Wei haoqian didn't understand the meaning of Xue an's words at all. His eyes were bloodshot with Xue An Gang's words. He wanted to kill him quickly.

"Brother haoqian, don't be in a hurry for this moment. After a while, the ancient Xiantai will be opened, and it will be better to kill this official in front of the practitioners in the whole world." Shuimin whispered to comfort him.

Wei haoqian snorted coldly and then stared at Xue an, "boy, don't run away. I'll teach you how to be a man on the stage of ancient immortals."

After that, he laughed and stamped his feet, and a wind and thunder rolled him up, and in a flash he returned to his own big ship.

Such a momentum was enough to make the onlookers astonished.

Shuimin smiles at Xue an and turns away.

"For the sake of miss an and the white palm club, I advise you that you'd better leave here as soon as possible, otherwise Wei haoqian will never let you go!" Gan Jing stepped forward and said in a deep voice.

"Go? Why go? " Xue an said lightly.

Gan Jing was slightly stunned, and then said angrily, "I don't know why you have such strong self-confidence, but the Wei family is definitely not vegetarian! The family tradition of Wei family in the western regions is not inferior to that of Tianzong school! "

Xue an smile, "Tianzong big school?"

What else does Gan Jing want to say.

Only listen to the distant voice of Wei haoqian's sneer.

"You dare, Wei Hao, I don't want to survive!"

Hearing this, Gan Jing's face changed. She looked at Xue an with a dead man's eyes, turned around and left.

At the moment, her heart is also full of boredom.

I think Xue an is too arrogant.

Wait a moment to stand on the ancient fairy platform, you will know what is the strength of the crush! Sweet silent thought.

At this moment.

See a few light from the sky, shooting in the ancient Sendai around several towering pillars.

The light dissipated.

There are several outstanding men with flowing clothes and powerful momentum.

"Oh, my God, is there such a big noise in this event? The five unique true stories of xuewangshan have all appeared Someone cried out.

Everyone was shocked.

No wonder these people are so moved.

It's because the momentum is too big this time.

The five people who appeared were either dazzling or covered with golden light. They were so powerful that they could hardly look directly at them.

"Guan Lei, Feng Qiyao, Yu Tianming, xuanyue, nanwuchang! Five adults have arrived in person. Except for Luo 3000, the real story of xuewangshan has all come! " Someone's face was dignified and whispered.

At the same time, there was a strange laugh that made the scalp numb, and then a brilliant light appeared on a huge pillar. After showing his body shape, he was a short, ugly old man who looked like a ghost.

"It's the evil ancestor! The master of the evil devil Valley is here in person! Oh, my God, how many of the world's most powerful people have been shocked by this grand ceremony today? "

Everyone was shocked.

The momentum of these six strong men seems to be unable to bear the pressure of the space, sending out bursts of unbearable crashing sound.

At this time, only listen to that fierce devil ancestor Jie Jie strange smile way: "did not expect your several martial brothers unexpectedly all to pass the pass, is really good! Let's get started, ancestor. I can't wait to see a good play! "

At this time, he saw the beautiful woman like xuanyue smelled the speech and laughed, "my grandfather is worried again. I have to watch it slowly!"

After that, he stepped forward and stood in the void and said in a cold voice, "gentlemen, this grand ceremony of asking truth was ordered by my master himself, in order to reset the position of the world's heroes. Therefore, I declare that the grand ceremony officially begins!"

With his voice.

The invisible barrier that had been shrouded in the ancient fairyland gradually dissipated.

In an instant, some anxious people rushed into the ancient fairy platform and began to challenge each other.

Because it is related to their own ranking and interests, so no one will be merciful at this time, a move is the strongest move to kill each other.

I saw a faint light, killing the sky.

It's not a long time since the ancient times.

And the number of practitioners who entered it began to decrease.

Just at this time, I saw a light shining into the ancient immortal platform on the boat of Wei Jiazhou. After standing still, it was Wei haoqian.

He stood in the air and pointed to Xue an, "boy, come here and die!"

Some people recognized the seven little Wei family, knowing that although this person's reputation is not too prosperous, but the strength is absolutely first-class strong.

But I don't know who offended this man and made him so angry.

So they followed Wei haoqian's direction.

All eyes converge on Xue an.

There is uncertainty.

There are regrets.There is also a lot of schadenfreude.

In this whirlpool of public opinion, Xue an stood aloof and raised his mouth with a cold smile.

"Today It seems that there is going to be a killing. I don't know if this ancient Sendai will be dyed red! "

Xue an's voice is very low, even the nearest Muya can't hear clearly.

"What do you say, my lord?"

Xue an faint smile, "nothing!"

After that, he turned his head and looked at the court. "Since you are determined to compete with me, I will play with you!"

With that, Xue an held out a finger!

What do you mean?

All of them were at a loss.

Wei haoqian was stunned and said in a cold voice, "what do you mean by holding out a finger?"

Xue An Sen ran a smile, "I mean Only give you a chance to punch. If you can't avoid it, don't blame me! "


The words caused a stir in the audience.

Standing not far away, shuimin is laughing.

"I really admire the psychological quality of this person."

Wei haoqian was so angry that he said: "boy, I will let you know that Wei's unique skills are so powerful."

After that, Wei haoqian's whole body flashed with thunder, and there were two thunder Zun Dharma bodies in his eyes.

Thunder light is like a whip, waving in this ancient fairy terrace.

If it is not this Sendai, but is refined by secret arts, it is estimated that it will be destroyed directly by thunder light.

Seeing this scene, even the strong men standing on the observation platform can not help nodding.

"Wei Jia Lei's study is worthy of its reputation."

"Boy, I'll see how you can beat me with one punch!" Wei haoqian laughed.

All the people looked at xue'an. Seeing that he was still standing on the bow of the boat, they could not help shaking their heads.

Think he must lose this time.

But Xue an at this time but smile, and then slowly raise the fist, light way: "too weak!"

It's not loud, but it's all over the place.

When they were surprised, Xue an's body suddenly disappeared in his original place. When he appeared here, he had come to Wei haoqian.

Wei haoqian didn't even respond. He could only look at Xue an's blow in horror.


Wei haoqian was directly blasted by a blow.

The blood mist dispersed.

Floating on the whole ancient fairy platform.

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