There was a dead silence.

Many of the monks who were watching suddenly turned pale.

No one thought that this seemingly flat looking man was so strong that he would blow the seven Shao of Wei family in the western regions into blood mist with one blow.

"This How could that be possible? "

Standing on the bow of the boat, shuimin can't believe her eyes.

She never dreamed that this man could really beat Wei haoqian.

Gan Jing is also staring at everything in the field, his face is full of incredible.

Only Muya, looking at it calmly.

She had expected this result for a long time, so there was no surprise at all.

Many people looked shocked and then began to talk quietly, "this Wei haoqian is the most important descendant of the Wei family. Now when he dies, he will be in great trouble!"

Sure enough.

As soon as the voice fell, I heard a roar from the ship of Wei Jiazhou.

"You dare to kill my jerk. I'm looking for death!"

With the roar, a thunderbolt rose from the sky, and instantly appeared in the field.

After standing still, he was an old man with white men and a dignified face.

"It's the ancestor of the Wei family!"

"The ancestor of the Wei family has made a move. It's lively now!"

There was a low uproar in the crowd.

And water sensitive at this time also gradually dispersed in the heart of the consternation, the face showed a cold smile.

What can you do if you kill seven?

Now, you'll die even worse if the old Wei family moves.

"Boy, who are you from? Or what kind of family are you? Why are you so cruel that you directly kill me?" Wei's ancestors all stand, the tone of forest cold said.

With his voice, the whole ancient fairy platform thunder light faint, dazzling, in the air are constantly flashing electric light.

Even though it was far away, the onlookers felt that their hair seemed to stand up because of the thunder light, and they could not help shaking.

This prestige is worthy of being the ancestor of Wei family in the western regions.

But Xue an stood in the field, facing the thunder light in the sky, just like the breeze blowing his face, even the corner of his clothes did not swing.

"Cruel? Do you mean that I will stand still and let this seven major general of your family be killed? " Xue an said with a trace of sarcasm.

The old man of Wei's family was about to say something.

Xue an waved his hand, "don't talk nonsense. If you don't accept it, you'll come up and lead to death."

"Maniac..." The old ancestor of the Wei family was very angry, and his eyes were full of thunder.

Xue an laughed, "but I have to remind you in advance that standing on this stage is the battle between life and death. Don't think that with the protection of ancestral land, you can escape from the immortal spirit, such as you, the seven little baby..."

With that, Xue an spread out his hand. In the palm of his hand, there was an aura of divine spirit.

If we say that the ancestor of the Wei family was just angry because Xue an was cruel and smashed his grandson's flesh with a blow.

Now when he saw the spirit in xue'an's hands, he couldn't help burning his anger.

"The madman dares..." The ancestor of the Wei family roared.

Xue an's mouth showed a cold smile. "What I hate most is that you are such arrogant giants, because you guys all have an illusion that only you can control the life and death of others, but when it's your turn, it's hard to accept crying for your father and mother!"

"But in my eyes, you are also mole ants!"

With that, Xue an's eyes twinkled and one hand suddenly shook.

The spirit of Wei haoqian sent out a terrible cry.

"No I'm wrong. Please let me go! Help me

In the face of real death, Wei haoqian was no longer proud of Wei family and began to beg for mercy.

For as long as the spirit is broken, the emptiness waiting for him is complete.

As he has enjoyed all kinds of glory in the world, this is naturally the most frightening thing.

The ancestor of the Wei family roared fiercely.

I saw him step up and make a fist. The thunder light was around his fist. It seemed that even the space had been broken through.

But in the face of such a powerful blow, Xue an didn't even move his eyelids. No matter how Wei haoqian struggled for mercy, he crushed his mind with one hand.


The screams stopped abruptly.

At the same time, the Wei family's ancestor's blow with a huge anger has also hit.

Xue an raised another hand, one hand on the Wei family ancestor this blow.

At the sight of this scene.

Many practitioners could not help but close their eyes and thought that Xue an was bound to die.Shuimin is a sneer, that Xue an this is completely Mantis when the car, beyond their capacity.


Two fists.

A blinding bright light swept across the hall.

Even ancient Sendai trembled for it.

If it was not for the barrier of the barrier, these monks would have suffered a lot.

Even so, the boat could not help but retreat a hundred feet.

How about it? Who won?

All of them were suspicious.

All eyes are focused on the ancient immortal platform.

"Hum! I dare to fight against the ancestors of the Wei family. It is estimated that this guy has been blasted into flying ash and the spirits are all destroyed! " Shuimin said with a mockery on her face.

Standing on one side, Muya's eyes were cold. She could not bear the stupidity of this obstinate woman.

Therefore, she snorted coldly, "it's time to fight after repeated provocations."

She raised her hand and fanned it.

At the beginning, shuimin didn't care at all. In her opinion, what kind of ability can a small servant girl with a whip driving have? At least, she is also a powerful person who can scatter immortals, so it's no problem to deal with this blow.

Therefore, she sneered and wanted to fight back.

But at this time, she was shocked to find that she couldn't even resist under the influence of Muya's palm. She could only watch Muya's palm fan come.


A very crisp sound.

Shuimin was directly blown out of the air by the fan, and even nearly made a big hole in the boat.

After landing, shuimin's half face has been swollen into a pig's head, and his mouth is full of blood and broken teeth.

She was a little confused, until after a while, she just reacted, and then screamed bitterly: "You cheap maid, dare to slap me? Even your master is dead. How dare you make such a noise... "

The voice stopped abruptly.

Because at the moment, on the ancient immortal platform, the light gradually dissipated, showing the situation inside.

Xue an, who was thought to be doomed to death, was defeated behind him with one hand. His body did not move at all, and his face was calm.

But the Wei family ancestor, who was full of anger, was stagnant in the air.

All of a sudden, he began to spit blood and was blown out.

Seeing this, the whole audience was shocked. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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