This day.

It's a long day.

In the airspace hundreds of miles away from the blood net mountain, there are many boats and chariots.

On these boats and boats flying chariots, they are all the legitimate daughters of various families.

These women are either delicate and charming, or cold and charming.

But without exception, all of them are noble and powerful women.


These warblers, yingying and Yanyan, stood on the bow of the boat and looked at the abyss that cut through the void a hundred miles away.

"Is this really what he drew out at random?" A woman whispered softly.

Everyone was silent.

As a matter of fact, the heavenly daughters of this group of aristocratic families arrived as early as the day of xue'an's closure.

There is only one purpose.

That is to try to get close to the man who cut down big Luo and ascend to the top of the world.

At the beginning, these fairies were confident.

But as time goes on.

More and more legitimate daughter Tianjiao came here, and their status and accomplishments became more and more noble and powerful.

These people can not help but feel the deep pressure.

However, since they can become the legitimate daughters of Tianjiao, they all have their own advantages. Therefore, no one is soft at the moment, and they are all holding their breath, ready to try their best to get close to Xue an.

Moreover, for them, this is not a shameful thing, on the contrary, they naturally feel that it is an extremely glorious thing to be able to keep up with such a powerful person as Xue an.

This is what their families have repeatedly told and emphasized.

After all, in this Guiyi star, everything is power oriented.

As long as you have the strength.

So even if you look ugly and old, there will be countless women who want to be your warm bed pet.

What's more, the video of Xue an's destroying xuewangshan and beheading Da Luo in recent days has been widely spread.

These women, of course, have seen them.

In the water mirror picture, Xue an has a handsome face, noble temperament and estrangement, which makes these legitimate daughters Tianjiao, who always think highly of themselves, to be attracted by her.

"The three-day period has come. Lord Xue should be going out of the customs soon." A woman wearing a red dress, showing her graceful figure, manshengdao.

"Didn't nishang fairy have been married for a long time? How can we join in the excitement? " On one side, a cold woman said.

There was a hint of irony in the tone.

The woman in red didn't feel embarrassed at all when she heard the speech. She said, "I'm not satisfied with the husband that my family found me before, so I've retired from marriage! And it's only Lord Xue who is so powerful that it's my destination. "

The words let the cold temperament of the woman snorted.

"It's as if you can see you as soon as you go to Lord Xue!"

"Ha ha, Li Bingyan, aren't you the same? What is also claimed to be a piece of ice heart in the jade pot, and I have never been attracted to a man. How can I come here with such eagerness? " The woman in red retorted.

Li Bingyan's expression did not change, and said: "women naturally like heroes and strong people! Before I didn't move my heart because those men were mediocre, none of them were heroes! It was not until Lord Xue appeared that I fell in love with him! "

"Hum!" The woman in red sneered and wanted to say something.

Just then.

In the distance, there is a momentum rising from the sky, even if it is a hundred miles away, it still makes these women shudder.

"My Lord!"

"Lord Xue is awake!"

All of them were shocked and knew that Xue an had already left the pass. They immediately urged the boats and boats to fly chariots to the Tianyuan a hundred miles away.


In front of Xue an, the snow drifted away, and Muya and jian-73-nu were awakened by the momentum. They immediately turned their heads and looked.

Xue'an's momentum was like a storm, and even evolved into a variety of illusions.

All of a sudden, these momentum suddenly returned to Xue an's body.

Then Xue an opened his eyes slowly.

With Xue an's eyes raised.

It's like a flash between heaven and earth.

Many of the legitimate daughter Tianjiao's heart was shocked.

I know it's the light in Xue an's eyes.

Then Xue an's eyes were bright and bright, and the whole person gradually returned to the original. Finally, even the whole person was a few years younger, and became like a young man with weak crown.

The snow drifted away, and Muya and Jian 73 were so excited that they bowed down to salute.

"My Lord!"

Xue an raised his mouth, nodded and smiling.

Xue an has benefited a lot.

First of all, the cultivation of banbu Zhenxian is completely consolidated. Secondly, all the state of mind is sorted out again. A Dao heart becomes clear and clear without any defects.It's even bigger than Xue's breakthrough.

Because only when you have a solid state of mind, you can make great progress in your cultivation.

At this time, those warblers and swallows also all stepped off their boats and boats to fly chariots and walked to the side of the abyss of heaven.

At the moment, in their eyes, white is floating like a teenager, Xue an is simply a ladder of their own progress, so they all try their best to show their best side, and then float to salute.

"My Lord! I am Xiaoqian, the legitimate daughter of the Wang family in the western regions! "

"Hello, my Lord. I'm Lin Xiaoxiao of the Lin family in Zhongyu."

These greetings come and go.

There's even more straightforward.

"Lord Xue, I admire your power. Please accept me as a warm bed girl."

This sentence made Xue Liuliu and Muya dumbfounded.

Can you still play like this?

How could you talk to me so frankly?

But at this time, the competition has become white hot.

Xue an's face showed a trace of unhappy color, light way: "no need!"

With a wave of his hand, he untied the Fubao building.

Before coming here to ask the truth.

He let an Yan with two daughters into the small building.

And tell them not to come out.

Until today, Xue an cleaned up everything, which released an Yan.

As soon as it appears, an Yan's eyes are slightly red.

"Husband, are you hurt?"

Xue an knew that she could not cover it up. She nodded and smile, "it's OK. It's just a little hurt. It's healed."

Even so, an Yan still has a sad expression.

After so many years of getting along with each other, she and Xue an have long been connected, so even in Fubao building, she can still feel the same sadness for Xue an.

"No more! Do you know how worried I am about you An Yan was a little sad and wanted to cry.

Xue an smiles and gently takes an Yan into his arms.

"Well, now, for once, never again! All right? "

"Mm-hmm! Let's pull the hook

Then an Yan stretched out his hand.

Xue an a smile, also stretched out a finger to pull a hook with an Yan.

"Hang on the hook, do not change for 100 million years!" An Yan still murmured.

Xue an was dumbfounded. "I remember it was not a hundred years?"

An Yan white Xue an eye, "100 years is too short, 100 million years to be good!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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