Many of the ancestors and patriarchs who had been watching the old God stood up with disbelief.

As for everything, it's a dull water.

How could this happen!

Why was this man so fierce that he defeated all the ancestors of the Wei family?

And the elder martial sister Gan Jing is more in the heart of shock, some confused looking at Xue an that proud and standing figure.

She finally realized how wrong and ridiculous her previous views on this man were.

He even laughed at his arrogance and ignorance.

But now it seems that the one who doesn't know the depth should be himself.

Gan Jing's heart is full of five flavors. I don't know what it's like.

At this time, Wei's ancestors, who had already been shocked to the edge of ancient Xiantai, were still roaring.

"I don't accept it!"

As he said this, he was all fried, and his thunder light flashed wildly, and a statue of Leidi appeared on the platform above his head.

"It's a unique skill of Wei family. It's determined by crazy thunder."

"As expected, it is the ancestor of the Wei family. It seems that the victory or defeat of this battle is unpredictable."

The ancestors of those aristocratic families were talking about it.

And the ancestor of the Wei family said grimly: "boy, you can let me use this move to be proud enough! Take your life

After saying that, the road thunder light suddenly condenses, forms a light wheel behind the ancestor of Wei family, which makes him and the emperor Lei on the Lingtai extremely powerful.

This kind of prestige even changed the faces of the fierce devil ancestors and others on the observation platform.

Then the old man of the Wei family stepped out with his hands empty and fell suddenly.


A huge square seal with a width of more than Li Xu fell from the sky and went straight to Xue an.

"It's ray's seal!"

"I haven't seen it in a hundred years. The strength of Wei Laozu has made such great progress! The boy is finished! "

Xue an looked up and then chuckled.

"Good coming!"

Said, Xue an single arm holding the sky, straight caught this from the sky Leidi seal.


The whole ancient Sendai trembled violently, and countless thunder and lightning fell around Xue an's body.

But in the thunder light of this silver snake dancing, Xue an held Leidi's seal in his hand and stepped forward, smiling at Wei's ancestor, whose face was frightened. "Is that the strength?"

With that, Xue an suddenly gave a strong grip.

With a click, this Leidi seal was pinched and exploded.

"Today, I'll show you what is the real nine heaven thunder!"

Xue an pointed to the sky with one hand and drank softly, "Ray

In the twinkling of an eye, the sky was covered with thunder clouds, and a huge whirlpool pointed directly at the ancient Sendai.

Then you can see the whirlpool, the light surging.


A huge thunder light that makes heaven and earth pale appears at the top, and then goes straight to the ancestor of the Wei family.

The spirit of Wei's ancestors was captured by the thunder, which shocked the whole world. Even it was very difficult to even flick a finger. He could only look at all this with a terrified look.


Thunder down.

The first one is the statue of Leidi on the Lingtai of the ancestors of the Wei family.

Then, Wei's ancestors were frozen in place.

Then it gradually turned into fly ash and disappeared between heaven and earth.

A blow.

The ancestors of the Wei family died and became ashes.

Xue an is the only one left in ancient Xiantai.

There was a dead silence.

Whether it is the ancestor of the aristocratic family or the leader of the Shenpin sect, they are all pale at the moment.

Because Xue An Gang just hit Wei haoqian with one blow, it was unexpected.

It can be said that the ability to beat back the ancestors of the Wei family is amazing.

But no one thought that Xue an could really destroy the ancestor of Wei family.

At this time, someone whispered in a trembling voice: "he He used only one hand all the way

It's not loud, but it's all over the place.

And then all of them failed.


From the beginning to the present, Xue an has only one hand, but it seems that the wind and the clouds are general, crushing the Wei family.

For a moment, countless eyes of fear or awe fell on xue'an.

And the water on the boat is sensitive and sweet, but the complexion becomes extremely ugly.

Especially shuimin, she was shaking all over. Although her face was swollen, she still couldn't hide the fear in her eyes.

She finally realized that the man she had despised was the real nine day dragon.

Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa!

A burst of applause broke the silence."It's a wonderful play indeed. It's amazing."

The crowd turned their heads.

On the observation platform, the beautiful xuanyue was clapping and smiling.

Xue an refused to comment. He swept his eyes from the six pillars one by one, and then said faintly, "you have already known my identity, haven't you?"

As soon as this sentence came out, many people could not help but look suspicious.

"What does he mean by that?"

"I don't know, but it seems that things have changed!"

Xuanyue sighed, "that's right. This grand ceremony of asking truth was originally prepared for you! Xue an, you can be proud to let all five of our martial brothers go out and even the old ancestor of the evil devil come to help

Xue an!

Hear the name.

The whole scene was quiet at first, and then it was like falling a huge bomb, causing a great disturbance.

"My God! It turns out that he is Xue an who destroyed the blissful place with his own strength? "

"No wonder he is so fierce that he can kill one by one and kill Da Yan Zhenren Luo 3000. He is absolutely a fierce man!"

"This time, all the adults of xuewangshan are going out for him! Now, xue'an is going to be in trouble! "

Among the numerous comments.

That water sensitive is a Zheng at first, and then show a trace of joy on the face.

He turned out to be Xue an.

Well, those adults who provoked the blood net mountain joined hands to deal with it. He was the real immortal, and he had to fall here today.

But her pride did not last long.

A whiff of strange fragrance came.

She was stunned and looked up.

Muya, who was just like a servant girl, now shows her true colors and gives her a cold glance. Then she walks into the void and comes to Xue an's side.

"Moya, please follow your majesty


A lot of people looked at each other with a look of doubt.

Then someone exclaimed, "I know her. She's the blissful goddess."


Hearing this name, many practitioners were stunned, and then their faces became strange.

Isn't this blissful heavenly daughter the saint of blissful square?

According to the law, if the blissful place was destroyed by Xue an, it should be a feud with the blissful goddess.

But now the blissful girl is so respectful.

What's going on?

When he was in doubt, he saw a bright sword light flying across the sky and came to the field in a flash.

Then a cold voice came, "the snow drifts away, willing to fight with adults!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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