"Xue an, how dare you come?" The elder of the fierce demon valley was livid, and cried in a deep voice.

Xue an's tone is indifferent: "what dare you?"

Then he looked down at the whole valley of evil spirits, and his eyes swept over everyone's face.

Especially when he saw shuimin and the Wei family, a faint smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.

"They all got together, which saved me a lot of things!"

At this time, the elder Qiu Xu laughed wildly, "xue'an, you are really strong enough, but our evil devil Valley is not a vegetarian. This mountain god array was created by the founder of our evil devil valley. If you can break this array, we will die!"

Even shuimin also sneered, "Xue an, aren't you very good? If you have the ability, you can break this array! "

They are deliberately using words to motivate Xue an, let him break the battle.

Xue an sniffed and said with a smile, "you seem to have a lot of confidence in the mountain protection array. Well, I'll let you lose and be convinced!"

After that, Xue an takes a step forward and blows out his fist.


A dull sound that shakes the world.

The whole fierce devil Valley trembled slightly, but the earth force barrier, which was thousands of miles thick, did not shake at all. With Xue an's fist, there were huge spikes more than ten miles high on the earth barrier, which were bombarded to Xue an.

Even the practitioners before the water mirror were moved by the power of the huge thorn.

However, Xue an even raised his eyelids, and then several punches were thrown out.

These huge thorns are turned into powder.

But it's just the beginning.

Then, from the thousands of miles of earth Qi, a huge incomparable figure began to emerge.

Seeing this scene, these practitioners could not help but stare.

"This is..."

At this time, I saw a huge figure with tens of thousands of feet high emerging from the thousands of miles of earth atmosphere.

"This is a giant condensed from the earth Qi accumulated for thousands of years!" Someone exclaimed.

I saw the earth yellow giant standing tall and upright, light is the momentum, then let the space send out the color of fragmentation.

At this moment, the giant looked down, then extended a finger, slowly pressed to Xue an.

The space roars and the earth vibrates.

The elders of the fierce devil Valley, the Wei family and shuimin all showed a trace of proud smile.

In particular, the people in the fierce devil Valley believed that Xue an would die.

Because this is the Dragon Qi accumulated by the evil devil Valley for thousands of years.

Don't talk about the real immortal ancestors. Even if Dalao is close to him, he has to give up.

But at this time, Xue an light smile, no fear of the sky to raise his fist, hard on the giant's finger.

There was no sound.

Not even a trace of excess momentum.

It seems that the whole world is silent.

And then.

A slight crackle came out.

Then from the giant's fingers, cracks began to spread wildly.

Then the giant, which had been transformed by the force of the earth's atmosphere for thousands of years, broke into pieces.

This scene made all the smiles on the faces of all the people in the valley of evil spirits solidified.

At this time, Xue an said faintly: "do you really think that with this tortoise shell like Earth force barrier, you can stop me?"

"In my eyes, breaking this array is just a sword!"

With Xue an's voice, I saw the sword emerging in the void.

Then Xue an pointed.

A huge sword light with a height of ten thousand feet directly cuts through the earth and air barrier which is thousands of miles thick.


After a dull sound that shakes the world.

The earth's air barrier began to shake wildly, and the sound of breaking was unbearable.

"Come on! We'll try our best to urge the mountain protection array The elder burst out.

At his command.

The whole fierce devil valley began to boil. Numerous disciples and disciples immediately took their places. Qi Qi urged the cultivation and began to help the array.

We can see that the array runes buried in the ground begin to shine with brilliant gold.

The Dragon Qi of the earth vein within the range of tens of thousands of miles is absorbed by this pattern crazily, and then replenishes the earth Qi barrier with all one's strength.

It worked.

Xue an's sword began to struggle and the speed slowed down.

The practitioners who watched the scene before the water mirror could not help but shake their heads secretly, thinking that Xue an was absolutely hopeless this time.

Because Xue an at the moment is equivalent to his own force against the force of tens of thousands of miles of mountains and rivers.

It's like a mantis's behavior.

After all, no matter how strong a person's cultivation is, it can't be an opponent of tens of thousands of miles of mountains and rivers.

But in this case.Xue an didn't even have a trace of panic, but said faintly, "today, even if it's hundreds of millions of miles of mountains and rivers, I don't want to stop me!"

After that, the golden light flashed in Xue an's eyes, and the runes appeared.

The sword light, which was stagnated by the force of earth Qi, suddenly erupted into a light that people dare not look directly at.

Then the sword light was like cutting butter with a hot knife. It directly cut through the earth Qi of thousands of miles, and then fell on the fierce devil valley.


The whole fierce devil Valley lost the protection of the mountain protection array. Under the light of the sword, it was as fragile as porcelain.

With just one sword, the valley of evil demons will collapse completely.

Countless disciples of the evil devil valley were buried and killed when they could even escape.

All the practitioners before the water mirror had already looked silly.

Who could have thought that the mountain god array, which was called the first one in the world, could not hold on for a quarter of an hour, and was killed by Xue an with a sword.

At this time, in the dust all over the sky.

Dozens of figures emerge in confusion.

It is the elders of the fierce devil Valley who have become the strong men of the Wei family in the western regions.

But at the moment, these ordinary high above the strong Tianjiao people, all face panic.

Because Xue an's sword not only cut off the mountain god array, but also completely smashed their arrogance.

"Forgive me, my Lord!" This is the elder of the valley.

"My Lord, this matter is the evil devil Valley's own will, it has nothing to do with us!" This is the Western Wei family begging.

Shuimin also survived, but she is like a fool at the moment, staring at the nine days above, such as God Ling dust Xue an.

Then a glimmer of enlightenment rose in her heart.

From the beginning, I should not have provoked this man.

Because against this man, there will be no good end.

But she knew it too late.

Xue an didn't care about the howls of these people.

He waved his hand.

Endless swords will be overwhelming to this group of people.


The men screamed.

Some people also tried to resist.

But under the sword rain, no one can support three breaths.

A moment later.

The light of the sword dissipated.

Look at the space, it has become empty.

So far.

The evil devil Valley and the Wei family in the western regions were completely destroyed.

Many practitioners in front of the water mirror looked at each other, and then all showed a wry smile. They did not dare to have any thoughts in their hearts.

Xue an finally ascended to the top and became one, making all the immortals bow down and the heaven and earth bow their heads.

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