The fierce devil Valley is very far away from the blood net mountain of Yuan region.

If Xue an, who had been a Jinxian before, would have taken three days to get there.

However, Xue an, who is now half a step closer to the real immortal, has not only increased her strength by ten times, but also increased the speed of her journey to an astonishing degree.

With a flash of Xue an's figure, he can cross thousands of kilometers.

The speed is so fast that it even compresses and explodes the air, leaving a long glow behind.

All the clansmen and aristocratic families who passed by were shocked and looked at the sky with horror on their faces.

"Who is this real immortal ancestor who is traveling? Is it so powerful? "

In these comments.

The evil devil Valley is getting closer.


In the valley of evil spirits.

There are many guests and guests.

In the hall.

Many experts from the Wei family of the western regions gathered with the elders of the fierce devil Valley to discuss things.

An old man with a goatee and a gloomy face said in a cold voice: "our ancestors of Wei family and our young leader all died in the hands of Xue an. This son is so reckless that he will be punished by heaven!"

The big elder of the fierce devil valley also looked bad when he heard the speech. "Brother Wei said that Xue an was so arrogant that sooner or later he would be eaten back by him!"

Everyone nodded.

But just then, a woman's voice full of resentment rang out.

"With all that said, Xue an is by no means an ordinary person. If everyone can't work together to kill him, it may be everyone present."

They turned their heads.

And it came to pass, that she was speaking at the end of the procession.

It is shuimin of the Huayu temple in the western regions.

At the moment, the water sensitive heart has been completely occupied by hatred.

Because three days ago, when she witnessed Xue an step on the blood net mountain and cut down big Luo.

She was so scared that her soul would fly away and immediately fled to the western regions.

But what she didn't expect was that when she returned to the jade temple, she could not even enter the mountain gate.

Because what she had done had been passed back to the Huayu temple, and the patriarchs and elders of the temple were all angry when they heard the words.

Because shuimin actually offended Xue an.

What is Xue an now?

That is the most powerful person who will step down the blood net mountain of the first sect and cut down Da Luo.

Such existence, is not a small jade Temple dare to provoke?

What's more, when the leader and the elder of the jade Temple understood it carefully, they almost died of anger.

On the way to xuewangshan, shuimin and his party have already met Xue an.

If we had a good relationship at that time, there might have been a more powerful person to support the temple.

In that case, the status of Huayu temple will not be the same, even promoted to Tianzong.

But all this was destroyed in the hands of shuimin.

She was so stupid that she provoked Xue an again and again.

This kind of mistake naturally makes all the members of Huayu Temple hostile to shuimin.

Even if it was not for Gan Jing's repeated pleas, several elders would have killed him at that time.

Even so, shuimin was also driven out of the gate of Huayu temple.

Because the senior leaders of Huayu Temple know it well.

This woman can't stay.

If Xue an remembers it after he leaves the pass, even the whole Huayu temple will be buried with this stupid woman.

So at that time, the people in Huayu temple said clearly, let her go as far as she could, and never come back again. Otherwise, if she met again, she would be killed.

Shuimin is full of despair, but dare not disobey. She can only leave Huayu temple as a dog who has lost his family.

Originally, it was very simple to find a good home with her accomplishments and appearance.

But by this time her story had spread.

When they heard that this woman had offended Xue an, who had become the first person in the world, she was afraid to entertain her.

After several closed doors.

This shuimin is completely desperate.

Coincidentally, at this time, she met all the Wei family who were going to the evil devil valley.

Relying on the extraordinary thick incomparable skin, she really attached to this group of Wei family people, and then came to the fierce devil valley with them.

Now shuimin has hated Xue an.

She never reflected on her own fault, that is, she thought that she had come to this land because of xue'an.

Therefore, she does not want to kill Xue an all the time.

But she also knew that to rely on her own strength, it was a pure joke.

Therefore, after entering the fierce devil Valley, she planned to let the people of the evil devil Valley go out to exterminate Xue an.

But she was soon disappointed.The fierce devil Valley, which had thought that the crowd would be angry, actually relied on the protection of the mountain protection array and became a turtle with a shrinking head.

This made her very dissatisfied.

That's why I couldn't help speaking out in this hall.

At this time, the elder was slightly stunned, and then asked in a deep voice, "this girl is..."

The old man of the Wei family laughed, "this is a rising star in my jade temple in the western regions. Because he has a grudge against Xue an, he came here together."

The elder heard the words and said, "girl, don't worry. Xue'an must be destroyed, but it needs long-term consideration."

"In the long run? I'm afraid that Xue an won't give us this time, and he will come to the door directly! " The water sensitive hate voice.

The elder stroked his beard with a smile, "it's ok if Xue an doesn't come back. If he really dares to come here, then this is the place where his bones are buried."

"That's right. Is it true that our mountain protection array in the fierce devil Valley is vegetarian?" That Qiu Xu elder also restored confidence at the moment, a face arrogant said.

Although the water sensitive heart is unwilling, but hear these people say so, the heart also can't help but move for it.

The people in the fierce devil Valley dare to say so. I think they have a certain degree of assurance.

Hum, Xue an, I'm waiting to see you die.

Shuimin is full of resentment.

Just then.

Suddenly, there was a violent shaking in the whole valley, and then Xue an's indifferent voice came from outside.

"People from the fierce devil Valley, wash your neck and come out to die!"

As soon as the voice came out, the whole evil devil valley was quiet first, and then it completely boiled up.

The elders in the hall and many experts of the Wei family.

Including the water sensitivity.

They all rushed out and looked up.

On the sky, Xue an stood quietly behind the barrier formed by the force of the earth's veins.

"It's really him!"

All the people in the evil devil Valley gasped.

Nobody expected Xue an to come so fast.

At the same time.

The countless practitioners who watched the water mirror in the front of the blood net mountain were all moved by it.

"I remember it's a hundred million miles from here to the evil devil valley! It will take three or four days for a real immortal to get there! Is it possible that Xue an could not carry the space, otherwise how could he have arrived in such a short time? " Someone exclaimed.

And those old masters are more dignified.

Just now they thought that Xue an was too reckless and might even suffer a great loss.

But now it seems that Xue an is not joking.

Is it true that he can break the mountain protection array of evil devil Valley in a short time? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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