This is a dream like scene.

Heaven and earth seem to be divided into two by Xue an's sword.


A mountain tens of miles away was swept by the sword light. After making a roar, a huge crack appeared from the mountainside. Then the mountain began to fall slowly and broke into two pieces.

Cut the mountain with one sword.

Then, the light of the sword flashed to xuanyue and the evil devil ancestor.

No matter xuanyue or the several giants behind him, after seeing this sword light, they all showed a very dignified look, and then burst into a drink, showing their strongest cultivation to fight against it.

However, after Xue an broke his leg with a sword, he was seriously damaged. So he could not even resist at this time. He could only scream, and then was crushed by the sword Guangsheng. Peng's voice turned into blood mist.

A real immortal who has been famous for thousands of years and has been in charge of the Tianzong school has fallen.

At the same time.

The blood net mountain magnate, who was on the outermost side of the sword, sealed Qiyao and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Then the colorful halo around the body broke like a soap bubble and was chopped into powder by the sword light.

This scene shocked all four of xuanyue.

Xuanyue burst a drink, "strike together!"

The other three brothers rushed to his back, and then combined into one place, trying to resist Xue an's sword.

Xue an's mouth appeared a cold smile, "I said, this world is really immortal, I kill you, it's like searching for things and looking at the patterns!"


With Xue an's voice, the sword was more than twice as bright.

In the blinding light of the sword.

These people, who usually stand on the top of Guiyi's ten thousand domains, finally screamed in despair.


The voice has just dropped.

The light of the sword was like destroying the withered and decaying, directly smashing the light curtain that the four of them had been struggling to maintain, and then cut it across.

The sword light finally dissipated.

Xuanyue and other four people's bodies stagnated in the air.

A gust of wind blew.

The four people's bodies turned into dust and went with the wind.

There was a dead silence between heaven and earth.

No one dares to speak.

Even some people were shivering all over.

No one expected that today's grand ceremony of asking truth would turn into this.

Xue an, who thought he was doomed to die, unexpectedly turned the world upside down at the last moment, and directly killed the five giants of xuewangshan as well as the fierce old ancestor Qi Qi.

Especially the sword that shocked the world just now made all practitioners feel powerless.

It's awe in the face of a strong man whose strength is far greater than his own.

As for the water sensitivity of the jade temple, it was shaking like chaff, and was about to faint.

Even the quiet, but also full of fear and regret.

Because only she knew what a precious opportunity she had missed.

If you are good at entertaining when you first meet Xue an, make good relations.

What kind of existence will Huayu temple be in the future?

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world.

She could only look at the sky which had become empty.

Just then.

In the distant sky, a roar came from the top of the mountain covered by clouds.

It's not loud.

But like a nuclear bomb general, with supreme prestige, straight from the distant sky.

Where it passed, a shockwave visible to the naked eye tore up the clouds all over the sky.

Those who were a little weaker and smaller were shattered by life before they could even utter a scream.

Only the strong man above the half step golden immortal can barely protect himself, but he is also shaken by the power.

Standing on the ancient fairy platform, Xue an looks at the mountain in the distance, with a faint smile on his mouth.

"Can't help it?"

With that, Xue an waved.

It's going to shatter the momentum.

But at this time, only to hear someone's teeth trembling cry: "look What is that? "

They looked up.

From the mountains in the sky, countless figures with wings sprang up.

These figures are so many that they even cover the sky.

Then these figures will cover the sky and fly over.

It was only after a little closer that people were shocked to find out.

These winged people are people.

And their wings are bare and hairless, like fleshy membranes, looking It's like a bat."Blood devil! This is the blood demon army! " The well-informed practitioner shivered all over and cried out in terror.

Hear the four words of the blood demon Legion.

Many older practitioners turned pale as paper.

The reason why xuewangshan has been so detached in the past ten thousand years is partly due to the emergence of many powerful people, but more importantly, it is because of the terrifying blood demon army.

Only when the Legion hears the massacre, they will be satisfied.

I didn't expect to meet you here today.

Many practitioners were desperate, and those who saw the opportunity quickly turned around and ran.

For a time, boats and boats collided in the sky, and the chaos almost became a pot of porridge.

At the same time.

The Legion of blood demons has already rushed to the front.

The nearest practitioners could not even resist, so they were engulfed by these monsters.

After the sound of chewing which made the scalp numb, in addition to a few drops of blood, such a strong man did not even fall out of the bones, and was completely swallowed up.

This scene scared the monks to cry for their father and mother, and they were eager to leave this terrible hell.

At the same time, most of the blood demons rushed to ancient Sendai.

Not waiting for Xue an's command, the snow drifted away, and Moya and others drank softly, and rose up to meet the blood demon army.

I saw the snow drift away, wielding swords and chopping, each sword would have dozens of blood demons cut to the ground.

Muya waved her long sleeve, and the bloody devil was broken.

Even Jian Qi launched an attack without fear.

For a time, the ancient Sendai was littered with corpses and a river of blood.

But there are too many blood demons.

Under this endless impact, even if the snow drifted away, it also showed a trace of unbroken color.

As for the other practitioners, they were covered with blood and despair.

Just then, Xue an looked up at the sky and sighed a little.

"After refining so many blood demons, how many innocent people have you harmed over the years?"

After that, Xue an's words are full of senlengsha.

Then he stepped out.


In one step, the bloody devil fell down countless times.

Then Xue an began to stride to the far away peak.

And every step he took, the Legion of blood demons in the sky would fall countless.

If you look down from the sky, you can see such a picture.

In Xue an's step by step under the pressure, the blood began to fade step by step.

Further and the world retreated, such prestige, only Xue an. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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