat, even if you have a cup of tea!"

An Yan looked at Xue an in some embarrassment.

Xue an nodded slightly.

An Yan this just reluctantly should come down: "OK!"

So they got on the boat of Huayu temple.

Only when you get on the boat can you see the breadth of the boat.

The two little girls looked around and were very interested in everything.

But Gan Jing let an Yan into the cabin.

The tea was served by a specially assigned person.

However, the whole process of Gan Jing all aimed at an Yan with all her hospitality and enthusiasm.

In her opinion, this an Yan is obviously the core of the whole team.

As for Xue Mu Ya and that one.

Just a vassal and a maid.

So the atmosphere was a little awkward.

At least an Yan felt like a needle in a needle.

But after this warm reception.

The big ship of Huayu Temple didn't go, so he went to the blood net mountain after the crane chariot Luan body of Xue an and others.

And all the way up, this sweet quiet from time to time will invite an Yan to sit down.

The relationship will gradually become familiar.

But from the beginning to the end, both Gan Jing and her junior sister shuimin turned a blind eye to Xue an.

In particular, shuimin looks at Xue an with a slightly disdainful look from time to time.

Because in her opinion.

This "worthless" man is supposed to be a soft potato.

Xue an is just a smile, too lazy to pay attention to such a snobbish pair of sisters.

And also deliberately told an Yan, do not tell the two sisters the truth.


They have already passed through most of the central region. The mountains are getting denser and the terrain is gradually uplifting. After a long journey forward, a vast and vast plateau rises into the clouds.

At the moment, they are all on the big ship of Huayu temple.Because after entering the plateau, small chariots like crane chariots and Luan chariots couldn't bear the strong aura fluctuation here, so Xue an and others boarded the ship.

"After passing through this cloud, you can be regarded as entering the control area of xuewangshan, but people usually call it Yuanyu." Moya explained.

Xue an, standing on the bow of the boat, seemed to penetrate the layers of clouds and peep into everything inside.


All of a sudden, the clouds disappeared and everything was clear.

I saw a vast plateau in front of me.

On this plateau, there are exotic flowers and plants, ancient woods, and mountains scattered among them. On the top of that mountain, there are also spiritual waterfalls falling down. The splashing water drops of spirit fog are illuminated by the sun, showing seven rainbow lights, which is very beautiful.

And the aura of this world is abundant, which is several grades higher than that of the outside world.

Even without deliberately breathing guidance, those auras will rush into your pores, making you feel relaxed and comfortable.

Xue an couldn't help nodding a little.

Because only in such a place can a strong clan be bred.

At this time, in the sky of Yuanyu, Guanghua Daodao boats covered the sky, and countless practitioners came to make it more lively and extraordinary.

Just at this time, I heard a voice ringing through the world.

"All the practitioners who came to attend the ceremony of asking truth all went to ancient Xiantai!"

This sentence is not too dignified, but it rings in every practitioner's ear and heart.

That kind of natural domineering spirit shocked many practitioners.

"It should be Lord xuanyue!"

"Yes, it's only when you ask xuanyue, who is the fourth in the list of truth, that he will have such a strong strength!"

"It is indeed a great school of Yuanzong. With the help of Lord xuanyue, we can see its strength."

All the practitioners sighed one after another, and then they all rushed to the ancient Sendai.

This ancient Xiantai is located in the middle of Yuan Dynasty.

It is said that there was once a peerless strong man here to get to know the Tao, and finally touched Da Luo to achieve a generation of immortal monarch, hence the name.

There are many grand events held here in the past.

Only when the multitudes arrived here did they show the vastness of the ancient Sendai. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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