Xue an doting nodded, "OK, everything will listen to you!"

They began to abuse the dog.

And all of the legitimate female Tianjiao who are surrounded by onlookers are all dull, lenglengleng looking at.

Because in front of all the camouflage of an Yan, whether they are proud of the appearance of the body, or temperament, are completely killed.

This all-round crushing even makes them unable to produce any resistance.

Because at the moment, Anyan is just like the goddess of the dragon and the goddess of Luo. It is so beautiful that it is impossible to create any blasphemy.

And when she stood beside Xue an, it was so harmonious and natural, even as if nature should be so.

This is the real fairy couple!

All of the legitimate daughter Tianjiao's fantasies suddenly broke and fell into deep despair.

But Xue an does not care about all this, he smiles and opens his palm, "Yan'er, what do you think this is?"

An Yan looked down and saw a round red bead in Xue an's hand, and it was full of strong breath.

"This Blood beads? " An Yan recognized the object.

Xue an nodded, "yes, it's blood bead!"

"But why is it so big?" An Yan is a little surprised.

On earth, she took blood beads more than once.

But the biggest beads of blood are no more than the size of pigeon eggs.

It's like this blood bead. It's almost like an egg.

What's more, this blood bead is shining and moist, and its breath is bright. It is obviously not ordinary.

Xue an smile, "the earth's blood clan is just a group of mixed blood, but this is a pure blood god!"

An Yan nodded.

In fact, if Xue an's strength was not still insufficient, he could only use the method of causality rule to eliminate this void, and consumed most of his blood.

This bead of blood will be even bigger.

"Yan'er, take this blood bead first. After going to the blood world, even if the seal on your body can't be completely untied, most of it can be untied!" Said Xue an.


As long as Xue an said, an Yan will almost blindly follow to believe.

So she did not hesitate to take the blood bead.

"But how do you eat it? This big one? "

"Put it to your mouth and inhale it gently!" Said Xue an.

Anyan put it to his mouth according to his words.

In this blood bead, there is a wisp of light like water, and then suddenly absorbed by an Yan.

Soon, this bead of blood will be absorbed.

And the momentum of an Yan's body is suddenly a shock, and then began to climb.


's eyes lit up, and the momentum broke through a pass and came to a new world.

Xue an looks at it in surprise, then shakes his head and laughs bitterly.


Anyan actually broke through again.

This time, he was promoted from Sanxian to Jinxian.

If this thing is spread out, those emperors of the star heaven cult or the ancient holy land will be crazy.

Because Anyan has never been as diligent as others, but every time she breaks a seal, her accomplishments will rise.

Can you say that when you untie the seal on an Yan's body completely, can her cultivation surpass me?

This idea makes Xue an a little sad.

Only when you know that you have been a man for two generations and have been practicing for more than 3000 years, can you have this achievement.

But Anyan eats, sleeps and sleeps all day, but his cultivation keeps climbing.

This gap makes Xue an feel powerless.

Is it possible that his wife is the kind of one hundred million unique genius?

Xue an is not without funny speculation.

But at this time, an Yan looked at his hands a little confused.

"Husband, I seem to break through again!"

Xue an helpless smile, rubbed her head, "yes! You little fool

"Hey, honey, I don't think it's so difficult to practice as you said! It's very simple! " An Yan said with a smile.

Xue an:.... "

Then I can't help but sigh, which reason to go?

And at this time, there are countless families of strong people heard the news rushed over.

At the sight of Xue an, who was just like a young boy, he was shocked.

After three days of closure, Xue an's strength was much stronger.

It's easy to do because of its strong momentum, but it's extremely difficult for Guanghua to be introverted and return to nature.

You must be able to completely control your own cultivation. You can achieve this requirement only when you are using your fingers.

Did Xue an consolidate his accomplishments in just three days?In spite of their suspicions, they still bow their hands.

"My Lord!"

"Join us, Lord Xue!"

Xue an nodded slightly.

At this time, a true fairy palm teacher came forward and said, "my Lord, the people of the fierce devil valley are stubborn and have started the mountain protection array. They say that they want to fight against the adults to the end. Please kill this valley to shake the gods."

Xue an looks at the speaker quietly.

The real immortal palm teacher trembled all over, and a trace of sweat appeared on his forehead.

Because Xue an's eyes are so terrible.

It's chilling.

But he was still forced to bow his head.

"What's your name?"

"My lord Hui, I am the leader of Hanming sect. My name is Yu Hanming."

Xue an is not sure.

"Naturally, I want to destroy the fierce devil Valley, but you seem to be inspiring me through this way?"

Hearing this, Yu Hanming felt that he was surrounded by a strong momentum. He was so shocked that he knelt down on his knees and trembled.

"My Lord, the villain knows his mistake, but I have been oppressed by the cold hell sect right next to the evil devil Valley for thousands of years, so I want you to kill it! Please forgive me

Yu Hanming shakes like chaff.

Xue an slowly walked up to him and said calmly, "I know what you are thinking, so I will not do it again. Otherwise, we will kill your own school together."

"It is Yes Yu Hanming shuddered, his eyes full of infinite fear.

But Xue an looked at the boats and chariots that were coming in the distance and said faintly, "wait here for a moment. I'll go back soon."

All these people were shocked.

Is it possible that.

"Since the evil devil Valley is stubborn, I will let it be buried with their ancestors!"

After saying that, Xue an takes an Yan's waist lightly, and the whole person rises to the sky and goes straight to the direction of the evil devil valley.

There were people all over the place who were shocked.

After a while, these people began to talk.

"Mr. Xue is a little too anxious! You know that the mountain protecting array of the fierce devil Valley is called the first one in the world

"Yes, I have seen with my own eyes that the earth's strength and dragon Qi accumulated over thousands of years have been condensed into yellow walls with a width of thousands of miles. Even if you are allowed to fight, you can't drill through without half a year's time!"

"Now, it's estimated that xue'an will be a bit shriveled."

These people talk in silence.

At this time, Xue an, who had disappeared in the sky, flew back with a wave of light, and then formed a piece of water mirror with a hundred Li.

"Today, I will destroy the evil devil Valley in front of you

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