Countless practitioners just surrounded it sparsely.

And there's an invisible barrier that keeps everyone from moving on.

People can only see on the black ancient platform, from time to time there is the spirit of condensation out of the strange scene, and came bursts of chanting sound.

It's just that the voice is too vague to be heard clearly.

"This is the wonder of the ancient Sendai. I heard that the Immortal King had left a trace of his understanding of the law of Dara here after he realized the Tao here. If later generations are lucky enough to know and understand it, they can step up to the sky and become the body of Da Luo! And the sound of chanting is the sound of rules evolving! " Moya explained.

Xue an smell speech light smile, "just a touch just a silk Luo edge of the true immortal just, dare to call oneself the Immortal King?"

As soon as this sentence comes out.

Gan Jing and shuimin, who are watching the situation of ancient Sendai, all face slightly changed.

Sweet and quiet is better, although the heart is extremely unhappy, but on the surface did not show.

But shuimin couldn't help it.

Because she's been looking at Xue an for a long time.

Therefore, when hearing Xue an's "big talk", he was extremely angry and laughed back.

"Hehe, it's really arrogant, but just a real immortal? How wonderful you seem to say that? "

Xue an faintly glanced at the girl who was full of obstinate color. "In my opinion, this world is really immortal, and it's not better than you!"

Every world has its own rules of heaven.

No world can give birth to all ranks of the strong.

For example, this one star.

It's the law of heaven that makes the golden immortals here complete.

But after the real immortal, because of the limitation of energy and rules, there is a defect.

As for Da Luo, it is beyond the limit of heaven in this world.

Therefore, over the years, many of the most brilliant people in Guiyi have been trying to prove the truth, but they can't get it.

It's not that they are trying in the wrong direction, but that the law of heaven does not allow them.

Of course, the earth is an exception.

Although Jianmu was cut off by the Chinese national power, the laws of heaven and earth were the most complete that Xue an had ever seen.

Even Xue an didn't feel the end.

But these things, the water sensitivity of course can not understand.

Now she just widens her eyes and looks at Xue an.

"What a fairyland?"

Xue an said lightly: "what's the problem?"

The corner of shuimin's mouth is cocked up and she wants to laugh.

I saw a huge ship twice as big as the one in the jade temple, and slowly gathered together.

Then there was a man's voice with a few pride: "it turned out to be the two younger martial sisters of Huayu temple. It's a pleasure to meet you!"

Gan Jing looks up with shuimin.

There was a man standing on the high bow.

This man is only in his twenties. His face is like a jade, his eyebrows and stars are bright. He is very elegant and extraordinary.

When I see this man.

Whether it is Gan Jing or shuimin, they all show surprise and admiration.

"It's Wei Shao. Are you here?" I bow down to salute.

The man standing on the bow of the boat grinned at the speech and then appeared on the boat of Huayu temple.

Shuimin rushed to the past with a smile on his face, "brother haoqian!"

"Younger sister Shui is more and more beautiful."

"So is brother haoqian! More and more elegant and extraordinary! "

Shuimin's eyes were almost invisible with shuimin's smile, which was in sharp contrast to his face like frost.

The reason why the man of Huayu temple is so respected.

It's all because this man is from the Wei family.

In the Guiyi western regions where Huayu temple is located, the Wei family can be regarded as the absolute overlord.

Wei haoqian is the seventh youngest of the Wei family.

Moreover, his talent is amazing and his cultivation is extremely high. He has already broken through the golden immortal strong one at a young age.

It has been rumored that if Wei haoqian had not been able to attend the grand ceremony last time, his name would have been on the list.

How dare shuimin and others be disrespectful to such an aristocratic family?

Wei haoqian gave a faint smile.

Naturally, he came here to participate in the grand ceremony of asking truth. Then he happened to see the boat of the Huayu temple, so he thought of coming to stir up a few words.

Now look at the appearance of shuimin. It is estimated that by the end of the ceremony, you will be able to start.

Wei haoqian thought about it in his mind, but he caught a glimpse of Xue an and others standing on the side.

As soon as he saw a man, and a man who was far superior to his own in appearance and temperament, his face sank slightly."This is..."

"Oh ~, this is an entourage of a friend we made on the road, and he is also a peerless strong man. He has just threatened to say that this world is really immortal, even that he is not worthy of being called an Immortal King!" The tone of shuimin is very exaggerated.

After hearing this, Wei haoqian was stunned and then couldn't help laughing.

"Even the real fairies are no better than you. What a big voice! But I don't know what school he learned from, or the son of a powerful family? "

Xue an shook his head and said faintly, "none of them!"

Wei haoqian and shuimin looked at each other, and the sarcasm on their faces was even stronger,

at this time, the movement and noise here also attracted the attention of many boats and boats around.

When you hear what's going on.

These people can't help but look at Xue an with sarcasm or disdain.

Some people even said with a sneer: "even a son of a rich family is not, and I don't know who gave him the courage to speak like this?"

"I think this guy's cultivation is just a half step golden immortal, and he can't even look up to the real fairy?"

These jeers poured in.

Xue an stood there, his eyes slowly swept over the faces of these people, and then said faintly: "the rich children? I don't need it! Because where I am, it's a big family. "

This sentence makes the surrounding quiet.

Then the crowd roared with laughter.

Among them, Wei haoqian had the biggest laugh.

"Good! Good! I'd like to learn how good you are even if you don't look at the real fairies today

Xue an looked at Wei haoqian and shook his head gently.

"Why, afraid?" Wei haoqian sneered.

Xue an light way: "is not afraid, but you do not deserve!"


This sentence is like a rock shattering, which shocked the audience around.

Water sensitive and Gan Jing two people are suddenly color change.

How dare you say that Wei family is not worthy of seven young.

How arrogant and courageous is this man?

Sure enough, Wei haoqian's face was livid, his eyelids were beating wildly, and he said in a grim voice, "I don't deserve it. Who else can match the whole unification?"

Xue an stood with his hands down, his clothes fluttering, and his eyes turned to the lofty and ethereal mountain covered by fog. He said indifferently, "the old guy in the mountain is barely worthy of it." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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