It's no wonder that duankong is so shocked.

As soon as the golden immortal is completed, the supernatural power comes into being.

And this power is the most superficial use of the power of law.

But it's not a law yet.

Only by achieving true immortality can we have a glimpse of the law.

As for Da Luo, it means that he has already understood the most true law applicable to all the heaven and the world.

The power of law is similar to that of Daofa and Xianshu, which can be divided into high and low levels.

Although some true immortals are powerful, they can understand the law is very chicken ribs, which also doomed their future achievements will not be too high.

Only when we understand the strong law, can we hope for the great Luo, and even have a glimpse of the Immortal King.

This duankong as a big Luo, although to a large extent depends on the inbred talent of opportunism, but after all, it is also a master of a strong space law.

Therefore, even in the big Luo, he is regarded as the best.

But Duan Kong knows that his own strength is still far from that of the ancient orthodoxy or void clan in the deep of the starry sky.

Because these deities, which are often handed down for tens of thousands of years, often have a condensed law of divinity.

In such a strong cultivation of divinity, these great missionaries often have the power of incomparable laws.

For example, some can control the five elements, and some can even overturn Yin and Yang.

However, there is a kind of law among the heaven and the world, because it is mysterious and illusory, but at the same time its power is unparalleled in the world, so it is also known as the law of immortality.

The power of laws such as extreme sharpness and firmness is known as the law of immortality.

But duankong once overheard a blood respect adult to chat.

In his description, there is a more shocking existence above the law of immortality.

But these laws are extremely rare, and may only be inherited by the real religious clans.

Among these laws, the most mysterious one is the force of cause and effect.

At that time, duankong listened to it with astonishment, thinking that it might be something that only existed in the legend.

But he never dreamed that today, in this deserted place, he would see the emergence of the law of cause and effect.

In the incomparable shock and fear of the void.

Xue an said faintly: "all the heaven, I have been the only one. Remember, the death of blood clan starts from you!"

Hear Xue an's words, break empty a Leng, and then suddenly appeared in the mind of a shocking idea.

Then he exclaimed, "you are..."

He wanted to say those words.

But at the moment, with the addition of cause and effect, his whole body was completely imprisoned, with only one eye frozen with infinite fear.

Because he understood what Xue an said.

Heaven and earth.

Daluo is the vassal of one star region. The Immortal King is the one who guards the starry sky, while the Immortal Emperor is the monarch who runs all over the sky.

But these people are just great powers.

The only one who can really be called the only one in the world is the immortal one who stands on the top of the billions of people.

There is only one explanation for Xue an's ability to understand the law of cause and effect with half a step of true immortal's cultivation.

That is, he is xianzun. Come again.

This thought of breaking the void felt endless regret and fear.

But by this time it was too late.

Although he was a great Luo, he was also a mortal before cause and effect.

So I was completely imprisoned in an instant.

Then Xue an Leng drinks, "burst!"

Previously, Xue an's powers could only be reversed.

At the moment, he can finally use the extremely strong killing skills of cause and effect.



With Xue an's order.

The body of the God of breaking blood is like a weak paper, which is crushed instantly by the force of incomparable cause and effect, and then turned into nothingness, with no residue left.

A blow.

Break the blood God and destroy the spirit.

The world is empty.

Everyone watched quietly.

Look at the man at the top of the sky.

Moya and xueliuliu are shaking with excitement.

Especially Moya.

She almost greedily gazed at everything in front of her, as if to engrave Xue an's image in her mind.

No one dares to speak.

The wilderness is silent.

After a while, Xue an's voice, which was slightly tired, said, "xuewangshan, I'm going to shut up here for three days! Get out of here

Many practitioners looked at each other.

Is it possible that Is this Xue an also injured?

At this time, I saw Xue an stroke between heaven and earth.

In the void, there is a gap which is wider than Li Xu, and extends to the sky far away.

"From today on, this is a three foot forbidden area. Those who have crossed this line will be killed without mercy."After that, Xue an fell down, folded his knees and closed his eyes, and began to meditate.

Xueliuli and Muya Jian, three of them, without hesitation, came forward and sat cross legged in front of the gap and closed their eyes in silence.

The rest of the practitioners looked at each other.

When Xue an was injured, an idea inevitably arose in the minds of some patriarchs or ancestors of aristocratic families.

Now is the best time to kill this man.

But when they looked at each other's faces, they all gave up the idea in their hearts.

Because no one can guarantee that Xue an still has spare strength.

What's more, with Xue Angang's empty hand, it's enough to be daunting.

So after a little hesitation.

Whether it is the real immortal or the ordinary cultivator, they all salute Xue an in the distance, and then respectfully retreat from here.

In fact, as many people think, Xue an has been seriously injured.

The blood god's whip smashed the blood net mountain and broke xue'an's Dharma body.

Xue an was seriously injured.

After all, duankong was a strong man in Dalao, while Xue an at that time was just a golden immortal.

This challenge, which spans a large scale, is indeed fraught with danger.

On the contrary, Xue an took advantage of this opportunity to directly destroy his accomplishments, and then he broke and reborn, and ascended to the ranks of the true immortals.

This let Xue an's strength increase more than a hundred times, and finally succeeded in killing this duankong.

But the situation is urgent, also let Xue an's internal Qi show unstable state.

This is the reason why xue'an wants to be closed for three days.

While Xue an was recuperating Qi to repair the injury.

What happened on the mountain of blood net swept the whole Guiyi at a very terrible speed.

All the people who heard it were shocked and changed color.

"What? Xuewangshan was uprooted by the roots, and even the arrival of Dalao could not shake Xue an's divine power, but was killed by him? "

Waiting to see the joke in the big dream city, many practitioners heard this and could not help but feel their hair standing up and shivering.

And when the news came back to the city of Wanda.

The father and daughter of the Lu family in chaotianfang are silent.

Naturally, they all know what Xue an did before.

When xuewangshan held a grand ceremony to kill xue'an, the master of the LV family and all the people of the LV family were very happy and thought that Xue an would die this time.

However, LV Baiyue was not so optimistic, but she was also hesitant. She thought that Xue an would have to suffer some losses this time.

But I didn't expect that the fact would be slapped in the face of all the people in the LV family.

After that, Lu ran didn't want to talk about revenge for a moment

At the moment, a similar scene is playing out in various families. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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