In the end, there is only one elder.

At the moment, a piece of green face has become purplish purple. He is sweating and supporting himself with his thousand feet of Dharma.

But under Xue an's foot, which was like a punishment from heaven, any struggle was futile.

So after supporting just a dozen breaths.

With a scream of Deqing, Qianzhang Dharma body began to disintegrate and break from the sky holding arm.

In a flash, the immortal, who has been famous for more than a thousand years, was trampled and exploded by Xue an's feet, and turned into a kind of vermicelli.

Then Xue an's foot without any hindrance, directly step down.


It is within the reach of divine power.

The disciples of the blood net mountain, which had been arranged all over the sky, could not even escape. They were crushed into blood mist.

And after Xue an hits the ground.

Look at the sky.

Blood net Shanmen, who have just occupied more than half of the sky, have been wiped out by this foot.

The rest of them all retreated in horror.

And the thirteen elders of xuewangshan have no bones left.

Seeing this, all the practitioners were shocked.

Whether it was Tianjiao, the ancestor of the ancient aristocratic clan, or the leader of the sect, all the practitioners were staring at this scene.

Because just now, they were still wondering how xue'an should deal with the Furious xuewangshan.

Even some people think that even if Xue an can't die in the end, he has to run away.

But who would have thought.

The situation turned around in a flash.

Xuewangshan, the real immortals who were strong for a time, were trampled on by Xue an.

Even the elder, who even called the first one under the Immortal King, ended up dead.

This time, everyone's eyes changed.

If there were some people who thought that Xue an was strong, but he was too young after all, and would be defeated in the face of a long-standing peerless strong man.

Now, Xue an shocked the whole audience with his unfathomable strength.

No one dares to despise and neglect Xue an.

At this time, the blood net mountain suddenly trembled, and then from the depths of the ground there was a strong to frightening momentum.

This momentum is so powerful that it even covers the entire Yuan Region plateau.

All the practitioners trembled for it.

Those who have less accomplishments are even oppressed by Qi and blood all over their bodies. They crawl on the ground and dare not even lift their heads.

And then I heard a voice from heaven and earth.

"Xue an, I underestimated you before I admitted. You are really strong enough, and even I have to break through the barrier to deal with you! But that's it

With the voice, I saw a figure gradually emerging on the top of xuewang mountain.

This is a man wearing a blood red robe, surrounded by layers of blood light, showing only a pair of deep scarlet eyes.

Meet this man.

The eyes of countless people widened.

"This Is this the blood nether mountain master, who has been shut up for a hundred years, and is known as the only Immortal King in the world Someone exclaimed.

As soon as the three words "blood Youming" came out, it seemed that there was some infinite magic power, which made people all speechless.

Many people smile bitterly and shake their heads in secret.

Today's question asking ceremony is really full of twists and turns.

First, Xue anxiu, who was not favored by the public, was astonished, and even wiped out most of the whole xuewangshan.

But after the appearance of the only half step blood ghost in the world.

Many people are still worried about it.

Do you mean Can Xue an even defeat the blood ghost?

No way!

After all, that's the Immortal King!

People are hesitating.

Xue Jiean's teeth are white.

"You finally Did Ken show up? "

Xue'an, you killed my orthodoxy and should be punished. You dare to challenge me again and again. Do you really think I can't kill you

Between the words, layers of blood light fluctuated around the blood dark body, and the reflected sky was covered with a layer of scarlet color.

Xue an stands between heaven and earth, spits breath, the clouds are swaying for it, and then coldly laughs.

"I said before, you blood net mountain I am dead, no one can save! Because I said it

"Arrogant! Think of me, this blood net mountain ten thousand years of orthodoxy, is not you this small gold fairy can shake Blood Youming's face was full of sarcastic laughter, and the sound shook the sky.

But at this time, Xue an said faintly: "ten thousand years of orthodoxy, ha ha? It's just that I've been a watchdog for thousands of years, but I think I'm amazingThe laughter of the blood ghost stopped suddenly, and the scarlet blood in the eyes was almost overflowing.


Xue an waved his hand. "How do I know that, right?"

"I don't know if you remember What about the pirate guild of blood skeletons

Hearing this, the blood Youming whole body huge shock, "that day cut my body a sword person, unexpectedly is you?"

Xue an faint smile, "yes!"

The light in the eyes of the blood nether world twinkled, and the tone of his voice was cold: "so you are a monk from abroad?"

A foreign cultivator?

Hearing this, many practitioners were puzzled.

Only a few of the old ancestors who lived through the world changed their faces greatly.

Because this Guiyi star, though practicing Dachang, is like an abandoned place. It has been a long time since there has been no foreign practitioner.

I didn't expect that Xue an was!

In this way, many problems that are hard to explain can be solved.

For example, why did Xue an have such a strong cultivation, but he was not famous before.

At this time, Xue an nodded and said faintly: "in fact, when I was in the pirate headquarters, I had doubts. When I came to the Guiyi star, my doubts became stronger and stronger."

"Until later, I met a man named da Meng Jian Zun Fang xianjue!"

Hearing Fang xianjue's name, the blood Youming could not help but feel a slight shock. He snorted coldly: "I didn't expect that this guy was still alive!"

"I did live, but now I am dead! But before he died, he told me one thing! And this confirms my conjecture

Xue an's tone gradually became cold, "you are the real backstage behind the blood net mountain. In fact, it's a strange world! And if I guess correctly, it should be the blood god

All the onlookers had been stupefied.

But the blood Youming laughed.

"Xue'an, you are really smart. Yes, we, xuewangshan, came to this world to guard by the order of the blood god!"


There was a commotion in the crowd.

At this time, Xue an's tone became colder.

"Lu Yiyue of Sihua city should also be ordered by your master to suppress and persecute him!"

"Ha ha, Xue an, I finally understand why you care so much about these things. If I guess correctly, you should also be a Chinese monk, right?" Blood you Ming sneered.

Xue an nodded.


"There are so many talented Chinese people. It's a pity that you are such a talented young master You still have to die here today! Because you know too much! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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