All the practitioners stopped their movements and looked at xue'an, who was facing the blood demon in the sky alone, step by step.

With every step he took, his momentum would be stronger.

After waiting for the back, Xue an exudes incomparably powerful prestige all over, one step falls, the world is shaking.

"This Is this the power of the Lord? " The snow drifted away, staring at Xue an's back, whispered softly.

At this time, Muya rushed forward without hesitation and followed xue'an.

The snow drifts away to see the whole body shiver, this just recovered soberly, and then also hastily followed up.

The rest of the practitioners looked at each other and moved on.

In an instant, Xue an killed the blood demon army which just covered the sky.

And the sky that towering blood network mountain, also appeared in front of the public.

At this time, I saw that the blood network mountain has countless strong breath to the sky.

He ran is a disciple of countless blood net mountain.

These practitioners of blood net mountain are arrayed in the air, gathering momentum, which makes people dare not look directly.

At the top of the team were a dozen old men in black robes.

"The elders of xuewangshan!"

"One, two My God, all of them are really powerful immortals, and there are 13 of them. "

Some people can't help but smack their tongue.

"Xue an, your cultivation is really good! But you are so arrogant that you have slaughtered all the six true stories of my blood net mountain. You can only make atonement by throwing you into the blood abyss and enduring eternal torture! "

Standing in the front of a black robe, green face long beard of the old man said in a tone of indifference.

Although he simply stood in the middle of the sky, his whole body was very powerful, but it was like a huge stone, pressing on the hearts of many practitioners.

And every word he said was extremely important, which made the whole world tremble.

Many people with weak cultivation, even after hearing his words, can no longer control themselves. They can only kneel down on the ground with both legs fighting.

"Do what you say! He is the elder of love

"I heard that he had been the peak of true immortals thousands of years ago, and even there was only a thin line away from Daluo! Now he also appears. It seems that Xue an is really in trouble! "

Among all the comments, snow drifted away and Moya's heart sank.

Although they have absolute confidence in Xue an.

But the powerful power of xuewangshan is really shocking.

Xue an is still full of indifferent color, and then gently shook his head, "or refuse to appear?"

"Well?" "Xue an, what are you talking about?" the elder said

Xue an mouth raised, a faint smile, "nothing, I'm just saying, with your local chicken and dog generation they want to stop me, it's just wishful thinking."

At this moment, all the people were changed.

In particular, the thirteen elders of xuewangshan gave a cold hum.

"How brave a madman is!"

"I'm looking for death!"

"Kill him! Avenge our disciples

The sound of these cold drinks came one after another, and the cold murderous air was all over the void, making Xue an's space immediately frozen by the extremely cold ice and snow.

Under such prestige, Xue an gave a cold smile, then looked up at the top of xuewang mountain, and said faintly: "since you don't want to appear, I'll fight you and have to show up!"

After that, Xue an's body was in a flash, his momentum suddenly soared, and at the same time his figure began to climb.

In a flash.

He turned into a giant of great height, and even the clouds just lingered around his waist.

Then Xue an looked down at the monks in the blood net mountain. With a cold smile, he raised his foot and stepped down heavily.

Just now, the evil ancestor has also exerted such unique skills of heaven, earth and heaven.

But how could he be compared with xue'an.

I saw Xue an's big foot shining gold, as if to crush the space in general, heavily trampled down.

This scene shocked all the monks around.

The old masters of the aristocratic families were even more livid.

Because Xue an's attack was beyond their imagination.

Many disciples of xuewangshan also changed color.

At this time, only heard a blood net mountain elder roar: "Xue an, today is your death date!"

After that, he rose to the sky, turned into a golden light, and directly withstood the foot of Xue an.


As soon as I got in touch.

The elder was shocked by xue'an's supreme power, and opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood.

But he still does not admit defeat, roaring to urge the whole body cultivation, trying to resist this foot.

But all his actions were like shaking a tree, which was of no help at all.Xue an's foot did not even stop, and continued to fall slowly.

"Elder Muxiang, this son is powerful. I'll help you!"

With that, an elder, who was also surrounded by golden light, rushed over and stopped Xue an.


After a dull sound.

The new elder snorted, but also a mouthful of blood.

But Xue an's foot still doesn't slow down.


"Don't let this son succeed!"

After a burst of drinking, the 13 elders all rushed forward.

In particular, the elder mieqing saw that he was covered with golden light and surrounded by real dragons. At the same time, his whole body had become a thousand feet up and down. When he rushed to the front and the back, he held his hands to the sky and made a sudden attack.

"Open it for me!"


An invisible shock wave spreads from the place where the two sides hit each other, cutting off another small mountain near by directly.

In this case, Xue an's feet were slowly propped up, as if to force Xue an away.

"Xue'an, once this dharma form is broken, it will be the time when you die and the way will disappear." He burst into tears.

Xue an faint smile, "a little interesting! But it's not enough! Because I haven't used ten percent of my strength yet


This foot, which was barely supported by the strength of the thirteen elders of xuewangshan, did not even use Xue an's ten percent strength?

A lot of people are unbelievable.

People like mieqing laugh at each other.

"Blow the air!"

"Yes, it's madness!"

At this time, Xue an's eyes light slightly cold, cold hum a, and then just was lifted from the left foot will once again severely step down.

It was so powerful that the air along the way was crushed and exploded by the living beings, and the loud explosion shook the onlookers back for dozens of miles.


The thirteen elders looked frightened and despairing. They yelled and wanted to flee.

But how could Xue an give them the chance.

There was only a loud bang.

The first to bear the brunt was the Muxiang elder. He was crushed by peiran Mo's powerful force, and even the spirit could not escape.

Then there were more than a dozen explosions.

The rest of the elders were smashed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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