Words fall.

A sword of snow drift will appear in the field.

With her came Jian Qi.

They all stand behind Xue an.

There was a commotion.

"The snow drift of the red chamber is coming. Today, the battle is more and more lively."

There was a lot of discussion.

Xuanyue, who lives on the observation platform, sighs slightly. "Younger martial sister exile, younger sister Muya, I don't know why you two are willing to be hoodwinked by them. After all, he is the culprit of destroying your school. And today, he will die! "

Snow drift light way: "xuanyue, what I do, do not need you to comment!"

And Muya sneered, "don't cry for mercy in that cat. You don't have many good things in xuewangshan!"

Xuanyue's face sank and said coldly, "it's really stubborn!"

Fierce old ancestor Jie Jie grinned grimly, "Xue an, you kill my son, today, I want you to pay the price of bleeding!"

Then he saw that all the people on the six pillars were floating around the ancient Sendai and trapped Xue an in the middle.

"This Are you going to surround and kill this xue'an together Someone exclaimed.

At the same time, it seems that many people will suffocate in front of them.

This is the case that they are far away from each other, so we can imagine what kind of pressure Xue an in the ancient Sendai will face.

But at this time, people found that Xue an did not have any action, still stood there in no hurry, as if those prestige were just blowing the breeze.

At this time, all the monks who were around understood it.

This grand ceremony is just a cover.

Its real purpose is to deal with Xue an.

In addition, in order to eliminate Xue an, xuewangshan has paid a lot of money. It has sent five giants, even the ancestors of the evil devil Valley, to come here in person.

It's a tough situation.

But it also reflects the strength of Xue an from the side.

In fact, at the beginning, xuewangshan didn't take Xue an seriously.

But when the people who investigated the blissful place came back, the news reported up attracted xuanyue's attention.

Pull out the mountain and kill the blissful place with one's own strength.

These facts let xuanyue and other giants shake.

Because if he asked himself, he would probably not be able to do it.

It can be seen that Xue an is very powerful. He may even be a real immortal.

Under this worry, xuanyue reported the news to their master, the mountain master of xuewang mountain.

Then the mountain master of blood net mountain, who had not appeared for a long time, sent back four words.

"Lion fighting rabbit!"

Xuanyue naturally understood what this sentence meant.

As the king of all animals, the lion can also use his best when hunting rabbits.

What's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more?

With this idea in mind, xuanyue immediately prepared the grand ceremony of asking truth, and sent people to invite the evil ancestor.

To introduce Xue an here.

This painstaking effort has finally paid off at this moment.

Xuanyue led the extremely elder martial brother, and the evil devil ancestor, surrounded xue'an.


No matter who it is, they all think that Xue an is doomed to die.

Many people feel sorry for this.

But more people are still quietly relieved.

The pressure of Xue an, who was born out of the sky, is too great. Only when he is dead can he die forever.

Xuanyue said in a cold voice: "Xue an, it's not easy to read your accomplishments. Now kneel down and we'll give you a good time. If not, we'll throw you into the blood abyss of our blood net mountain and bear endless pain."

Xue an, however, smiles with ease.

"How many of you want to kill me? What's more, xuanyue, you're so painstaking. In fact, it's in vain. Even if you don't arrange like this, I'll come here, because I once told your younger brother Luo Sanqian that I'm doomed to the blood net mountain! "

As soon as this is said.

Everyone looks at Xue an like a madman.

In the face of such a desperate situation, he even dared to make provocation and even said that he wanted to destroy xuewangshan.

This can't be described with arrogance.

This is just looking for death!

Sure enough.

This sentence completely angered xuanyue and others.

"I don't know how to live or die!"

The fierce devil ancestor had already been unable to restrain the anger in his heart and took the lead.

I saw his body flash, the whole person instantly turned into a foot high, and then said with a grim smile: "Xue an, today I will step you into meat mud!"With these words, the fierce devil stepped down.

In addition to the ancient Sendai, the land of a hundred miles around collapsed into a big pit.

All the boats in the sky were shaken out, and everyone was shocked.

"It's evil magic! This fierce old ancestor is worthy of being a real immortal who has been famous for thousands of years. This attack is even comparable to that of the Immortal King! " Someone exclaimed.

In such a stormy momentum, Xue an and Moya behind him and the snow drifted away. They looked like a boat in the wind and rain, and their figures all seemed to be wavering.

Many people shake their heads in secret.

This Xue an, will lose!

But at this time, only listen to Xue an light way: "know why I want to destroy you this blood net mountain?"

The crowd was slightly stunned.

"Lu Yiyue of Sihua City, you should all know it!"

Hearing this sentence, xuanyue and those magnates were all shocked.


Xue an smiles. "Yes, I come from Sihua city."


How can this name sound so strange?

Many of the practitioners in the middle region were all puzzled.

At the same time.

The old devil's foot had fallen down, and his ferocious laughter came at the same time.

"Boy, you go to me now..."

The laughter stopped abruptly and then turned into a shrill cry.

For with his hand as his sword, he cut straight down.


One of the legs of the evil ancestor was cut off.

With the burst of blood, the Dharma form, which was originally indomitable, disappeared.

"Blood debt, it's time to pay with blood!"

Xue an said, everyone felt that the sky was dark.

When I looked up, I saw countless swords emerging from the void.

These swords cover the sky and block the sun, but they all revolve slowly with Xue an as the center.

The sword is as powerful as it can be.

It made xuanyue sink.

"No way! How could you have such a strong Kendo cultivation? "

Even xuanyue couldn't help turning pale.

With a faint smile and a single hand extension, Xue an's endless sword quickly congeals in Xue an's hand, and in a flash it turns into a giant sword connecting the sky.

"Today is the day when you xuewangshan is removed from the boundary!"

After that, Xue an cut all the immortals with a sword!

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