Blood you Ming cold voice said, and then he defiantly out of the hand.

In fact, he was also quite afraid of xue'an.

Because in the time of this blood hell, although his noumenon was sleeping, he refined an external incarnation through blood mysticism, and went to the outside world to deal with all kinds of things.

The people in the headquarters of the bloody skeleton pirate guild are his own.

At that time, he was negotiating with the starpirates to buy the power of the stars.

It happened that xue'an broke in and cut it out with a sword when he left.

The sword almost prevented his avatar from coming back.

Finally, although he reluctantly came back, the power of the sword destroyed his hard-working incarnation.

This naturally makes the blood Youming shake.

And Xue an just showed the strength of his heart is to let him.

Therefore, his move is a strong shot.

He burst out to drink, "destroy the blood river!"


Above his head, a hundred Li wide river of blood appeared.

Then the endless blood and water covered xue'an.

It seems that even the air has been contaminated by the extremely poisonous blood and water, emitting wisps of black smoke.

"My lord..."

Snow drift and Moya and others can't help but exclaim.

Xue an's face was cold and his eyes were cold.

"It's a crime to harm our ancestors of the Chinese people, to make her seriously injured, and finally to let her die after suffering for thousands of years!"

"Colluding with blood clan, willing to be a demon's running dog, and refining innocent practitioners into blood demons without mind and emotion are two crimes!"

"It's three sins to bribe the StarCraft pirates and steal the original power of other planets to replenish the aura of heaven and earth on the Yuanyu plateau."

Xueyouming said with a grim smile: "xue'an, I admit all these things you said, but now that you are on the brink of death, how can you help me? Ha ha ha ha ha

The blood ghost laughed wildly.

Because when xue'an was talking, the bloody water had already rushed to the front and covered xue'an completely.

No one can survive being contaminated with blood.

Not even a real fairy.

So in his opinion, Xue an is dead.

The monks who watched were pale.

The snow drifts away and Moya and others are shocked, and then Muya wails, "my Lord!"

She was about to rise in the air to avenge Xue an, but just at this moment, she heard a calm voice ringing through the sky.

"If three crimes are added to the body, they should be killed!"

Say, see a figure from that sky of blood water constitute in the blood of money out.

"No way! Even if you are immortal, you will also be eroded into nothingness under this bloody water. How can you come out undamaged? " The blood ghost saw the situation as if seeing a ghost, and screamed.

Xue an's mouth raised, a cold smile, "on this thing, also deserve to block me?"

With that, Xue an's eyes flashed and stepped out.

With him.

All of a sudden, the blood water in the sky began to churn, and then condensed out a crystal clear and beautiful blood lotus flower to hold up Xue an's steps.

Then Xue an every step, the foot will naturally rise a lotus from blood and water condensation.

This scene of lotus growing step by step, you can't believe your eyes.

When will this ghost blood water be so obedient?

But Xue an won't give him time to think about it.

In a few steps, Xue an has already rushed to the blood nether world, then raised his fist and blew out.

It was a blow beyond words.

It's as if all the Qi in heaven and earth are affected. Its potential is so shocking that people dare not look directly at it.

Although the blood you Ming is afraid of, but after all, it is also a strong Xianjun who touches a trace of Da Luo breath, so he just snorts coldly.



Before Xue an's fist, the space suddenly collapses, showing a dark crack, and then absorbs all the power of Xue an's fist.

This is the law of Dara controlled by the blood nether world.

Control the space.

"Xue an, you are really strong enough to even threaten me over time, but you forget that I am the Immortal King!" Blood Youming said with a sneer and raised his hand at the same time.

A huge claw condensed from blood and gas fell to Xue an's head.

Xue Youming was full of confidence in this attack,

after all, Xue an's fist had been confined by space, and he couldn't get away from it.

So xueyouming is full of joy to meet Xue Anna's smashed brain.But the next moment, his joy will all solidify in the face.

Because the space on the side of his face suddenly rippled, and then it broke, and then Xue an's fist came crashing down on his head.

Blood Youming did not think of this in his dream. When he was caught off guard, this blow directly smashed his head and whole body.

Then came the frightened roar of blood nether from the void, "what's the matter? How can you hit me after I'm in control of space?"

At this time, Xue an took back his hand and said faintly, "with your weak rules, do you want to imprison me?"

There was a silence in the void.

And then came the voice of the blood ghost, "Xue an, you are really strong enough. Why don't we discuss this matter and uncover it?"

Hearing this, many practitioners were in a commotion.

Because it is obvious that the blood ghost is showing weakness.

I didn't expect that Xue an really won the Immortal King!

A lot of people took a deep breath and thought that it was finally coming to an end.

But what Xue an said in the next second made the whole audience dead.

"You've uncovered that? Ha ha, I said, blood net mountain, I am dead! And you will surely die! "


There was an uproar in the crowd.

And in the void, there is the angry voice of the blood Nether.

"Xue an, don't deceive people too much, and it's impossible for you to kill me now. I'm..."

Xue an waved his hand and said faintly, "you have integrated with this blood net mountain, haven't you?"

Blood Youming was stunned, then sneered: "yes! So I advise you not to... "

Xue an, however, laughed and interrupted the words of the blood nether world.

"What are you laughing at?" Blood nether roared angrily.

Xue an's laughter gradually stopped, and then coldly said: "since you are integrated with this blood net mountain, today, I will destroy this blood net mountain together!"

"Ha ha, xue'an, do you think this xuewang mountain is another ordinary mountain? I tell you, after thousands of years of orthodox baptism, this blood network mountain has a trace of luck, you can't destroy here! I advise you to save your mind Blood you Ming sneered.

Xue an was not moved at all, but took a deep breath, and then his body suddenly began to soar.

In the twinkling of an eye, he was transformed into a giant of a hundred thousand Zhangs high, nearly equal to the blood net.

Then he stretched out his hands and grasped the towering blood net mountain, and burst into a drink.

"In my place, there is no such three words as" impossible ". Give me Open it


this blood net mountain was shaken by Xue Ansheng.

The earth trembles and the sky shakes.

From the mountain came the panic voice of the blood ghost.


But it's too late to say anything.

Xue an's arms suddenly pulled up. Xue Ansheng pulled up this towering blood net mountain. Then Xue an grasped the top of the mountain and turned it over.

The blood net mountain is turned upside down with head down and feet up.

Xue an, the one who raises the blood net mountain! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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