Then the blood net mountain let out an unbearable groan, and then from the contact, the rocks began to turn into powder.

In an instant.

The mountain, which was once a hundred thousand feet high, broke into pieces.

As for the blood ghost, which is based on the mountain, it also disappears.

All the practitioners shuddered.

Because no one has ever seen such an earth shaking battle.

Take the mountain as the sword and fight back with the whip.

This is beyond the imagination of ordinary practitioners.

At this time, the sky dust scattered.

People looked at it one after another and wanted to know who was the winner and who was the loser.

At this time, Xue an snorted and stepped back a few steps. From the tall Dharma body, there was a sound like the broken porcelain.

After that, Xue an's whole body was covered with cracks as dense as a spider's web.

Finally, after a crackle.

Xue an's Dharma body was completely broken, showing the noumenon.

"My Lord!"

"Xue an!"

All the onlookers were shocked.

A lot of people are gloomy.

Although they may have had this or that view of Xue an before.

But they saw what had just happened.

The conversation between them can also tell who is right and who is wrong.

What's more, the blood god of duankong is obviously not a native race, but a demon God from another world.

Naturally, all these practitioners were interested in xue'an.

But I didn't expect that Xue an, who had nothing to do before, was still helpless and defeated in the face of this great blood god.

There was a dead silence between heaven and earth.

A lot of people looked at the body to stagger, at the same time, the pale face of Xue an, all showed a gloomy color.

"Well, it's the fairy king of daruo after all! The power of Da Luo is enough to kill the stars. It's not surprising that Xue an was defeated! " Someone sighed.

At this time, the long whip pointed to Xue an in the distance, with a proud smile.

"Xue an, you can carry my whip, worthy of the word strong, but this is not enough to change your destiny! Today, I will kill you, and then I will go to the earth and completely destroy that world

After saying that, this breaks empty a whip to swing.

The sound shakes all fields, and the whip shadow is like a knife.

Snow drift and Moya barely supported, not to let themselves in the sky under the power of God.

This is their limit.

So when they saw the whip of the God of blood, they could only cry out, "my Lord!"

Then the two were in tears.

Muya is even more passionate about life and death.

If the adults are killed, even if they are crushed to pieces, they should fight with this duankong to the end.

As for others, they are all gloomy.

But at the time when the blood god's whip was on his body, everyone thought that Xue an would die.

A slender and slender hand, like a jade carved palm, suddenly stretched out, and then seized the whip of the God of blood.


A sonic boom burst out of the palm of the hand, but the hands were undamaged and as solid as iron and stone.

Seeing this, the whole audience was shocked.

Snow Liuli and Muya and others covered their mouths with their hands and wept with joy.

And Duan Kong can't help but change his face and shake his heart.

How strong should xue'an's body be to receive my blood god's whip with bare hands?

But although he was shocked, his hand did not stop, and suddenly waved.

He wanted to crush Xue an's body with a whip.

At this time, Xue an slowly raised his eyes. In his eyes, the Tao law evolved and the rules loomed. The qi movement all over his body was like the vast sea.

Then he opened his mouth slowly.

"The heaven and the world, the power is respected! Today, I will break through this situation and kill Daluo! Pay off the blood debts of the Chinese people one by one! "

With the voice.

Xue an's gas engine suddenly soared.


It's like breaking through a barrier.

Xue an's whole body shows thousands of golden lights, and his momentum frightens the world.

"Break through at this time?" A lot of people were staring.

And break empty also is complexion a change, but spin even calm down, then sneer a way.

"I think it's a great breakthrough. It's just a half step fairy! It still doesn't change your destiny to die! "

Said, he then maliciously smile, ready to urge the blood god long whip, will hang Xue an.

Xue an raised his mouth, gave a cold smile, and then suddenly grasped the whip in his hand.


After a big bang.

The blood god's whip was actually cut off by Xue Ansheng.

Then Xue an's body shape instantly appeared behind this duankong, lifted his fist and blew it out.Click.

Duankong did not have time to react, and was directly blasted out by a blow. The original pure and flawless spirit body now shows a crack.

"What's the matter? How can you have such a strong speed?" Cut off the air to destroy the roar way.

But it's just the beginning.

As soon as duankong's roar came down, Xue an's blow was already on his cheek.

Duankong screamed and was hit and flew out a hundred miles away.

But before he could stand still, Xue an was waiting for him here.

Boom! Boom!

After a couple of punches.

There are terrible cracks on the broken God body, which seems to be broken in the next moment.

But no matter how angry duankong, how unwilling, his speed can not catch up with Xue an now.


Duankong roared and resisted Xue an's fist. Then, the light flashed behind him, and a pair of giant wings nearly ten miles long emerged.

"Xue'an, you force me to show my essence and damage my thousand years of Taoism. I will swallow you alive and peel off!" Duan Kong roared angrily.

We should know that the stronger the kinship is, the higher the cost of ontology.

What's more, if you wake up from the deep sleep and awaken the noumenon, you will lose thousands of years of Taoism.

Therefore, the broken space is itching.

Xue an didn't even move his eyelids for a moment, but said faintly: "noisy!"

After that, the body shape is a flash, it is about to bombard.

After the body can be shown, the speed and reaction capacity can be increased by more than ten times.

Therefore, after a flash, he avoided Xue an's fist.

Then duankong said with a grim smile: "it's time to end it! Control the space

With the voice, xue'an's body surrounding space collapsed madly, and the terrible space crack was to completely swallow xue'an.

This is more than a hundred times stronger than the space law of the blood ghost.

But Xue an didn't even move. The light in his eyes was like the sun and the moon. Then he said softly, "my law, cause and effect!"


The vast force of cause and effect directly bombards these spatial laws that cut off the space.

The rules collide with each other.

Even these spaces can't be completely supported by breathing.

And duankong is like a little girl who is teased by several big men. She is shocked and screams.

"The law of cause and effect, you are only a half step real immortal. How can you master this strong rule?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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