There was a complete silence.

All people look at this shocking scene, the brain is in a blank state.

If we say that mountains and rivers have been moved, many deities and sects are in charge of religion, and the ancestors of ancient noble families can do it.

But what they can deal with is only some small mountains which are no more than a thousand feet high.

As high as the blood net mountain, it is more than 100000 Zhang high, and has the Qi to add the body giant pillar, is they dare not even think about.

I didn't expect that today, Xue an, with the supreme power, shook the blood net mountain and put it in his hands.

This kind of momentum naturally shocked these people.

At this time, I only heard the angry howl of the blood nether mountain.

"Xue an, you forced me! Please show up, Lord blood


With his voice.

In the huge pit left after being pulled away by xuewangshan, a breath of transcending the law and controlling life and death suddenly appears.

As soon as the breath comes out.

The whole Yuanyu plateau is shaking.

And those who watched were even more trembling, and they all knelt down involuntarily.

Only some of the old masters of Zhenxian peak were still struggling to support, so they didn't kneel down.

"This is The breath of the real daroshenjun

Someone's face was full of shock and exclaimed.


And he saw that the void trembled, and heaven and earth were tarnished.

Above the firmament, a figure was slowly emerging.

This is a man with golden hair, hawk nose and harrier eyes, wearing a beautiful dress embroidered with complicated patterns of the sun, moon and stars.

"Blood ghost, what do you want to do to disturb my deep sleep?"

At the sight of this man, the blood Youming quickly called out in a flattering voice: "Lord duankong, this man is a Chinese cultivator, and he has destroyed my orthodoxy. Even the blood net mountain has been uprooted. Please kill this colleague and avenge me!"

Hearing this, the blood god of duankong looked at Xue an, whose Dharma body was ten thousand feet, and the cold blood light flashed in his eyes.

"The Chinese cultivator? Ha ha, I didn't expect that after so many years, your Chinese tradition has not been cut off! It didn't take me so long to sleep. "

Xue an's eyes grew colder, "so many years have passed What do you mean? "

Duankong knew that he had made a mistake. His face changed slightly, and then he sneered again. "Anyway, you are going to die. What's the matter? I went to the base of your Chinese people with several big families in the void."

Xue an's eyes were like ice, "Oh? So, in that war, you blood gods also took part in it

"Yes! Ha ha, now I think about it, I really miss it! The blood of those great powers flowed into the sky, and even the glow was dyed red. What a beautiful picture The blood God said with nostalgia that Xue an's body was boiling like crazy killing.

"Later, I chased Lu Yiyue and came to this world. I didn't expect that there would also be a tradition of my blood god world in this world. So I gave them some advice, and then I completely imprisoned Lu Yiyue! And I stay in this world, sleeping and guarding. "

Speaking of this, the blood god of duankong laughs.

"Do you know why I didn't kill Lu Yiyue completely, but just hit him seriously, and then suppressed and guarded him?"

"Because I am waiting for this day, waiting for you Chinese people to throw themselves into the net."

"I know you Chinese people's temper too well. If you see your ancestors being bullied and seriously injured, you will never leave it alone! So this is the trap for you Chinese. "

"And Lu Yiyue is the bait in the trap!"

At the end of the day, the broken blood god's face was excited to the point of madness.

"You can become a golden immortal in the hopeless situation like the earth, which shows that you have great talent! But what I like most is the feeling of killing genius! So today, you have to die! "

With his voice.

He was surrounded by the fierce and incomparable power of the big Luo, the void cracked, ghosts and gods howled!

Under this kind of prestige, all the onlookers turned pale.

"It's over! This time, Xue an is dead! Because this blood god is obviously a real immortal of Dara, and it is not the half step Dara in this world! " There is an ancestor who is lost in his mind and whispers.

Xue an's eyes also showed a dignified color.

Because although this blood god relies on the blood clan talent to testify the Tao, the rules are not complete, but even if not, it is also the big Luo!

Even in the world of heaven and earth, it is the existence of guarding side.

It can be said that this will be the strongest battle since Xue an was born again.

"Xue an, this is the place where you bury your bones. If you don't die obediently, when will you wait?" Break the air blast and have a drink.

The space around Xue an's body began to collapse and disintegrate. It seemed that the whole heaven and earth were the same as the enemy. Under the suppression of infinite Qi, Xue an's Dharma body was compressed a little bit.All the people were horrified.

The snow drifts away and Moya is even more speechless and exclaims, "my Lord!"

But at this time, Xue an looked up and laughed.

"For thousands of years, the slaughtering of the void clan can be clearly seen, and your blood clan's aiding tyranny is even more unforgivable. Even if you are Dalao, today I'll cut it off too! "

Duankong sniffed the speech and sneered, "you are not ashamed of your talent, but you forget that no matter how strong you are, you are just a golden immortal, and I But master the law of Darrow

Xue an didn't pay any attention to his clamor, but in his eyes, he said coldly.

"In front of me, Darrow It's also a mole ant! "

After that, Xue an shook his arms, and then he suddenly swung the blood net mountain that he was holding in his hand, and smashed it at the top of the sky.

In Xue an's hands, the mountain was like a stick. It was so powerful that it even set off a gust of wind, which made everyone shake.


The space law of xue'an was smashed and the sand and stone splashed all over the sky.

And broken empty face color is also slightly a coagulation, heart killing heart more and more blazing.

Xue'an is so strong that he can't be left behind. Otherwise, he will become the enemy of the blood clan in time.

Therefore, he took a light drink and saw a bloody whip over a thousand feet in his hand. Then he swung it to be a blow.

Break the whip!

The famous weapon of blood god duankong is also the origin of his name.

This is a artifact made from the remains of ancient blood Zun and forged by various empty forging techniques. It has the power of smashing stars.

So after a swing.

A sound burst all over the yuan region, even half of the middle region can be heard.

At the same time, the whip shadow went straight to the mountain of blood net.

From the blood net mountain came the blood nether's terrified cry, "Lord duankong, I'm still in the mountain, please..."

Duan Kong sneered, "to punish this colleague, you will be wronged for a while!"


Then he saw the blood god's whip and the blood net mountain. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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